Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3154: I'm so angry

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What? You mean our mother is that rebellious little girl Yan Ran? Then who are you?" Dou Shen's smile stopped and the whole person stared at Chen Jiu, his muscles fluttered, and he couldn't return for a long time. God, never turn.

"Yes, our mother is her. I'm Chen Jiu. It's Chen Jiu, the child born to her underworld, which is Chen Jiu, the god-forbidden demon in your mouth!" Chen Jiu nodded, but she spoke her true truth. Identity.

"Ah, you ... Qisha me too!" Dou Shen screamed, pointing his finger at Chen Jiu, which was murderous. By this time, he fully understood that he was playing by himself as a monkey!

"Brother, I can't think you are more filial than me. Seeing how angry you are, our mother will recognize your son!" Chen Jiu deliberately misinterpreted the meaning of fighting God.

"My aunt, little bunny is taking advantage of me. What is your mother, and you want me to be filial, don't think about it!" Dou Shen said when he turned his face, it was cold and frowning. "There is a way in heaven." If you do n’t go, there is no way to hell, you break in, little boy, since you are here today, do n’t go! ”

"Grandpa is angry, please forgive Chen Jiu, he is also a mother to save her heart, not intentionally playing your old man!" Dou Pan'er looked at the matter and quickly pleaded.

"Nie girl, have you known his identity for a long time, watching him playing your grandfather, are you happy?" Dou Shen disgusted, it was staring so much that Dou Pan'er was shocked.

"Grandpa, I ..." Dou Pan'er couldn't stand the coercion, but his speech was stuttering.

"Well, let's talk about your question later, now I'm going to kill this bold stinky boy first!" Dou Shen Ju Jian naturally looked at Chen Jiu again. "Are you going to die by yourself, or will I let you take a ride?"

"Fighting God, I said you are a funny person, do you know? You have to worship my brother with disappointment. Now that you have finished worshipping your brother, you won't recognize anyone when you turn your **** face. May I ask if you are not afraid of such a thing? Spread it out, do you laugh at you? "Chen Jiu was not afraid, but he laughed.

"I ..." The Doosan gasped, and he was so annoyed that he wanted to vomit blood, because it was true to think about it. Just now, he had to worship Chen Jiutao and worship the brothers. People were not so active at all.

"Yes, I know, because I am a demon god, so you turned your face at me, didn't you?" Chen Jiu explained to the fighting god.

"Yes, the demon devil is a taboo in my temple. Everyone can take it away!" Dou Shen nodded immediately.

"God fighting, to the extent you live now, are you still afraid of any demon god?" Chen Jiu then said weakly: "I'm in front of you, don't say there is only one, even ten or eight, you can easily Crush me, don't you? "

"That's for sure!" Dou Shen couldn't help but be proud.

"Fighting God, the reason why I got into your hospital is to save my mother. Even the Water God supports me. Do you really want to kill me and turn your face with the Lord of the Water and Fire?" Chen Jiu then frightened again.

"This ..." God was hesitant, but he was still unwilling to preach: "They don't know your identity, if they know, then they must get rid of you!"

"Wrong, Shui Shen already knows my identity, but she still chose to help me, and willing to let her daughter marry me. What does this mean? She doesn't mind anything about banning the demon **** son!" Chen Jiu retorted severely. .

"What? Water God knows who you are?" Dou Shen was unbelievable.

"If the fighting **** does not believe, I can swear to heaven!" Chen Jiu then solemnly vowed, and could not help fighting the **** without faith.

"Even if you know it? In my magical temple, there is a water **** in the area, I'm afraid I can't protect you!" Dou Shen was surprised, but still not optimistic.

"Fighting God, do you think that's good? You helped me rescue my mother. I help you continue to control the temple and consolidate the power. Wouldn't it be beautiful to kill two birds with one stone?" purpose.

"Ha ha, joke, it's up to you, I can poke you to death with one finger. What ability do you have to help me in charge of the temple?" Dou Shen laughed, and looked down on Chen Jiu.

"Let you hit me with all your palms. If you can kill me, I have no regrets, but if you can't kill me, then we will close the deal, how about it?" Chen Jiu suddenly said extremely arrogantly.

"Son, don't ..." Dou Paner was very worried at once, but she knew how great her grandpa was.

"Boy, this is your own death. Even the water gods will not blame me after they have been investigated afterwards!" Dou Shen squinted and smiled especially happily. In his opinion, one palm was enough to shoot Chen Jiupai Ashes, no fart left.

"With a gentleman, it's hard to chase a horse!" Chen Jiu said provocatively.

"Okay, the kid is bold enough, and I don't want me to worship you!" Between the fighting spirits, a vengeance avenue rolled up, and it went straight to the sky, like the flame, burning for nine days.

"My son, grandpa, don't ..." Dou Pan'er looked at the situation seriously, and he cried and became a teardrop, very reluctant.

"Little bunny, if you want to talk to me about the conditions, that also requires strength. Now my name is called Burning the Heaven and Earth. In the palm of the hand, the heaven and earth are gone. You can feel the final death! "The fighting **** mocked again and again, thinking that Chen Jiu was dead.

"Come on, what kind of man is mother-in-law?" Chen Jiu couldn't wait for the general clamor.

"You ... pick up!" Dou Shen stared, his face turned green, he thought in his heart that if Chen Jiu could kneel down and ask for forgiveness, he might be able to spare him. Now, he is right and wrong. Unable to shoot!

Regardless of what the water **** is, their son-in-law, who dares to offend himself so much, kills him by himself as a devil, and they have nothing to say.

'boom! ‘Heaven and earth burned, in the palm of his hand, as if a boulevard fire was burning, heaven and earth fell, everything was burned, time and space were destroyed, and Chen Jiu, who was in it, was naturally swallowed up in an instant.

"My son ..." Dou Pan'er sat down in despair, and his heart broke.

"Boy, this is the price of your arrogance!" Watching the avenue palm engulfed Chen Jiu, the fighting **** naturally thought he would die.

‘Boom! ’But at this moment, the flames of the avenue suddenly exploded out of it. I saw the flames burst into flames, and for a while, the road was as bright as fireworks.

"This ... actually broke my palm to burn the world!" Looking at this scene, Dou Shen did not rush to shoot, but was completely dumbfounded.

"My son!" Doupaner pear blossomed with rain, and he couldn't stop talking.

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