Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3145: More lively

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Oh, dear mother, I have been waiting for you for a long time!" I was most pleased to see Shui Shen bring people to meet my dear. Among them, Vulcan was the happiest person.

"Master Father-in-law, this is polite!" Chen Jiu naturally saw through the intention of Vulcan and quickly blocked his salute in front of him.

"Oh, Chen Jiu, you can come, come with me!" The gods of the Lord looked at it, and the **** of fire was not good enough to pull the **** of water, and then he had to pull Chen Jiu and welcome him in.

In the temple of Vulcan, it is really rare for the main gods to stand here. Just like the same, Vulcan also introduced Chen Jiu to let him be exaggerated by everyone.

Then, Vulcan introduced you to the main gods, and let Chen Jiu salute each other.

There are ten main gods, and Chen Jiu is the one who deeply impressed Chen Jiu, Lord Magma and Yanghuo.

Among the guests, these people are just as curious as the visitors. How did a gene warrior let the hot-tempered Vulcan agree to marry a girl?

"Master Father-in-law, this is a little bit of Xiaoyi's heart!" Soon, the mystery was revealed, and with the sacrifices of a Daoshan, all these gods looked dumbfounded.

Daoshan, the complete Daoshan, has never been seen before by these pseudo-lord gods, and it is extremely eager to see it.

"Really rich. Mom's money!" The gods of the lords put their mouths together and came to the conclusion that if you want to marry a beauty, the best way to rely on it is to have money. Otherwise, if he is a genetic warrior, even It ’s the talent that is demonizing again, how can it make the Lord God bow his head?

Envy and envy, these main gods still dare not show up, congratulations.

After staying for a while, Huo Queer was soon invited to the temple, and her appearance immediately surprised the main gods, and some were speechless.

'Woohoo ...' Huo Queer, in a beautiful red outfit, 婀. Naozi, enthusiastic, simple girl looks like a fairy and she does not say anything, and she actually came down the avenue, her avenue The fire and phoenix are flying around, and there is a kind of earth-shaking trend and power. Although it is still very small at the moment, its quality is definitely a superb avenue, and I am afraid that it is not inferior to the authentic Vulcan avenue.

"What? Do you think there is something wrong with the little girl?" Vulcan was very satisfied with everyone's performance, and asked with pride.

"The future is immense ... unlimited ... the future star ..." For the praise of Huo Queer, it is far better than Chen Jiu, and she is simply reincarnated as a fairy.

When complimenting, the gods of the Lord naturally inevitably have a feeling of flowers inserted in cow dung. They feel that such a goddess who marries a genetic warrior is completely insulting her identity!

However, even if the heart is no longer willing, but others are willing, they dare not show it, causing this bad luck.

"Thank you all for exaggerating, in fact, my bird has today, it was all caused by my husband to send me Daogu!" Huo Queer came to Chen Jiu's side sweetly, and naturally all the credit was given to his head. Give him a big face.

"Ah ... this is the case, then how good he is to you!" The gods of the Lord suddenly felt that Chen Jiu was a native rich man, and I did n’t know how much it took to fill the mouth of Vulcan. ?

Different mindsets and unpredictable hearts. For the time being, no matter what everyone's minds are, Huo Queer and Chen Jiuyi are in harmony, and they go out first!

"Hey, this girl, can't wait to marry someone, everyone will follow!" Vulcan smiled helplessly, and followed the **** of water, they walked to the **** of water with a **** of god.

The two women marry the same husband, and they are both daughters of the Lord God, especially Chen Jiu is also a genetic warrior, so it is not glorious. Although the low-key wedding was attended by the Lord God, it did not cause any trouble at the beginning. Someone's attention!

It's a pity that there is no airtight wall in the world, especially in this place of the Lord's Temple, such a big thing happened. Once the thoughts of other Lord Gods were swept away, they immediately knew what was going on.

In the water temple, Chen Jiu was a beautiful woman. They were lovely and moving, and soft and virtuous. In the blessing of the crowd, they were about to go to church to get married, but it was unexpected and a sudden change occurred.

"Brother Firestone, sister Xiner, how can this daughter marry such a big event, how can she not notify her brother, are you still afraid that he can't afford this little gift?" An old man came uninvited. It is the salutation of the Lord Gods.

God fighting, the old man is not the same as the ordinary old man. Although he has gray hair, he does not have the feeling of being old-fashioned. On the contrary, he is as strong as a young man, but the accumulation of those years still made him Become an elderly person!

"Brother Zhou, we are just a little thing, and dare not bother you!" Seeing this old man coming, Vulcan and Water God had to greet them quickly.

"Huh, I don't think you guys want to marry me!" Dou Shen gave a glance, apparently a bit displeased. You must know that there are many outstanding disciples in the descendants of Dou Shen, and he once intentionally hinted at the two of them. If you want to get married, strengthen the relationship between the three parties.

"Brother Zhou, what are you talking about, the children's affairs, we can't do the Lord!" Water God they were very difficult to explain.

"Well, although I intend to get in touch with you, but the emotional matter is barely possible. Since the children are unwilling, that's all it takes!" The fighting **** is still quite enlightened, and has not continued to investigate.

"Thank you brother for your understanding, hurry up, brother please come to the seat!" Vulcan and they quickly asked Doo to sit down, and the reason why Doo got the support of the two is naturally not bad.

"Uh, what good seedlings, birds and Run'er, I grew up watching, and now even they are going to marry, hey, I can't think of marrying such a person!" Although sitting down, But looking at Chen Jiu's appearance, Dou Shen is still very uncomfortable.

"Jishi is here, let ’s worship the church, and worship is over, so that everyone can have a happy drink together!" Shui Shen presided over the progress of the wedding, and didn't want to delay anymore.

Chen Jiu's face was a little dull, especially because he was so secretly and obviously damaged by the fighting god. He was actually very unhappy, but now that he needs to take advantage of it, he didn't care about it and was ready to worship again.

"Ouch, Water God, Vulcan, you are really not interesting. You do n’t even call me if you have a happy drink here?" It was strange, and another main **** interrupted Chen Jiu ’s worship. Also makes the low-key wedding more lively!

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