Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2757: For good cause

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"The matter of the Magic Temple is not in a hurry to deal with it, there is a person, I must kill!" Chen Jiu's complexion suddenly became cold again.

"Fu Jun, please describe his breath, I will help you immediately!" Fei Xianer lay on Chen Jiu's back, but he could not wait.

"This person is called Fujiwara Yasushi ... is not tall, with a dark atmosphere ..." Chen Jiu described it with grief.

"Oh, husband, look, isn't this group of people!" Fei Xianer heard it, afraid of being detained. Yushou was in the air, the magical image was distorted, and there was a group of colorfully dressed people. A small team of several people.

"Hey ... the flower girl is dripping, it's so beautiful ..." At this moment, these few people did nothing good, they were surrounded by a cute and dignified little girl, that is the desire to do the wrong thing!

"Don't ... don't you come over ..." The little girl fell down and kept back, and saw that the skirt moved up, and the white and tender thighs only reached the roots, which made some evil thoughts breed.

"That's right, it's this group of dog things, and it's a born animal!" Chen Jiu recognized the young man at the first sight.

"Girl, don't be afraid, now that you don't let us pass, that is you don't know our benefits, and when you appreciate our benefits, I'm afraid you should say don't leave, haha ​​..." Tengyuan Jingshe looked greedy. Be greedy, just laugh loudly.

"Your beasts of Yuanli Temple, I am the daughter of the head of the Magic Temple, Dou Paner. If you dare to be wrong with me, my father will not let you go!" Your identity, trying to deter the evil and evil people in front of you.

It ’s a pity that if it is an ordinary criminal, when he hears such words, he will think about it, and maybe let her go, but the Jingyuan Jingsha is different. They rely on the main **** and a dean. They are not special. In your eyes.

"Oh? I didn't expect to be a lady of gold?" Dou Pan'er's deterrence, instead of frightening Jingyuan, it made them faint. Happily, "Hey, Paner Paner, it seems your father is I ca n’t have a son. It ’s better that we send him a grandson. This is enough to fulfill his old man ’s wishes. Can you say that he can blame us? ”

"You ... you dare to be so bold ... who are you?" Dou Pan'er couldn't help but be frightened, trying to figure out Fujiwara's identity.

"Oh, young lady, I just want to know who the child's father is so impatiently? I think you really want to have a baby!" Fujiwara Yasuke smiled strangely.

"Well, I won't give you life if I die!" Dou Pan'er's face was full of sorrow, and he had the intention to save himself.

"Don't be so determined, tell you the truth, you are not our first woman. Fortunately, the first woman in the magical temple, seriously, you women in the magical temple, this is really a tenderer than them, and they dare not afterwards. Zhang Zhang, a person left silently, and then added a man and a half woman to us, that is also imported to your magical temple, we are all for your good, who makes your men do not matter! "Several people next to Fujiwara were extremely disgraceful to persuade.

Women, in fact, when they are invaded, most people will silently choose to be silent, because they can't afford to be hurt. Once this kind of thing goes out publicly, then this life will be ruined!

But if you do not go out publicly, then you will condone the criminals. In fact, sometimes women are really difficult and need to understand, especially when they are raped, they need to be recognized by society.

"You have to talk nonsense, we will not have such a cheap woman in the magical temple!" Being trapped, Dou Paner was still reluctant to give in.

"Paner, we are really kind to help you with your fertility population. You just hurt at the beginning, and then you enjoyed it, so why not?" Fujiwara advised, and could n’t help but be the first Xiang Doupaner approached the past. "If you don't believe me, you can ask them. The women just said no, but in the end they bothered us and let go. Let us not abandon them!"

"Yeah, those chicks, look pretty serious, but wait for us to develop, oh, that wave-like, just want to **** us to be willing to be willing ..." Several men laughed, just dirty. Obscene, unbearable.

"You animals, you are bound to die, God will not let you go!" Dou Pan'er scolded angrily, and could not help but despair.

"These **** are simply not humans ..." At this time, Shi Zhongyu was filled with indignation and could not help but rub their hands and couldn't help but want to shoot.

"Fu Jun, do you want me to take a shot?" Fei Xian'er was also disgusted and somewhat helpless.

"Dou Paner, turned out to be the daughter of the devil's court, but this time it can be used, let's go!" Although Chen Jiu also wanted to save people, he planned to do both.

"Well, let's go!" Fei Xianer Yu waved, and a few people moved the space, and suddenly appeared on top of Fujiwara Yasushi.

"Don't ..." Dou Pan's scream was even louder, because at this time, Fujiwara Yasuke put out a salty pig's hand to her jade leg, and it was harder to save it with her eyes.

"Stop!" When the air shock sang, Tian Lei was rolling, and it was shocked. After the impact of Fujiwara Yasuke, he spit out blood directly, and the underside instantly softened.

"Who is disturbing me!" Fujiwara Yasho's interest was frightened. Naturally, he looked angrily into the air. When he saw Chen Jiu, he couldn't help being more angry. "Chen Jiu, it was your waste , You dare to go to my head nosy, do you not want to live? "

"Fujiwara Yasushi, are you embarrassed? Do you dare to talk to me like this?" Chen Jiuyi smiled, disapproving.

"I ..." Fujiwara Yasushi was so angry that he was not Chen Jiu's opponent, but he was still unwilling to preach: "Chen Jiu, the magical temple now hates you, the god-forbidden demon, and you are so lucky to live a life It's nothing but the people who are going to save them? Are you right? "

"The Magic Temple is biased against me, but I am upright

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