Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2735: Here comes the hell

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Hum, how amazing she is, and no matter what her origins, she is a woman, a woman who belongs to herself. ,

As a man, what Chen Jiu has to do now is to keep the fairy and nail her deadly in the dust, so that she cannot fly out of her house anyway.

At this moment, when Fei Xianer was crucified, looking at her surly face, Chen Jiu was seriously skeptical. Chang'e swallowed Xiandan alone at that time must be Hou Yi's shooting in the future, only to enjoy everyone's worship, and he couldn't be at home Chang'e, otherwise, how could she still have the energy to fly away alone?

"Fu Jun, Niu Lang, no more, forgive others!" Under Chen Jiu's might, Fei Xianer, a weaver, also begged for mercy.

"Don't pretend, but you are the strongest gene owner, why can't you play so hard?" Chen Jiu naturally refused to let go, because the opportunity didn't come easily, how could he not grasp it well?

At first it was to save people. Chen Jiu was unconscious. Now, he is the first time to feel the flying fairy with a real body. What kind of feeling is that!

During the enjoyment, feeling the rapid increase and evolution of that gene, Chen Jiu is undoubtedly very grateful. He knows that if he did not bring back the flying fairy from the past, then in his life, I am afraid that it is impossible to own such a fairy. beauty.

The goddess of the flying fairy, how sacred and clean she is. Even the king of the gods of the year did not enjoy the blessing. If you did not have to meet the flying fairy, the yin and yang were wrong, how could you have such glory.

All in all, Chen Jiu is still very grateful to Fei Xianer, and he needs to repay her even more!

During the repayment, Chen Jiu couldn't help thinking of the pure heart again, and was instantly filled with full of thoughts, it was even more necessary to use women to comfort himself.

"Ah, husband, you want to be killed!" Even though Fei Xianer is the leader of a religion, her genes are extremely powerful, but she can't withstand such frustrations. She seriously doubts that if she is the first time, she must be killed by him. No!

Fortunately, the last time he gave him, he was in a coma. Otherwise, how could he still have his own life?

‘Zi ...’ During the exercise, the divine light is getting stronger and stronger. The two entangled figures are more like a sun, which is dazzling and undergoing amazing transformation.

‘Boom rumbling ...’ I do n’t know how long, as if God was jealous of Chen Jiuyan. Blessed, then it started to gather dark clouds, as if to lower the number of robberies.

"Fu Jun stop, your God of Calamity is coming!" Fei Xian'er reminded with a drunk face, he really hated and loved him.

"After all, can't I suppress it? Don't worry about it with my wife's hole. The gods have no wink!" Chen Jiu glanced up and couldn't help it.

"You little weird state, actually doing this to make the sky fall, I think it can be regarded as no one before and no one comes!" Fei Xianer Jiao, no doubt also very useful.

"Hey, I really don't want to stop, but if there is a human being appearing for a while, it will still be a bit embarrassing to see us!" Chen Jiu sighed, and finally let Fei Xianer breathe a sigh of relief.

"After a while, you can come again. People with 50 billion genes will definitely make you reborn!" Fei Xianer comforted, and also gave Chen Jiu unlimited power.

"Haha, let's make a decision, we will come back after a while," Chen Jiu laughed, and then she was willing to let go of Fei Xianer and let her go.

"Oh, you little cowboy, everyone's legs are soft!" As Fei Xianer retreated, the tall, provocative, long, beautiful, and trembling legs made people even more foolish.

"Beautiful!" Looking at his achievements, Chen Jiu undoubtedly wanted to fight again.

"Okay, I've been playing for a long time, can't I see enough?" Fei Xianer gave a white glance, and quickly put on his seamless robe, Bai Jie was touching, Sheng Chun was dazzling.

"Xianer, you are so beautiful!" Chen Jiu took a look at it, still did not return to God, because watching Fei Xianer, the more and more beautiful "xian" spirit, think of yourself just walking in her body. He is so beautiful that he forgets it.

‘Boom ...’ This time Fei Xianer has n’t answered yet, God responded to Chen Jiu, and a thunderous sky threw down, which was shining and seductive!

"I'm going to chop people before they even start!" Chen Jiu was hit by a surprise, his hair exploded, his body black, and he couldn't help cursing.

"Giggle, it is not enough for you to take advantage of others. If you are not good enough, this is your end!" Fei Xian'er looked at Chen Jiu's uncle and laughed heartlessly.

"Okay, you dare to laugh at me and see how I can't make you laugh for a while!" Chen Jiu frightened, and the whole person couldn't help being dignified, because he was unprecedentedly powerful and really careless.

The number of genes reaches 30 billion, and the mental strength reaches 300 trillion. This is what Chen Jiu can't hold back. It will condense the godhead and improve the life level. Otherwise, his body can't bear such a powerful Potential!

'Boom and click ...' The sky changed in shock, the life-threatening thunder, which descended like a thunderstorm, spread over a distance of hundreds of kilometers, but this was only a precursor to the opening of the sky punishment. His thunderstorm Just how strong it is, it is really difficult to estimate.

Endless, watching the gathering of Tian Xie Jie Yun, in the end Fei Xianer could not help but open his mouth wide. It was a cold sweat for Chen Jiu. "Master, your sky disaster has filled the space and time here. What is it? I do n’t know how old it is, but you have to be careful! ”

"Xian Er, is your mouth so big, can't you wait?" Chen Jiu laughed badly.

"Oh, husband Jun, you are dead, and when do you still think of bad things!" Fei Xian'er was not fooled, and the kind of heart-loading mood was also diluted a lot.

"Haha, rest assured, there is such a good wife as you, I can't bear to die, what a **** to do, what about me?" Chen Jiu laughed, the sky was the first to hit Skyrim first fist.

'Boom ...' This fist is enough to shock the world, like a cannon that destroys the heavens and the earth, it is a turbulent storm that has broken countless ways in time and space, fierce destructive power, and more When the sky is empty, it destroys the sky, and it cannot be gathered!

"It's so strong, I'm afraid that this fist will be able to compete with the general power!" Fei Xian'er's eyes flashed, and she couldn't help but increase her confidence in Chen Jiu, looking forward to it.

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