Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3021: The Consorts

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Yeah, everyone, look, the fruit of the extermination killing must be my Taoism, so strong Taoism ..." Mu Lan exclaimed, completely attracted.

"What is there, my ingot fruit is the most powerful one!" Gan Xiangyi was unwilling to show weakness and stared at one of the ingot fruit.

"This ... this dream fruit ... this ethereal fruit ..." According to the breath, the princesses quickly found their corresponding Tao fruit, which was completely immersed in the mind, and could no longer care about the others.

"Love concubines, everyone can first realize the Tao under this tree, and take the Tao fruit according to each person's comprehension, it will come to fruition, consolidate the godhead, and jump to the supreme!" Chen Jiu proposed it kindly.

"Okay, husband, let's go to realize it!" All the concubines were impatient.

"Okay, go!" Chen Jiu Zhang waved her hands and teleported the concubines into the Jiulong Ring, sitting under the tree of Chaos Road, immersed in the realization of Tao.

"Hey, this is not finished yet!" Cai Die shouted unwillingly at this time.

"Come on, Caidie, do you really want to dig out all my bosses? Don't forget, it's your master's turn next time, then she will blame it and see how you can handle it!" Chen Jiu quickly blocked Caidie's mouth and rebuked.

"Well, besides my Master, is there another?" Caidie is obviously not stupid, this is counting for Chen Jiu.

"Caidie, I don't think you're over, do you? You seem to want to **** power again, don't you?" Chen Jiu was a little angry, and stabbed at Caidie with a war gun at once.

"Ah, husband, do you want to kill someone?" Caidie was in love in an instant.

"That's right, I just want to kill you!" Chen Jiu was angry, wide open, and let the war gun pierce the flesh and blood of the butterfly, killing her to lose her helmet again and again, begging for mercy.

"Ah, husband, forgive me, forgive me, I will never dare!" Caidie, after all, was beaten up, and she begged.

"Then you dare to say more!" Chen Jiu was a little dissatisfied with what he had been dug.

"Don't dare, never dare again!" Cai Die trembled. She was completely surrendered.

"It's almost the same!" Chen Jiu came back with satisfaction twice, and after giving the gift of colorful butterflies, let her fall aside and get drunk.

"Uh, fast, Fei Xiandao was absorbed by Xianer so quickly!" Chen Jiu was also surprised, because Fei Xianer was the main god, she was slightly aware, That is the assimilation of a Tao fruit in the air, which is really amazing.

The cultivation itself is too high, and the ascension of Fei Xianer after the assimilation of Dao fruit is not obvious, it is just a little more glorious.

"Thank you, husband, with this Dao fruit, even in the future, even if I meet the real Master of the Fei Xian, I will not fall into the wind!" But at this time, Fei Xianer came to me with gratitude and sorrow. Chen Jiudao thanked him.

"Xianer, don't be polite, this fruit is of limited help to you, the most important thing is to rely on yourself!" Chen Jiu shook his head, dare not take credit.

"No, husband, this fruit is very small, but it is extremely helpful to you. Please see, it can help me to gather my heart!" Fei Xianer explained it in a positive way, and released his own Fei Xian Avenue.

‘Zi ...’ A avenue of flying fairy tales, boundless, vast and misty, it is like a fairy path leading to heaven, admirable and boundless, thirsty. Infinite.

‘咚咚…’ At this point, Fei Xianer gently pointed out, the fairy road was separated, and inside it, a small heart condensed!

This heart is exactly the same as the fairy fruit just now, except that it now has a beating instinct. It is more wonderful than just now. I don't know how many times.

Although the heart is small, it is beating vigorously, and the essence of the fairy road is gushing out. Around it, countless sacred veins are also taking shape. If it continues to develop like this, it will definitely become the core of the fairy road!

"Ah ... this is actually condensed into Daoxin!" Chen Jiu looked at this spectacular and magical scene, and was very happy for Fei Xianer in shock.

"Fu Jun, you have such great gratitude to others, they have to repay you well!" Fei Xianer thanked quietly, but just caught Chen Jiu's big thing.

"Xian Er, Xian Lu is ahead, do you really want to be greedy. Do you want to give up being immortal?" Chen Jiu looked at Fei Xianer and became more and more super. The "xian" qi was a bit unreal. .

"Fu Jun, people's heart is chaotic, and they don't know what to do? Are you willing to let me leave you?" Fei Xianer was faint, as if he couldn't figure out what to do, it was anxious.

"Not willing, so I will shoot you down, I will make you weak and immortal!" At this time, Chen Jiu could not help but kill Fei Xianer with the war gun.

"Ah, husband, so happy ... more happy than Chengxian ..." Fei Xianer, under the passive, finally gave up the pursuit of Xianlu, that was completely fell into the face of the man in the imperial clothing, He is willing to be one of his little wives, and is manipulated and driven by him every day!

"Haha ..." Chen Jiu, watching Fei Xian'er's posture of surrendering, was naturally boundlessly happy and proud, and she would be the goddess of heaven, and she would also be subject to her own control, only to love Fanchen and not envy.

"Civilization enlightenment ..." At this time, Kong Zhi followed a path of knowledge and walked on countless mottled texts, which came to a Taoist fruit full of money and stretched out his hand to remove it.

This Tao fruit is dense and dense. If you look closely, it looks like countless fonts are gathered together. It is very provocative, and it makes you have a headache at first glance. You do n’t think you can learn this knowledge!

However, Kong Zhi looked at this Taoist fruit, but he was shining. The whole man was bathed in another kind of magic, washing himself with the power of knowledge.

After such a few breaths, Kong Zhi was even lighter on her lips. She took it in, and sat down again, letting the countless knowledge and mystery travel through her body, even on her skin. Are countless text moves!

"Flowers bloom, dreams are like flowers ..." Another stunning woman stood up, just the flesh of her legs. Silk has blinded people's eyes, let alone her full body.

The dream is like a flower. She cultivated as an extraordinary person. She also embarked on a road of flowers. She also harvested a fruit of her own. She was full of flowers and melted into the whole road!

‘Bang bang…’ The girls are going well, and while Chen Jiu is rejoicing, the sudden knock on the door has affected his mood and made him very dissatisfied. Who is so inappropriate? --3821 + 682131->

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