Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 2797: Suffer a bit

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"It's over, it's over, it's all over this time, why is everyone crazy, the army is almost gone, how can you face your mother in the future?" Seeing the situation became more and more serious, Qianer held the show I can't help feeling a little desperate. %

But what made her even more desperate was that beside her, a woman suddenly came out of the team, and she even walked towards Chen Jiu!

"What? Xianger, where are you going?" Qianer Yuguang swept, and immediately questioned.

"I ... I'll go to Adam!" Xiang'er looked a little shy. Astringent with beautiful legs, but still whispered back.

"What? How can you do this, do you want to learn from them, and feel free to fall?" Qianer 10,000 dissatisfied.

"Qian Er, I don't think he's the kind of person you say, I think he's a good person ..." Xiang Er looked at Chen Jiu infatuatedly, and turned out to be right with him.

"This ... this **** man, even if you don't speak, that gaze can make you fall." Qianer said unwillingly, "Everyone don't look at his gaze anymore, Adam and you are honest Point, if not, I'll dig out your eyes! "

"Yeah!" Chen Jiu rolled his eyes silently, then he did not touch Qian Er's mold, and stopped watching these women.

"Adam, I like you ..." But at this time, Xiang'er couldn't look back. She wasn't such a bold girl at this time, but she also raised her courage and rushed to this key to open herself. The forbidden gate of happiness ends the boredom and emptiness of the whole day.

"Ah ..." At last, Xiang'er, who had gotten her wish, had a painful smile, but her face was full of happy smiles!

People ca n’t look like people. Xianger is usually not courageous. He is kind and speaks softly. But once the door of happiness is opened at this time, it ’s almost like changing a person. Shouting, it is like a beautiful organ, playing a happy movement for everyone for free.

Finally, when the song was over, Xianger seemed to have found a confidant, that was surrounded by happiness, but because of her performance, among the hundreds of women, three people came out again!

"You ... you come back, don't go over!" Qianer Jiao rebuked, but it was too late to stop their determination.

"Qian Er, even if he is a sin. Evil, we also admit it, as long as we can not live so boringly, we are willing to fall. Fall down and associate with sin!" The matter here is not over, and there are several more A little girl expressed her thoughts in Qianer's ear.

"How can you think like that?" Qianer was anxious, but a few girls came over.

"Qian Er, don't you think this man is becoming more attractive? He may not be the most beautiful in our eyes, but he is the most exciting ..." A few little girls, unknowingly Already in love with Chen Jiu.

Things are rare, and loneliness is also a terrible thing. When the last man in the world is left, I am afraid that all normal women will not fall in love with him!

This is instinct, and it's also human. In addition, Chen Jiu is particularly outstanding, which is more attractive to women.

"Don't ... don't go ..." Qian'er almost begged to persuade, but she could never stop the sisters' determination to find happiness.

Looking at the sisters around them, one by one, there are actually a lot of them, but in fact they passed with a skeptical attitude.

Curiosity kills cats, just like drug abuse. Once infected with this cause and effect, you can no longer pull yourself out and get rid of it!

In this way, all the girls who were ignorant of their bodies and minds fell in love with Chen Jiu, because after they were imprinted by him, they had the innate idea of ​​treating him as the main thing.

Finally, of the lonely, violent Chen Jiu Shi, the only woman left was Qianer, who stood beautifully alone, only thin and desperate!

"Qian Er, come here, we will not lie to you, you will not regret it. This is not a sin, but a real happiness!" The girls who had been friendly with Qian Er had kindly persuaded them.

"You ..." Faced with the gaze of thousands of sisters and Chen Jiu, Qianer was really complicated and difficult to decide.

"Hmm ..." Chen Jiu motioned for a moment, and the sisters hurriedly regarded it as an emperor, loosening the rope and gag, which was kneeling beside him, pinching his legs and hammering to please him .

"This ..." Watching the girls move so lowly. Qianer couldn't understand it. What kind of magic power did he have, and why did he let his sister succumb to him so much?

I was curious and wanted to try it, but Qian Er's preconceived notion was still contrived, so that she could not make up her mind all the time. She was really worried that she would fall like this.

"Qian'er doesn't come by himself, then I'll go over!" Chen Jiu smiled slightly, but came to Qian'er's initiative.

"You ... what are you doing?" Looking at Chen Jiu with vigilance and expectation, Qianer was actually very tangled.

"Qian Er, you say I am sin, but always need evidence, right? One thing, if you do n’t understand it, how can you have a voice?" Chen Jiuyi said unselfishly: "I'll give you an understanding of me now Opportunity, is it really sin, you will naturally count it! "

"I ..." Qian Er concluded, looking at Chen Jiu could not help but blush.

"Why? Qianer, you are so righteous, are you still afraid of my sin?" Chen Jiu provoked again.

"Well, whoever is afraid of you, come here, I don't believe how you can treat me!" Qianer couldn't help it anyway, and it was a relief!

"Qian Er, that's right!" Chen Jiu watched the beauty open his arms for himself, and he couldn't help but hug him. For this Qin Er who had given him a lot of trouble, he could You have to open the small stove well.

Ordinary meals can't stand it. This is a small stove that Chen Jiu turned on. It is conceivable how Qian'er would have survived. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are crazy!

"This ... Qianer will not be killed?" Seeing Qianer's frantic performance, the sisters couldn't help worrying for a while.

"Hum, deserve her. Whoever made her so framed by Adam should make her suffer!" Guoer agreed very much.

"Uh, is this bitter?" The girls couldn't help but doubt, they really loved and hated this. They loved being happy, and they couldn't have more happiness!

Eventually, Qianer lost all her strength and fell into Chen Jiu's arms like a paralysis. He bowed his head and asked, "Qianer, now that I understand me, do you think I am sinful?" "

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