Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2756: Road device classification

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Don't you say that the relationship is not big?" Chen Jiu didn't understand it, and stared at Fei Xian'er. Alas.

"It has little to do with me, but it has a great relationship with Feixiangjiao, you think, in the future, if you want to marry a real Feixiangjiao, how about a meeting gift that can't be done? If you give her enemies in advance Slashed, then she still has to crawl to your bed obediently. Come up? "Fei Xian'er stared blankly, which meant that she hated iron and steel.

"This ..." Shi Zhongyu they were all dumbfounded for a while. Although they didn't understand it very well, such a beautiful and invincible wife also thought of looking for a new woman for Chen Jiu. They would not accept it!

"Ahem ..." Chen Jiuluo blushed, naturally he dare not take the break: "This Mudong West should be dead, if I put him in my soul, I should be able to dispel the resentment of the King Wu. Right? "

"Well, you have inherited the doctrine of King Wu, then you have to pay the corresponding price!" Fei Xian'er nodded, but he didn't pursue it all the time.

"Okay, I'll try it now!" Chen Jiu was a little curious, holding the Tianmu Shenggen, and put it into his soul universe. There was no doubt that there was a huge hidden mist here.

'boom! 'Tianmu Shenggen was thrown heavily into this black mist, and I saw a calm black mist, which suddenly surged, and the sacred root that made Chen Jiu helpless at this time was actually in the dark mist, quickly Eroded!

‘Zizi ...’ Tianmu Shenggen, after a while, became a broken black wooden stake, sinking in the black mist, and even harder to resurrect.

It seems that the wish has been filled. Full, but it also seems to be eroding the Tianmu Shenggen consumes its strength. I saw this dark mist, which was actually a small one, which was a surprise for Chen Jiu!

"Fu Jun, have the enemies been killed? Who else do you want to kill? I'll help you find it!" Fei Xianer continued, making Shi Zhongyu feel a little creepy, thinking that who had offended the boss, it was a big one who had fallen for eight lives. mold.

"Don't worry, I'll take these instruments first, and then talk!" Chen Jiu shook his head, but first took the Luofu celestial sphere, the eternal **** crystal, the disaster dust and the epic **** mirror scattered in the air.

"These second-rate Taoist devices are nothing!" As everyone knows, Fei Xian'er is dismissive of this.

"Second-class Taoism, if this disaster is a second-class dust, I believe it, but this epic divine mirror is so powerful, is it second-class?" Chen Jiu could not help but be surprised.

"The epic miracle is better, but in the end it is second-rate goods!" Fei Xianer pouted his lips, as if preaching very well: "True first-class Taoism, that can drive the road independently, even if they do not The power of the Lord God itself can also exert the power of the Lord God. Do you say strong or not? "

"Autonomy drives the avenue? So a Taoist tool is also equivalent to a master god?" Chen Jiu was stunned at the spot, shocked.

"It's good to say so, but some Taoist instruments are stronger than the main body of the god!" Fei Xian'er spoke in an amazing voice, which was very regrettable.

"So powerful? Xianer, do you have such a magic weapon?" Chen Jiu asked in anticipation.

"Fu Jun, it's good that people can be resurrected. Where is there any powerful Taoism!" Fei Xianer grinned helplessly, but then said: "Although I don't have it, Fei Xian must have it, as long as you accept it She's a wife, so her Tao is your Tao! "

"Ahem ..." Chen Jiu was blushing again. She blushed and said positively: "I Chen Jiu will be stronger by myself, relying on women blindly, that's not a skill!"

"Fu Jun, we are all one family, what else do you share with each other?" Fei Xianer grumbled again.

"Boss, sister-in-law is right!" Shi Zhongyu they were coaxing, it seems that Chen Jiu was not difficult enough.

"Your group of friends, do you want a Taoist device?" Chen Jiu stared angrily, trying to use a Taoist device to block their mouths.

"Boss, we dare not ask for this. Although this thing is not considered second-rate, but it is a scourge if it is found out!" Several people shook their heads one after another, afraid to cause trouble.

"Well, if you don't want me, you can put it away first. Although it is second-rate, it is better than ordinary artifacts!" Chen Jiu received the polite copy of the receipt.

"Fu Jun, are the people at the Magic Temple not particularly friendly to you? Should I kill all the evils of these Magic Temples?" Fei Xianer suggested, really intending to help Chen Jiu clear the obstacle.

"Don't, don't kill everyone!" Chen Jiu quickly stopped and couldn't help but feel nervous. If he had thought about it before, it would be good.

However, since I heard Fei Xianer's words just now, Chen Jiu has also made an approximate estimate of her strength. Now their overall strength is not enough to sweep the gods, so there are some things that have not been too publicized. , Especially the students who killed all other people's temples, it is even more terrible!

"Fu Jun, shouldn't those people treat you so much? Shouldn't they have been killed?" Fei Xianer's thoughts were simple, but Chen Jiu could not be so reckless.

"Xian Er, killing is only a means of deterrence. It is better not to kill if you can't kill. Besides, I have a deep connection with the magic temple, and it is not appropriate to establish an insolvable feud!" Although these people are obviously hostile to me, most of them are affected by the education they received from childhood. They are deeply entrenched. In fact, most of them are not bad in their hearts! "

"Boss, you are so generous. Isn't the magic temple trying to get rid of your demon **** son and then hurry up, you even said that they are not bad?" Shi Zhongyu was obviously a little dissatisfied.

"It is true that killing enemies can make people happy, but I and them do not have much resentment. When did the resentment kill each other? Can I really kill all the people in the magic temple?" Chen Jiudaiyi Asked the question.

"If they don't know anything, how about killing them all?" Fei Xianer licked his lips as if they were so trivial.

"But my mother is also a magical temple!" Chen Jiu glared and reprimanded: "For my mother, I have to make this good cause. These students are not only unable to kill, but I also have to give them a chance to let That's what they did for me in the Magic Temple! "

"Fu Jun, what do you say, people just listen to you!" Fei Xian'er hasn't insisted all the time. Although she is the lord of the gods, this family is still the master of Chen Jiu. She can do it alone Stronger than many women, and this is what made Shi Zhongyu envious of them.

Marrying such a beautiful wife is so obedient, lord, how can we not meet?

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