Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2753: Four birds with one stone

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Let's go, let's go, the river flows east!" Eternally can't wait, running through the void with the river of eternity, running for thousands of miles in an instant, that's the escape. =

"Flower moon in the mirror!" Bai Qi shook his head as an epic divine mirror, creating a sea-floor tower-like image, which gradually disappeared into the sky.

"You two wastes, go ..." Seeing Bai Qi they all ran away, Mu Dongxi and Fang Liang, really did not have the confidence to fight again.

‘咻咻…’ Fang Liang turned into a god's light and shot directly into the sky, while Mudong West got into the earth and disappeared!

"Hug!" In the face of the two men's fleeing, Shi Zhongyu tried their best to attack, but after all, it was difficult to stop. After all, the gap was not so great. If the other side ran away, they were still difficult to stop.

Four Xeon Godsons, who had been sticky for more than a month, were finally scattered at this time, and they were going their separate ways!

"Boss, why haven't you attacked?" What made Shi Zhongyu unexpectedly speechless was that all four had run away, and Chen Jiu was still standing there, carrying Fei Xian'er, and didn't move.

"Don't worry, the time is not up yet!" Chen Jiuyi held the stone ball confidently, looking very casual.

"Lack of time? Boss, don't be too big!" Turtles are very worried about stealing them.

"Rest assured that your sister-in-law is here. This is her place. Where else can they go?" Chen Jiu smiled, and finally revealed his confidence.

"Xunzi ... Leader!" Shi Zhongyu's eyes were weird and finally relieved. The entire Feixian religion belonged to her. So what is white and not all grasshoppers?

Staring, the turtle stole their unenviable look, and couldn't help thinking, if one day they would marry such a priest's wife, that would be great!

"Jiu brother, right in front, throw away!" Fei Xianer seems to be in the drama very deeply, but she is really just a simple little sister, otherwise, it would not be easily captured by Chen Jiu, this wants to marry a beautiful woman Wife, first you have to have this luck.

'boom! ‘Chen Jiu did n’t talk nonsense, he smashed a stone in the past, and the chaos and fog suddenly burst, and the void exploded, and countless worlds were penetrated by him!

"Why don't you see anyone?" Suddenly, a scream came out in doubt.

"Ah ..." It was a bit tragic. A light and shadow fell, and it was Fang Liang who was extremely embarrassed. He raised his head in screaming with screams.

"Ah ..." After the scream, a wooden post bumped against his head, but the end was to knock him down again, making him full of imprisonment, shit, this wooden hole is really nothing!

"Yeah ..." Then, the magical river was pouring, and the eternal nose and blue face swollen and fell, but it was also unwilling.

"Uh ..." Another muffled sound, the ancient mirror shook, pressed a man, coughed up blood, and returned to the original wasteland again. It was Bai Qi!

"My grass, boss, you are four birds with one stone!" Watching the four of them escaping, one after another appeared, Shi Zhongyu they were giving thumbs up, complimenting Chen Jiu.

Standing high, Chen Jiu was carrying the fairy fairy, Zhang Shu recalled the stone ball, and smiled freely at the four of them: "How many, do you still want to run?"

"You ..." The four of them reacted, looking at each other, staring at Chen Jiu, and they felt like they were being played by monkeys, and their faces were so angry.

"Boss, we can do it!" Shi Zhongyu couldn't wait for them as they flexed their muscles.

"Go, be careful!" Chen Jiu nodded, letting a few people go to fight, this is also an excellent opportunity to improve their actual combat ability.

"You look for death!" Mu Dongxi and Fang Liang were naturally angry, and they fought with them again, knowing that they were fleeing, this time it was even more vicious and fatal.

"Chen Jiu, do you have to do it absolutely?" The eternal gaze flickered at Chen Jiu, and he could not help but pleaded: "You must know that we are all a temple ..."

"Stop, eternity, do you remember what you said when I asked you last time? You said I was garbage, and I didn't deserve to be with your classmates. Now you have turned around, and you even thought of me as a classmate. , I am ... "Chen Jiu called for a pause, severely scowling.

"Chen Jiu, even if you do n’t miss classmates, but my eternity once ranked among the gods. The relationship is beyond your imagination. If you are in trouble with me, then in the future I can make you walk in the temple! Tasteful, threatening again.

"Haha, it's so funny, eternal, do you think that everyone will mobilize for you as a dead person? Do you look at yourself too high?" Chen Jiuda laughed, dismissive.

"My eternal courtyard is still there!" The eternal grinned his teeth and preached again.

"I care for you whatever eternal courtyard, dare to mess with me, all die!" Chen Jiu's domineering, smashing the respect of Wandao.

‘Boom ...’ The powerful Mando is like a galaxy. It carries the force of Mando. Once it locks whoever, then the Magnet ’s squeeze can make him escape.

"Eternal defense!" The eternal complexion changed greatly, but he once again hid in the eternal **** crystal, and dared not compare himself with Chen Jiu.

'clang! ’Despite this, the eternal **** crystal is shaking, but it is difficult to support it, and the eternal spirit in the **** crystal is also vomiting blood, which is difficult to avoid.

"Dao Qi is truly extraordinary, but this is useless!" Chen Jiu then smashed it again.

‘Boom bang’. Three consecutive blows did not give eternity a chance to breathe. When the third blow was hit, a blood mist burst out in the eternal **** crystal, and its origin is no doubt eternal!

"Receive!" Chen Jiu took a big hand and turned it into a monster like a devil. He completely took it into his palm and disappeared.

‘铮铮…’ The eternal **** crystal, with a sad breath, stays in the air, but loses any spirituality.

"The eternal **** crystal has become an ownerless thing, eternity is really dead!" Bai Qi stared with big eyes. These three smashes were so fast that the eternity died before he could react. .

"Yeah, eternal death, now it's your turn, four-eyed monster!" Chen Jiu turned, still carrying Fei Xianer, as if he had done something trivial and didn't care.

"You ... you don't want to bully people too much. I was standing in the world in the ancient times. No one can fight. Today you dare to deceive me, that is to find my own way to death!" , The heart is trembling.

"Really? If you are invincible, why should you come to this world by yourself?" Chen Jiuyin laughed and sarcastically said: "I think you can't mix in that life, want to be happy in the next life, right? But you are not good, but you have to be a wolf . You are such a treacherous act, no matter in which life you are, everyone will do it! "

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