Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2754: Counterfeit King

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Chen Jiu, one of our most powerful sons, who has no background in the main temple, you have already killed several people in a row. If you continue to obsessed like this, there will be no way to live!" Bai Qi rebuked, a severe threat stand up. [.

"Bai Qi, only the weak will use these to scare people!" Chen Jiu said with a soft smile: "Furthermore, it is not a good thing to cultivate the master gods of your robbery. If you really want to embarrass me, I will It's all over! "

"You ... you are so rebellious, it seems you are not saved!" Bai Qi couldn't help but be suffocated.

"Bai Qi, it's time for you to go back to the old age. Gou Yan is still breathing. No relatives, no friends, what's the point of being alive? Simply let me take you on the road!" Chen Jiu raised his voice high. The esteem of the Tao, the man of all kinds, makes him seem to dominate the world.

"Chen Jiu, since you have to force me so, then I will show you who is the real master!" Bai Qi solemnly, made a big decision, "On!"

With his fingers in his brows, he peeled off his forehead, and the inner godhead floated out. What was he doing?

The godhead was separated from the body and floated directly into the epic divine mirror. A violent majesty, followed by the overwhelming radiation, was so amazing.

"This breath is a little familiar!" Fei Xian'er could not help but flash his eyes, very curious.

‘Bang bang ...’ Heavy footsteps sounded, and every sound seemed to be able to set foot in the heart. It was extremely heavy and choking.

With the sound of footsteps, a middle-aged man came out of the mirror. Although his skin was white, his skin was extremely thin. Tender, especially his face, was not understated in majesty. man!

"Feng Xianwang!" Fei Xian'er couldn't help but scream, because this middle-aged peerless man was exactly what Wu Xianwang looked like later.

"Oh? You can recognize the Supreme Master, that's all right, so I can explain it for a long time!" Frown his eyes and frown, in surprise, with a look of arrogance. "Chen Jiu, why didn't you kneel when you saw the Master?" under?"

"Haha, Bai Qi, Bai Qi, are you a three-year-old child?" Chen Jiu laughed unscrupulously in front of the King of the Immortals.

"Bold, where did the Huangmao children come from and kneel down and die!" Wuxian Wang reprimanded him, his powerful momentum pressed him down like a mountain, it was truly shocking and trembling.

"My aunt, Bai Qi, don't pretend to be with me. The real fairy king has already been split. Now you want to summon the fairy king. Is that great master too worthless?" Bai Qi ’s pretense was broken in a single sentence. "Maybe you were lucky enough to have met the King of the Immortals in your later years, but you are only imitating his breath. These things can be used to lie to others, but to lie to me Chen Jiu, you still Can't do it! "

"Dash, you dare to say that I am the immortal king is a fake, it seems that you do not see the coffin and tears!" The immortal king was so angry that he immediately patted Chen Jiu with a palm.

‘Boom ...’ The palm of your hand is pressed down, as if the sky is down. It is a feeling of unity between heaven and earth. No creature can escape such a disaster!

"It's ridiculous, the real King of Immortals, can you fight for garbage like you?" Chen Jiuyi was so funny that he lifted the stone ball and smashed it into the sky.

‘Boom…’ Sure enough, the king of immortals in front of him was useless and could not be stopped with a single blow, and was knocked out by Chen Jiu.

"Children, you are bold, if I am not a prince, I am going to chop you today!" The madness of the prince Xian was even more violent, exposing his hypocrisy.

"Bai Qi, if I didn't guess wrong, this fairy king is your godhead, right? I have to say that it's pretty straightforward, but it's useless!" Chen Jiu didn't show any respect for the fairy king, one After the blow was successful, another blow hit it again.

‘Boom ...’ With the galaxy-like magnetic field and power, the Emperor of Wandao locked the Queen of the Immortals and smashed it into a blood mist.

‘Zi ...’ At this time, a crystal godhead emerged, which was just Bai Qi ’s chaos godhead!

"Don't ..." Bai Qi screamed, but it was too late, and Chen Jiu's another blow had been hit, hitting his dignity with great force.

'boom! ‘The godhead is broken. Where can withstand the face-to-face attack of the Supreme Master, Bai Qi is so **** and mad that his vitality is lost by 90%.

"Bai Qi, did you break it by yourself, or did I give you a happy one!" Chen Jiu was still not in a hurry and stepped towards Bai Qi.

"You ... how can you not have the slightest awe to the King of the Immortals. You must know that he is the master who has been recognized since ancient times. Everyone who sees him must be afraid of a three-pointer. It is difficult to save half of his power!" Can't figure it out.

"For the sake of your death, I can tell you that before that, I had cut the real fairy king twice, and they were all transformed by the will of the heavens and the earth. I do n’t know how much like you!" Chen Jiu Not concealed, but arrogant preaching.

"What? You ... you can do it, I'm not dead!" Bai Qi was stunned, and after losing all his fighting power, he closed his eyes after all, and no longer resisted in vain.

"So I'll send you on the road!" Chen Jiu showed no mercy, smashed in the past, flesh and blood shattered, filled the sky, and the **** Bai was completely disintegrated.

"Uh, die but not stiff!" After Chen Jiu killed Bai Qi, he suddenly found that the ancient mirror shook a bit, which immediately made him suspicious.

"It really is an old antique, always thinking about calculations!" Chen Jiuyi smiled, and Liaobu came to the ancient mirror, without a word, copying the stone ball and hitting it three times.

'Boom Boom ...' Under a fierce attack, the entire ancient mirror must be shattered, which is a constant mourning, but after these three blows, the weird atmosphere disappeared, and the possibility of resurrection was vain No more.

"Ah, save me ..." Another scream came and could not help but attract the attention of Chen Jiu.

Fang Liang, with his back on his back, was penetrated by three avenues, which completely broke the flesh, a godlike figure hanging out, and he was smashed by the stone in jade!

‘Boom…’ Suddenly, an explosion exploded, Fang Liang ’s goddess exploded, and Shi Zhongyu succeeded, destroying his godlike shape.

"You ... don't come over!" Only Mu Dongxi was left. He was scared, afraid to move forward.

"Kill!" Shi Zhongyu didn't show any sympathy, and rushed forward in a spirited manner, interweaving the avenues and stacking their fists, which was devastating and crushing everything.

"Ah ..." Mudong West, it was really unbearable and turned into a wooden post, but it was this wooden post that had a magical defense ability. No matter how the three men attacked fiercely, it still It is intact, irritating and helpless!

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