Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3020: Chen Jiuluodi

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Well, in fact, I planned to confess this to you long ago. Now that everyone has asked about this, let me talk about it!" Chen Jiu faced the pressure from the girls and was not ready to conceal anymore. Anyway, there are so many wives. He believes that as long as they perform well, they will still accept the new sisters!

"Oh? Chen Jiu, you can honestly tell the best, but don't think that we will recognize their status!" The concubines were surprised and obviously not so confused.

"My concubines, let me talk to you first, I believe you will make a notarized judgment!" Chen Jiu did not care, and then said: "This first woman was actually my mother to find me My fiancee, her name is Yan Zi, was rescued by my mother that year. If I did n’t marry, she would not only look beautiful, but she would be absolutely loyal to me! "

"Ah, can it be found by the mother? This ..." The princesses heard Chen Jiu's mother, the future mother-in-law, and of course they were embarrassed to refuse, because if anyone refused, wouldn't it not give mother-in-law Well, if you arrive at your in-laws, then you must not wear small shoes to be excluded?

"Yes, my mother valued her very much. I had to let her marry her. I was actually unwilling at first, but I was moved by her true feelings, so I just agreed to her!" Not acknowledging his own care, pushed all causes to Yan Ran.

"Parents' life, matchmaker's words, since this is the mother-in-law's appointed daughter-in-law, then we can accept it!" The concubines blinked their eyes and made a common decision, even if they did not give Chen Jiu face, but The face of the future mother-in-law can't be ignored!

"Thank you Ai Fei, then I will talk about the second woman!" Chen Jiudaxi was overjoyed, and it was so easy to get it done.

"Hey, Chen Jiu, don't say that the second is also your parents' order, they won't let you spend so much heart, right?" Before Chen Jiu spoke, the girls stopped him from lying.

"Eh, of course not. This second woman, her name is Huo Queer. She is actually the daughter of Vulcan. I met her in the first place, and she suddenly saw me and pursued me desperately. I Forced by her mighty Yinwei, she had to agree to associate with her! "Chen Jiu then went on to say aggrieved.

"What? The daughter of Vulcan, you dare to do it? Besides, a girl from another family will pursue you desperately?" The princesses were shocked, naturally skeptical.

"Hey, this is life, and I can't help it. If your concubines don't agree with me and her, then Vulcan's anger will make you the next step. I can't beat his father anyway. "Chen Jiu was very innocent and poorly complained.

"This ... Vulcan has a high status and is quite prestigious in Vulcan Monastery, and I heard that his temper is extremely violent. Hey, if you let him know that his daughter has been dumped, it will definitely anger us. Ruyi was worried, and she also spoke.

"What are you afraid of? We don't have Fei Xianer!" Mu Lan preached unwillingly.

"My identity should not be prematurely stormy. Light, the gods space is three minutes in the world, and it is not worth it to provoke an enemy for a woman!" Fei Xianer shook her head and disapproved.

"If we say that, we have to accept her? But what is her character?" The princesses were worried and asked in detail.

"Huo Queer is enthusiastic, unrestrained, and bold, but a woman worthy of **** ..." Chen Jiu immediately gave a high evaluation.

"In this case, it would be acceptable to accept her, and to accept her, and to make friends with Vulcan. It would also be of great help to consolidate the husband's power!" Fei Xianer recognized, the girls acquiesced.

"Thank Ai Fei for understanding!" Chen Jiu was grateful and immediately said with some pride: "Since the Ai Fei are so reasonable, you will certainly accept the third woman, because she is Shui Runer, It's the daughter of the **** of water! "

"What? Husband, you still have all the water!" The concubines were all resentful.

"Hey, I don't want to, I'm all helpless!" Chen Jiu shouted greatly.

"Okay, okay, don't get cheap and sell well, you have to know that a slap doesn't make a sound, as if you are like a saint, and just now I don't know who made us all half dead!" Look at it.

"My concubines, the next woman Caidie also knows that she's called Demon. She has a muscle and skin relationship with me, but I'm not sure I will be able to accept her, so I won't say it first? "Chen Jiu's face was a little confused. He was preaching again.

"If you don't accept her, can you customize the Taoist fruit for her?" Caidie was seriously questioning.

"Hey, there are so many Daogu. Instead of letting it grow randomly, I might as well customize it. Although the demon. I lied to me, but I can't kill her with one shot, in case she has a last resort. Chen Jiu explained rigorously.

"Also, the demon. 妖 this woman's affairs, let's put it aside for a while!" After listening to the concubines, they can be regarded as understanding.

"Well, the last woman can be counted as a woman, but she is not completely a woman. She is actually a maiden fruit!" Chen Jiu went on to say something amazing.

"What? You even think of the Virgin Fruit, what do you think? Do you still want a non-human wife?" The concubines were severely reprimanded and said nothing.

"Hey, love concubines, listen to me. I have almost given you three thousand virgin fruits, but after all, they have great gratitude to us. Not only has it increased your potential, but it has also resolved my loneliness. We Being human is the grace of dripping water, and Yongquan reports. If we just ruthlessly rob them of them without giving them a little bit of reward, then what's the matter? "Chen Jiu just cried in pain.

"This ... Chen Jiu, are you sure you just want to cultivate the maiden fruit, not the mother of others, and give it to that saint?" Luo Yi immediately sternly doubted.

"I can swear, I just want to cultivate one of the maiden fruit to grow up. After all, we have eaten her many sisters. If we do n’t leave a strain and really kill it, wouldn't we be birds? Chen Jiu was ashamed, solemnly assured.

"The virgin fruit is indeed very pitiful. It is still the husband who wants to be thorough. We have received their favor and cannot be so ruthless!" The princesses are also wise and rational, listening to Chen Jiu this time The general guarantee explained that they naturally had no opinions.

"My concubines, that's all I have to say. Now let's take Daogu!" Chen Jiu said that the chaos Daoshu was sacrifice from the air, and it was glorious and eye-catching.

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