Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3146: Gathering of the Seven Gods

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The person who came was a bald head, brightly shone with golden light, and the whole person gave a feeling of golden body, but it looked particularly evil.

Golden God, although he has never seen him, Chen Jiu has beaten his son, and I heard that this person has also had contact with the dark evil god, so his impression on him is not good!

"What wind is blowing you, sit down quickly ..." Now that the other party is here, the identity of the Lord God is still present, and the Vulcans will sell their necessary face.

Fortunately, the golden **** who sat down was quite stable and didn't say anything anymore.

At this time, the once-interrupted worship ceremony was reopened between the orders of the water gods, but the sky was unable to meet people's wishes. This was just about to worship the heaven and earth. Someone broke the void and came down suddenly!

‘Zi ...’ This is a bright breath that radiates the world, like the sun. When it comes to the world, it is dominated by peerless people, giving it a particularly powerful feeling.

"Fang Ye, all are here, so don't show it in front of us!" Dou Shen reprimanded him, apparently very dissatisfied with the arrogant performance of the visitor.

"Zhou brother joked!" The light disappeared, and a kind and kind middle-aged man appeared. His face was right and bright, as if he were a priest in a church, which made people trust.

"God of Light, you are here too, then come and sit!" The Water God was surprised. Although she knew that this matter could not conceal these main gods, she didn't even come over to make it up. ● Lively?

"Hey, my son Tianming chases your daughter hard but can't, you actually married them to such a handicapped?" Guangming God sighed, it was endless regret.

"God of light, a good generation of people, how can it be disabled?" The silent Jin Shen suddenly asked.

"Paper can't keep fire. Some people are born to be eunuchs. Even if they put on a dragon robe, can they give birth to a prince?" The God of Light ridiculed.

"That's not necessarily true. It's said that this son has broken the limits of the genetic warrior, otherwise how would the two women like him?" Jin Shen shook his head and denied it.

"This boy just sings a few songs, shows off his talents, and tricks the ignorant girls. When the two princesses grow up, they are bound to blow the wedding!" The God of Light shouted politely.

"Fang Ye, no matter how you say today is the day of their big wedding, you can't come here with hate to spoil their wedding because your son was dumped?" Doudou said it fairly.

"Well, since Brother Zhou said so, then I won't say it anyway, everyone knows it well!" The bright **** nodded, but gave the fighting **** a face.

"Well, let's go to the church quickly!" Shui Shen frowned slightly, he ordered.

"Slow!" At this time, Chen Jiu suddenly stopped. Under the doubtful eyes of everyone, he directly stared at the sky and said, "Is there another Lord God who wants to come to the villain's wedding and ask for a glass of wine? Drink, please come down together! "

"Haha, your boy is like image, then we are disrespectful!" With the laughter, two main gods really came down, they are the wooden **** and the earth god.

Mu Shen, middle-aged, looks green, while Tu Shen is yellow, and the two of them stood together, and they looked a little bit nondescript.

The seven major magical gods have gathered in a short time. These seven people are extraordinary and in control of the absolute power of the temple!

"Dear everyone, I have intentionally invited everyone to gather together, but everyone has no time, and I did not expect to be able to come together now, it is really a surprise to me!" The fighting **** stood up and embraced the gods. .

"Brother Zhou, now is the wedding time for the younger generations. Let's get married first. It would be bad if you missed the time!" Bright God broke the topic and apparently did not want to give God the opportunity.

"Okay, let the juniors get married first!" Of course, the fighting gods are not good to say anything, all the gods are paying attention to Chen Jiu and them.

"Who worships the heavens and the earth ..." On the left and right of Chen Jiu was a beautiful woman, who enjoyed the happiness of all people, and it seemed that many main gods looked a little envious.

There is nothing to worship the heavens and the earth. When Chen Jiu and their worshipers go to the high hall, it will make the main gods stare with a bit of aftertaste.

The water **** and the fire **** sat together and worshiped by three people, which made all the gods wonder. Is it because they want to have a secret relationship, so they just use the marriage of their children to get closer?

Doubt is suspicion, the Lord God has no evidence, and it is not convenient to say more, but they understand that after this marriage between the two courts, the relationship is undoubtedly closer.

"Couple worship!" Chen Jiu and the two women finally worshiped each other and successfully completed the wedding ceremony, which is considered to be a formal relationship between husband and wife.

"Master Lord, thank you for coming to my marriage. Please drink a wedding drink, Chen Jiujing, the little one ..." Chen Jiu naturally toasted the gods first.

"Good to say, good to say!" Although the main gods looked down on Chen Jiu, anyway, they also sold water gods their faces, but drank a glass of wine with him.

I didn't care, Chen Jiu took the opportunity to toast to other people in the past, which naturally included Yanran and Chen Tianhe who came later!

Although this wedding was dominated by the Lord God, the following servants and apprentices, of course, all won the honor of eating wine, and came here to gather popularity.

Regardless of the crowd no longer optimistic about Chen Jiu, he didn't mind anyway, and continued to mingle with everyone, which made the wedding ended in a happy mood!

"You guys, why don't you go to me for a while?" Dou Shen finally invited everyone again.

"No, I still have something to do ..." What God did not expect was that the main **** present here, all of them rejected him.

"This, okay, you are all busy people, so get together again next time!" Dou Shen's face immediately pulled down, these bastards, when free to come to the wedding, did not have time to meet with me? ? It seems that they do not want our department to take charge of the temple again in the next term?

Aware of a crisis, but the God of Fighting glanced at the Water God and the Fire God. He felt that the two men must continue to fight for it. Inadvertently, he simply turned to Chen Jiu, and he felt that the boy could win two. People's favors must be superior. If he can become a weight in his own hands, wouldn't he secretly control them through their daughters?

‘Damn, bullying yourself without a daughter? Although I do n’t have a daughter, but I also have a granddaughter. My son, Dover, has no skill at all. He is a daughter of light. I heard that there is a very good one recently, but I can let her go to this boy without marrying him. Let's go! ‘Dou Shen had an idea in a flash, and then he smiled again.

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