Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3156: Welcome to Matsuma

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Yingsong Courtyard, which is a courtyard dedicated to entertaining important foreign guests, is also very large and luxurious.

At this time, although it was daytime, when viewed from afar, this Yingsong courtyard was full of singing and dancing, and it was especially lively.

Public relations reception, delicious and delicious to serve, that's the basic, dignified magical temple, and there are more women, so in this matter of public relations, there are more women!

Women, softly whispering, good and communication is certain, but the most important thing is that they have their own bodies that can be devoted to envelop the guests and make them happy.

In Nuo Da's courtyard, the fragrance is fluttering, and the dress is sexy. There are no less than 300 girls. They seem to be scattered, but they are actually rotating around a core.

This core, naturally, is the gods and their team waiting, and the gods brought people over to greet their relatives. Of course, it wasn't just the two disciples. He had to bring a few people together, pretend to be together, and make fun.

These people, except for a few servants who do not mention errands, are all God's best friends, a total of nine people!

Although there are only nine people, don't underestimate them and be able to hook up with the gods, it must be the state of a false god.

"A few of you, the grown-ups are drinking, and the dishes must be served quickly!" Suddenly a reprimand sounded, and a middle-aged woman like a housekeeper was still directing a lot of monsters.

These beauties, soft bones and muscles, walked up and looked like dancing, making people look almost impossible to turn their eyes. They were holding trays and carrying rich food. They came to the center in line. In the main hall.

In the hall, there are nine people gathering at this time. They are all about the same age as the middle age, but the head appears younger!

If God is not a little older, he can definitely be called a beautiful figure, but nevertheless, his trace of mature style and charm also make the young daughter look side by side.

"Jian God, it's a failure to be with you. The beauty looks like you are left alone, and they all treat us as air!" One of them sighed and won everyone's approval.

"Haha, everyone laughed, but really, the woman in this magical temple is really tender and tender, don't have a flavor!" Jianshen was very useful and extremely happy.

"That is, this time I can get this fat, come to this magical temple, I'll do it. I waited for the blessing of the gods!" A group of people smiled, and these people naturally did not do this. Beautiful.

"Brothers, I have seen this. What a blessing is not a blessing, but we are not all sharing it!" Jianshen persuaded, but he also enthusiastically embraced several people.

"Jianshen, what are you saying? The little Jie you enjoyed yesterday was less than one meter three and didn't grow up like a child. How about playing with your brother today?" A man answered and was looking forward to speaking Road.

"This ... well, well, well, Hanshen, you want to use it, and take it back today to enjoy it!" Jianshen hesitated a little bit, but he had no choice but to endure love.

Although the beauty is good, but at most it is playing, how can it not be compared with the false gods in front of it, so even if God is reluctant, he agrees.

"Jiangshen, you are really our big brother. The little cake you played the day before yesterday is really charming. Let her kick me today too!" Another kind middle-aged man asked.

"De Shen, since you are interested in her, get it back and play!" Jianshen nodded his teeth.

"Jiangshen, you played that little beauty the day before yesterday, that beautiful skin is really soft. Extremely soft, you can play in all kinds of postures, let your brothers be eye-opening ..." Next, one after another, eight All the pseudo-gods asked for the gods.

Helpless, this **** is headed. When he came here, he was exhausted by the best, playing every day. Although these things are still good for these people, they are not up to par with him. Yes, it has become leftovers!

These pseudo-gods picked by the gods are naturally stunned. Anyway, they are just some women. They feel that they are looking for a chance to wait for the gods to finish playing. It is also harmless to play.

On the surface, Jianshen was hindered by the consent of his face, but the bottom of his heart was scolded by the boss unhappy. Whatever we did, **** and the like, that was as bad as it sounded!

These women were actually picked out by God, and he was going to play. Go over it, pick some live and take it back and enjoy it. Even if you are tired of playing in the future, it is also a good choice.

Although they are magic gods, how honorable is God, as long as he opens this mouth, can the **** of fire still disagree?

The wishful thinking abacus is playing well, but now the gods are playing so wildly, the interest of these gods in these women is greatly reduced, and they never want to take them back!

You know, although these women have their own advantages, most of them are pure and clean women. This is simply commendable, but who makes the magical temple women have more resources.

Women have a lot of resources. No one has developed them. God came to develop them. He felt that he had done a good thing!

Originally, the mood was beautiful, but with the departure of several beauties, Jianshen's face could not help but pull into a rotten eggplant. It was as ugly as it was ugly.

"Mum. You bastards, dare to pry at my woman. If I don't want to count on you in the future, I will stab you one by one!" Jianshen watched as these pseudo-gods took away their little beauties, Seeing the nostalgia for himself in those little beauties, he was even more angry.

Fortunately, Jianshen still knows restraint. He knows that these women are just some playthings. It is not worth it for them to really face the false gods!

"Master, these people do n’t know how to lift, just put your nose on your face!" Kongshen, who is responsible for the care of these women, naturally left at the scene, full of anger.

"Well, Konger, woman, it is destined to be just some plaything, why bother to care so much?" Facing the anger of Kongshen, Jianshen actually persuaded with Yan Yueshen, the speed of changing his face is a fast!

"Master, you ..." Kongshen glared at Jianshen, which was a bit unpleasant. You scolded these people like dirt dogs the moment before. Why didn't you care about them later?

"Ergo, our men are destined to do big business. Some little women in this area are meant to be played around. Do you understand?" What kind of peace did he have in education?

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