Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2796: Cry and laugh

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

\ "Qian Er, do you know Adam? \" Guo Er also puzzled when she saw the ‘woman’ child glaring at Chen Jiu .--

\ "Yes, I have met him. I was married by my mother just now. I saw him once. I only thought he was weird at the time, but it was unexpected that he would be such a man! \" 倩Er explained without reservation, naturally she was going to dedicate to Loy.

\ "Oh? In this case, he is an adult mother who deliberately put it in to eliminate us from boredom? \" The ‘girls’ were not too surprised at first.

\ "I don't think it's that simple. At that time, my mother regarded him as a sinner, and compared a man to the sin of the world. That is an inevitable cause and effect. I think he clearly is foolish. He slipped into our world and wanted to steal the fruits of our holy 'girls'. He is just a thief, not a happy messenger at all! \ "Qian Er severely accused, his 'color' was extremely Bad.

\ "This ... No, if the mother didn't agree, how could he come in? \" Guoer sang the anti-concussion.

\ "That is, I have given a heavy engagement gift, and I came here to marry you sincerely. If not, how could I come here to be so undiscovered with you?" "Chen Jiu also yelled extremely wrongly stand up.

\ "Men's' flowers are clever. What they say is not enough to believe. Sisters should never listen to him again! \" Qianer shouted, and there will soon be hundreds of 'girls'. Stand up and defend her!

\ "Yes, I can't listen to him, plug him up and talk!" "These" girls "are actually very sturdy, forcibly squeezed Guoer them, that is really Chen Jiu Blocked his mouth.

\ "唔 …… \" Chen Jiu was still lying there, without rushing to resist, his big eyes stared at these 'girls', and he felt very aggrieved. Son, actually made such a scene, for Qianer, he really wants to "get her" to death!

\ "You must not hurt our Adam! \" Finally, after realizing that the situation was serious, they also started to resist, ‘approaching’ layer by layer, that was also aggressive.

\ "Sisters, you have been contaminated with sin. When you are clear of heart, you can no longer defend him!" Qian Er solemnly exhorted, no doubt there was also some worry.

\ "Qian Er, if you hurt our Adam and ruined our happy days, we and you must be endless, even if the mother comes, it is useless! \" Guo Er took the lead, a group has already opened happiness The 'girls' of the 'gate' are also very firm and crazy.

I finally realized the unprecedented happiness. Now that some people want to kill their happiness, how can they agree?

\ "This ... Everyone don't want to be 'excited' first. We won't hurt him. As long as he doesn't talk, we promise not to touch him with a sweaty" hair ". Is this the head office? \" Looking at the situation, Hundreds of 'girls' headed by Qian'er are also extremely jealous.

\ "It is okay not to let him talk, but it is not allowed to stop us from continuing to be happy. If you don't want to, then you can leave!" "Taoer, they already know what to eat, so why don't they want to waste it.

\ "Okay, you can continue, but you are not allowed to take out the cloth ball in his mouth, and you are not allowed to untie the ropes on him!" Qianer, after all, they are only one hundred people, with hundreds in front. People are still incomparable, and in the face of their strong demands, they have to compromise.

\ "This ... OK!" Guoer had wanted to say something, but Chen Jiu suddenly signaled, and they agreed.

\ "Sisters, please do n’t come over and take risks. This man is really sinful and is the object who is forbidden to be contacted by my mother. I have prayed to inform my mother that sin broke into the holy garden and was bound by me. Her elderly can soon make a decision! \ "Qian Er then spared no effort to persuade everyone.

\ "Is this ... really sinful? But the previous sisters were clearly very happy? \" The "girls" in the center were divided into two sides, and the latter "girls" couldn't understand.

The beautiful scene was already deadlocked, but Guo Er was unwilling. She immediately stood up and preached: \ "Happiness needs our own search, I believe in my vision, I know that I am very happy now That's enough. I don't care if he is sinful. I like him anyway. He is our Adam. If you don't want it, then you don't have to come up! \ "

Guoer firmly moved to Chen Jiu and showed people her beauty and happiness, which made countless 'girls' envious of death.

Not only Guoer, these hundreds of 'female' people have got a second happiness one by one, watching them happy. Looks like that, thousands of 'female' people are stupid again. Stupid 'Lust' moved!

\ "No, you must not come up. He is really sinful. Once contaminated, it will be difficult to get rid of ..." "Qian Er looked at everyone's eager eyes and was very anxious \" What is the mother doing, how late Don't answer me? \ "

\ "Too boring, I want to open my own 'door' of happiness ... \" Finally, another fresh 'girl' child stood up, she came to Chen Jiu's face in desperation, and the moth flew into flames. Burned his body with his fire.

\ "Ronger, you are usually so dignified ... how can you be crazy today! \" Qianer can't understand, this has clearly told them, why do they still want to ‘mysterious’?

\ "Wow, I feel so happy, I have no regrets on this day! \" Rong'er's last sigh, it just ‘excited’ the interest of several other women. ] Come up with a sad mood!

\ "You don't ..." Qianer tried to stop it, but it was of no avail. After the delay of these 'girls', the unrepentant appearance and words made other 'girls' people once again. It's crazy, you have to be all up.

\ "Slow down, slow down everyone! \" Guo they are proud, and once again began to maintain order.

Chen Jiu, with his mouth gagged and his body tied, is constantly changing and enjoying the beauty of different beauties. Beauty and Xuerou, his mood is really impossible to laugh at, and he is not considered to be forced by them. Got it?

Every beauty, no matter how high or low, is very white and well-balanced. They are the sacred ‘female’ fruits, and after transfiguration ‘become’, they are full of beautiful embryos!

Such beauties are just a pleasure to watch, not to mention the real feeling of their beauty, and they can also be sullen. They are stained and imprinted.

Beauty, beauty is dying, one thousand, two thousand ... After the final round, Chen Jiu had endless aftertastes, but he was still unsatisfied and greedy. He stared greedily at the hundreds who were hostile to him. woman! --28850 + dsuaahhh + 25730881-&

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