Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3105: Permutation

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Thank you donor, in fact, the little monk has already said that the president will have a **** disaster recently, and it is destined to have such a calamity, so you don't need to worry about it, because the president Ji has his own sky, that will be fine!" On the one hand, the Taoist was full of unpredictable things, and persuaded the concubines.

"What? On the one hand, you said the chairman is all right? It smells so bad that you still say nothing?" Niu Mang immediately stared at them, unbelievable.

"Living Buddha, the husband has always called you so respectfully, please be sure to save him!" The princesses, as if catching life-saving straws, pleaded.

"Amitabha, rest assured, don't forget that the chairman will have a disaster. He has already forced him to eat my stinky meat, so he will be fine now, so he can recover after lying down for seven days!" On the one hand, the Daoist no longer sells offenses, but speaks to explain.

"Smelly meat? You can recover after just lying in seven days? You know what happened to him?" The concubines were even more suspicious for a while.

"Can't say clearly, the way is unknown, but my piece of stinky meat is called reincarnation, it's made through reincarnation, once taken, it can be a life!" Said the Taoist solemnly and confidently.

"This ... On the one hand, you really want to eat it for the president? If you really eat that piece of meat, you might be able to recover it!" Niu Mang, after they heard it, trusted seven or eight points. They had all obviously heard the magical stinky meat on one side.

± "Is this meat so amazing? Has anyone tried it before?" The concubines were still a little uneasy.

"This reincarnation is only one copy, but it is the flesh that accompanies me. No one can test it!" When the Taoist went on, it made the hearts of the concubines cold.

"Well, since the Taoist said so, then he must have a certainty. I think everyone should wait for seven days!" Jingxin said, and he was very confident in this piece of meat.

The Emperor's Court, the Emperor's Allied Guardian guarded heavily, and the prince stepped swiftly towards the Emperor's Hall.

"Hey ... Prince ..." Fire Emperor shouted, asking what he wanted, but he was not taken care of, which made him very resentful. "Hmm, isn't it Prince, you wait for me, one day My Fire Emperor will surpass you! "

"Master, the Fire Emperor, do you think this matter is indeed a sage's guilt? Can our Emperor Alliance really be able to communicate with the sages?" Someone next to the Fire Emperor asked curiously.

"Pretend to be a ghost and fool outsiders. This matter must have something to do with us. Otherwise, how could the Prince let off Chen Jiu so easily?" Huo Huangman was sure. When he thought of something on Shangfeng, he hid him. Even worse.

Regardless of his unhappiness, the prince hurriedly came to the hall, only to see the Zhou Tianxing manifestation here, which reflected the entire world!

In the great world, the image was fixed and refined, and its formation turned out to be the last moment at which Chen Jiu came to a halt. If anyone saw this scene, he would scream out loud.

Lively, in the virtual world scene in the middle of the hall, the figure of Chen Jiu is actually reproduced in general, and it is condensed from it!

"Emperor, how's the situation?" When the prince came in, he bowed his hand and gave a salute, asking directly with concern.

"Yes, kung fu is worthy of a caring person. I didn't expect Hongzu to give up the protection of this kid, which made me more like a fish, enough to play him between the palms!" Above the hall map, an emperor shadow tall He stood confidently, with a proud look on his face, and he was the man Emperor Chen Jiuwei forced!

"Emperor, with this large array of life replacement, in the future we can use the sages to eradicate all the aliens and gain the true dominance of the sanctuary!" The Prince could not help but be full of joy. Fendao.

"No, things are not that simple. This life exchanges a large array. It takes too much time to start. This time, the three main gods I prepared all died for this kid. So this array can only be used recently. This time, after all, it ’s too difficult to persuade the Lord God to voluntarily join in. ”The emperor ’s face could n’t help but feel a little distressed.

"What? A stinky kid, it took so much to replace it?" The prince was surprised.

"Yes, this boy's genes are too strong, and they are as many as stars. Just now I glanced at no less than 40 billion yuan. Therefore, only the three main gods fully dedicate themselves to be able to replace his genes. You have to know that in this world, nothing is free! "Rendi was helplessly preaching.

"40 billion, this is much stronger than me ..." The prince was surprised and couldn't help jealousy.

"Prince, do n’t worry too much. The number of genes is important, but you have to have a destiny. You can only do it. This kid is in our hands right away. His life is coming to an end. This life is doomed to never be. There is work! "Rendi smiled cruelly.

"Bold and arrogant, this boy Chen Jiu is really dead and dead, even the emperor's woman dares to move, it is really worth a thousand swords!"

"Okay, that **** woman doesn't recognize her, she will pay for it!" Mentioning the mind, the Emperor seemed a little unhappy and unwilling to say anything.

"Emperor, why didn't he move?" He didn't dare to say any more, and the Prince asked again.

"What's the hurry? Do you think life replacement is so simple? I think it's estimated that it will take seven days to completely replace it. By then, this kid will become an ant in our hands. Wouldn't it be for us to pinch? "The Emperor explained sighed," If it wasn't for the immortal order, it was just such a mean woman, it really wouldn't be worth my trouble! "

"Emperor, Chen Jiu's son is simply incapable of living by himself. Not only did he burn and kill robbery in Hongzuyuan, but he also pried your woman and shame our Emperor League. This is destined to die without a burial place!" Prince The hate is countless again.

"Okay, you go out first and maintain good order. Within seven days, don't let people hurt Chen Jiu's body, and you must not disclose it, do you understand?" The emperor explained, and let the prince leave. .

"Yes!" The Prince replied and finally came out with satisfaction.

"Prince, you came out, how about talking by one step?" When the Prince appeared, the Fire Emperor was really curious and came over again to ask.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, Imperial Alliance, follow me!" The prince glanced out and took a group of golden armored soldiers out again.

"Go, arrogant, sooner or later I will let you hold me in front of me!"

"Fire Emperor, Chen Jiu is dead. It must be lively there. Why don't we go and see how lively it is?" Fire Emperor's men just proposed it kindly.

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