Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3106: Get together

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At the peak of the Nineth Five-Year Plan, the skeletal bones were already stink. Everyone learned that Chen Jiuqi could still ease it in the future. This was just a relief for them. Many gods returned and returned, and then came down again.

These people, including the dog shrine, the tigers, and the happy gods, in addition to these, there are many other gods, also followed!

In a word, these people are embarrassed. These people obviously have an attempt on Chen Jiu, and they intend to do wrong.

"Inoue, do you guys forget what you said just now? Why are you here again?" Looking at these powerful and unwilling Lord Gods, the pure heart was also very angry.

"Jingxin Lord, your president is dead. Why not join our dog shrine?" Inoue sent out an invitation.

"Well, don't think about it, if you dare to mess around today, see that I don't peel your skin!" Jingxin rebuked, with a look of hatred.

"Hey, God must not be angry, we are not in a hurry, it is just a few days of burial time, we can afford it!" A man from Inoue waited for a laugh, but he was not in a hurry to do it. Children, it is really breathless.

"Happy Taoist, Taikoo Taoist, do you have to embarrass yourself, do you still have to embarrass me?" One "The Taoist on one side glared at several Taoists on the other side and rebuked.

"On the one side, regardless of your affairs here, you read your scriptures, we revenge our revenge, we do not commit river water, otherwise, you monk is destined to have a **** disaster!" Taigu Taoist straight face is very bad.

"Frighten me? As a member of the Puxian Society, it is my duty to safeguard the chairman!" On the other hand, the Taoist insisted on what he had seen, and did not compromise at all.

"On the one hand, otherwise, you cut me a leg off that kid and let me stay with you for a night and let you enjoy the flavor of a woman, how about it?" The happy master said with a bit of fear.

"Well, you are so mean. People, thousands of people taste thousands of products, even if it has a little flavor, I'm afraid it has been exhausted long ago, what you have now is only 搔. Mean, there is a little bit of femininity. Speak! "Said the host, politely.

"You ... on the one hand, the old lady gave you a face, you and his mother. Shame is not shameful, then don't blame the old lady for turning her face ruthless!" The happy master was depressed, and she didn't say more.

"Tiger, our president has been robbed. You are still so aggressive, you don't dare to touch you with my old cow!" Niu Man glared at the tiger and yelled.

"Niu Mang, what about your little goblin? I heard that you are not empathetic and do not fall in love? Why mix with these five big and three thick iron fans? I see you allegiance to Chen Jiu, will not be a woman who fancy him Right? "The Tiger didn't answer directly, but instead took the opportunity to laugh at it.

"Nonsense, the iron fan is the most beautiful woman in my heart, and whoever dares to stigmatize her, then don't blame me!" Niangang snorted, very angry.

"Haha, this is the most beautiful, old cow. I didn't say you. Your little goblin was much stronger than the iron fan. I really don't understand. How can you old cow eat the grass? Look at this grass, how can you eat it? "The Tiger Tiger master pointed at the iron fan next to him, regardless of how ugly her face was, ridiculous.

"Tiger, you have swollen and say it again!" Tie Fan's face was iron-blue, and she was so ridiculed that she couldn't stand it.

"What about what I said? You asked everyone to judge, are you a super ugly fat woman?" The tiger tiger villain is aspirational, and he is not afraid of iron fans at all.

"Look for death!" The iron fan was angry, an iron fan from one hand appeared, and she emptied it, and the fierce wind that set off immeasurably high winds fanned the tiger.

The space is torn, this room is just as terrible as the destruction of the heavens and the earth, and the powerful howling wind is more than enough to smash all flesh and blood!

Tiger Tiger Taoist, he dare to provoke naturally also has some reliance, in the face of this prestige, saw his mouth open and howl, even swallowed the infinite wind into the stomach, calmed down.

"You ..." Iron Fan was furious and wanted to shoot again, but was stopped by Niu Mang and persuaded: "You step back, this is our man's business!"

"Good!" Although the iron fan reluctantly, he took a step back and stopped doing it.

"Tiger, today you have a way out, you are going to fight to kill my old cow to accompany you!" Niu Mang reprimanded and solemnly preached.

"Niu Mang, I'm here for everyone, after all, Xianxian Ling is everyone's stuff, and should not be monopolized by Chen Jiuyi. Today, as long as you surrender Chen Jiu, we will all blame it!" A seditious sip.

"Yes, hand over Chen Jiu and hand over the immortal order!" Naturally, a group of main gods followed.

"Don't think about it!" Niu Mang looked so iron, and the concubines were filled with indignation, watching a battle be inevitable, but when a huge earthquake shook the sky and golden light radiated, the powerful and orderly Imperial League was like a **** soldier. As if descending, the situation in the audience was under control.

"This ... why are the Imperial Alliance troops inseparable!" The entire audience was very dissatisfied with the appearance of the Imperial Alliance.

"It seems that you have forgotten what I said just now, you guys, but you are still the Lord God. It is really disappointing that the Emperor is so unfaithful!" The Prince descended upon the air, and his head and face covered the Lord Gods for a while.

"Well, we are not from Imperial League, so you don't need to manage it!"

"That is, Prince, we have already given you face recognition just now, we know that our dog shrine is not easy to mess with!" Inoue they are not to be outdone.

"Prince, this Jiu Jiu has already committed serious anger. We need his flesh and blood to honor our loved ones, the Inu Shrine needs these women, and the Tigers they need Chen Jiu's wealth. That's your imperial order. Everyone is good in this way, isn't everyone happy? "The happy Taoist master changed his law and persuaded the Prince.

"I'm sorry, you guys are still the main gods. Did you come with the attitude of grabbing big households? You thought we were all bullies, right?" Gan Xiangyi hated, and 10,000 were dissatisfied.

"Prince, how's this done? You have done a great job, and I am happy at the hospital, you can come at any time in the future!" The happy master just sells.

"Funny, our sanctuary is a place of humane and justice, how can we see others' little achievements, then gather people to rob them? In that case, how are we different from bandits?" The prince glared, but there was nothing at all. Promise.

"What? Prince, what do you mean? Shouldn't you really protect these people?" The happy Taoist looked at the Prince unbelievably, but he couldn't understand it.

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