Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3155: Gain something

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

The fireworks are brilliant, a figure standing in the center of it is even more dazzling, and this figure, not others, is undoubtedly Chen Jiu.

"One palm is exhausted, fighting God, are you still talking?" Chen Jiu smiled easily, as if he had done a trivial little thing.

"You ... how did you do it? With the strength of my avenue, even Vulcan couldn't take it so easily!" Dou Shen was dumbfounded and totally incomprehensible.

"Then you don't care. Are you willing to help me? You need to know that helping me means helping yourself!" Chen Jiu wouldn't explain.

"Hum, stop thinking!" Dou? God immediately turned his face again and smiled: "Chen Jiu, if you really have such combat power, then why do you need my help? You have rescued your mother yourself, so why talk to me about the conditions here?"

"Grandpa, why are you doing this?" Dou Pan'er said 10,000 unwillingly. "The vow you just made, do n’t you count if you do n’t count? Are you not afraid of fulfillment?”

"You inverse girl, you will die first if you want to be fulfilled!" Dou Shen glanced at Dou Pan with dissatisfaction, gritted teeth.

"God fighting, as the saying goes, there are many people with great power. Although I am confident to rescue my mother, I do n’t want to be extravagant. At least I do n’t want to be against you. Now you have the bright gods in the dark and the dark evil gods in the dark. Your situation Worse than imagined, in fact, I talked to you about the conditions. Is it because you have taken advantage of it? Do you know?

"Oh? I didn't expect you to know so much about the situation in our hospital?" Dou Shen was taken aback, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

"God fighting, this is the end of the word. If you really disagree, I will not force you on the worship service, but please don't get involved in me, if you have to do it, you will be at your own risk! Chen Jiu finally warned seriously.

"Boy, do you dare to threaten me? Believe me or not I will kill you immediately!"

"Killing me is just a trivial matter, let's think about how to keep your seat before you talk about it. Don't let others step on your feet to eat shit, that's shameful!" Chen Jiu reminded kindly.

"This ..." Dou Shen hesitated, the muscles on his face, the fluttering of the flesh, and the color changing, which caused people to worry very much, but he finally hated to preach: "Your boy got into my granddaughter, and he can't be nothing Right? "

"I ..." Chen Jiu was almost strangled in one breath. He wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he didn't tell the truth, just stared at Dou Shen and asked, "What do you want?"

"Boy, I can help you say something good so that everyone is not so targeted at you, but only if you need to help me continue to win the support of Water God, what do you think?" Dou Shen thought about it, or was unwilling to give up Chen Nine assisted, because his situation is really too bad.

"Okay, the deal!" Chen Jiu said it was quite happy.

"Paner, drop off!" Dou Shen's face was so cold that he did not want to see Chen Jiu again.

"This ..." Dou Pan'er wondered if his grandfather had spoken well, and said that when he turned his face, he turned his face, but she did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly left Chen Jiu.

Out of the hall, the morning dawn gradually rose, and at this time the sky was already hazy.

"My son, can you scare me to death, do you know?" Dou Pan'er held Chen Jiu's arm and walked in front of him.

"Paner, how did you tell your grandfather?" Chen Jiu stared, and asked a little unhappyly.

"Son, don't be angry. If I don't say that, then how can my grandpa trust you, do you say?" Dou Pan'er seems to have his own difficulties.

"Well, don't make this out loud, I have to go!" Chen Jiu thought about it too, and sometimes there is a need for flesh and blood at the junction of interests to make people feel more secure.

This is like the corruption criminals of some companies, if they are men and women together, they usually sleep together at night, because then they can gain a stronger sense of trust!

No matter how to say, this time I came to see the fighting God, but it was a small gain, at least he would not shoot on the wedding day, which made Chen Jiu's pressure much less.

Farewell to Dou Pan'er, Chen Jiu returned to the Temple of Water God again, and touched them with Shui Runer, and actually learned that Vulcan wants to see himself.

No way, born toil, Chen Jiu had to go back to the door with a fire bird!

In the temple of the fire god, the fire **** first expressed some concern about the fire bird, what kind of living habits are not used to it, have you been bullied?

After getting a satisfactory answer, Vulcan even repelled Huo Queer and left Chen Jiu alone!

"Master Vulcan, I don't know why you asked Xiaoyu to stay?" Chen Jiu asked in doubt.

"Chen Jiu, you are happily hugged from left to right, but you or I am single? Do you understand? Didn't you say that you should arrange me to be with the **** of water, why hasn't I moved?" Huoshen reprimanded.

"Master Vulcan, you have to be impatient. Master Shui Shen does not know your hardships, and is still dissatisfied with the matter of forcing you to marry Yanran. Seeing her now will not only deepen your feelings, but it will also make you more and more troubled. Yes! "Chen Jiu quickly explained.

"Your boy knows everything, but I don't see her this day, I think what she should do?" Vulcan naturally understands, but just can't wait.

"Master Vulcan, did the **** come to propose a relative, did not bring a few women? You are going to marry them, and you are not able to enjoy them?" Chen Jiubai made a suggestion. "I heard that the woman in Yuanli Shrine is not like us!"

"What? Your boy, are you too bad? Isn't my Vulcan the kind of casual person?" Vulcan stared seriously. "Can't you do anything sorry for the bird!"

"Master Vulcan forgive me, I am stupid and can't speak, please don't mind, you wait for a while, when the dark evil **** comes, then the water **** naturally thank you Ded!" Chen Jiuli pleaded guilty and apologized.

"Well, that seems to be the case now, you go on!" Vulcan nodded helplessly and sighed, "I really hope that the dark evil **** comes over early, otherwise I would not be able to leave the **** here forever ! "

"My lord, the dark evil **** may be more anxious than you, so please wait patiently!" Chen Jiu said with persuasion, but he just withdrew from the hall, with a smirk on his face, and he was like the character of Vulcan and listened to himself Say, can you taste the taste of the woman beside God?

Vulcan wants to taste it, and the woman around this **** will let others move lightly? It seems that Chen Jiu is unintentional, but he is obviously provoking their relationship!

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