Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3157: Shameless apprentice

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Yes, Master, you can say that these women are born with some playthings and should be played by us!" After all, the space is just a disciple of God, and of course he dare not refute his remarks.

"Ergo, you are worthy of my apprenticeship. You have been sensible since you were a child, and have listened to Master's words. Master has helped you fight for sweetness over the years, and it really is not wrong!" God sighed with relief.

"Master ’s affection for the disciples will be remembered for his whole life, and he will remember the great grace and grace of the master!" Koroshi said 10,000 thanks.

"Well, good disciple, you must be angry. Although these women are superb, but they can't be compared with Yan Ran!" God nodded, suddenly somehow preached.

"Master, you ..." The **** of emptiness felt something terrible at this moment.

"Tuer, this time you can continue your relationship with Yan Ran. That ’s mainly because the teacher ’s friendship with Vulcan is here. Besides, Yan Ran dared to defect in the past. Now I do n’t know what other moths will come out. If you talk to her, she will inevitably be counted by her! "Jianshen warned seriously.

"Master is absolutely right, but I'm not afraid of her!" The empty **** preached with confidence.

"You child, you are still too young!" Looking at Kongshen's imagelessness, Jianshen said slightly frowningly: "So, for your safety, the first night in this cave, I will be your teacher Keep it up! "

"What? Master, this is so embarrassing, how dare I bother you old people ..." The ten thousand reluctant Gods, knowing that he is thirsty for Yanran. The request is not a day or two anymore, this is now second-hand goods. After that, he was very sad, he didn't want to pick up the third-hand goods anymore!

"Ergo, do you worry that Master is not good enough for that Yanran? Although Yanran is the Nine Demon Eucharist, the best model among magical women, after all, she is a second-hand goods. Do you think Master will be rare? "God screamed severely, but couldn't hide the eyesight.

"Master, Tuer doesn't mean it that way, but I'm afraid that Aunt Yue knows this and is angry with you!" Even though the **** of emptiness died in his heart, he didn't dare to speak up.

"Aunt Yue?" He smiled with amusement, and the **** just proudly said, "Kuer, don't forget to tell the teacher that all the women in the world can only play with things, as long as you perform well, let you taste it for the teacher in the future. Taste this month's aunt! "

"Ah, Master, this can't be done!" The empty **** was flattered and thanked him quickly.

"Well, Yanran, do you still have any meaning?" Jianshen asked again.

"Master is devoted to the disciple. The disciple should be grateful to the master, Dade. This sweet girl would not marry me, and she would not be convinced. There was a master who taught me on the wedding night. Everything is assured!" Something, I had to agree.

"Okay, you really win my heart, Konger!" Jianshen nodded with satisfaction, but silver with a smile on his face.

"Jiangge, what are you and the students talking about, so happy to talk?" At this moment, a puppet Nayu person came out with great looks.

"Thank Aunt Yue!" Seeing this woman, Kongshen hurriedly met him, but today there is an evil and evil charm in his eyes.

Aunt Yue, with good looks and beautiful figure, she is actually a pseudo-god, which is quite rare, and more importantly, she has an ambiguous relationship with the empty god. In the eyes of others, she is almost a husband and wife. It's up!

"Aunt Yue, we are talking about cultivation. I have to work hard tonight and make a major breakthrough. Do you think I should be happy?" Jianshen then explained.

"I have to work hard all night? Brother Ge, you haven't been with someone for a few days!" Yue aunt Jiaojia, complained and dissatisfied, what a major breakthrough, she has known these lies, but she is not willing to break through the gods, Make trouble with him!

"Oh, Aunt Yue, the children are coming to Japan. It's time for me to practice, and you'll have to wait a few days for me!" Jianshen was a little embarrassed and still refused.

Nonsense, there are so many pure little beauties waiting for themselves in different ways, who still rarely goes to this old woman who has n’t known how many times?

"Okay, okay, then I'll go down first!" Yue Gu looked at the God and had little interest in herself, so she had to go lonely.

"Master, you wouldn't be angry with Yue Aunt like this, would you?" Kongshen was still a little worried.

"What's angry? When the teacher comes to control her in the next day, she will have to get rid of my anger!" Jianshen said with great timidity: "Tonight, it's me and the big pepper. When Sister Jia met, the temperament and pure body of their neighbors made me crazy! "

"It was the pair of sister flowers. Master is really blessed!" The empty **** suddenly felt envious.

"Ergo, I said you should stop now, you will use this gun soon, don't grind too soft, you won't be able to cope with Yan Ran, and it will be bad for her to give you Yu Chuang!" God reminded kindly again.

"Yes, Master said very much, that little girl, I'll bear it for a few days, and let her know that she is terrific in the future!" Kongshen rushed to answer, and that was a stir.

"Brother, God ..." Suddenly, Vulcan didn't invite him.

"Brother Vulcan, what wind is blowing you, please sit down quickly!" After all, this is on the Vulcan's site, and God is also very kind.

"Haha, are our brothers still so polite? Brother Jinshen, do you still get used to living with me?" Vulcan asked kindly after he sat down.

"Be used to it, very accustomed to you, thank you for your kind hospitality. If you go to me in the future, I will certainly make my brother happy!" Jianshen was full of joy, very happy.

"Really? Brother, I heard that you women in Yuanli Shrine are very different from us. Why? This time it seems to be there, too. How about letting my brother try something new?" Vulcan is quite direct. In his opinion, he has entertained him with such high standards. Can he play for a woman?

The woman who tasted Yuanli Shenyuan was one of curiosity and the other was no risk. You had to know that it would be over after the game was over. In the future, even if the water **** asked anything, the fire **** would not have to worry about his ugly ugly. That's two birds with one stone!

"This ... dude, it's so unfortunate. I came here this time, and I really didn't bring a woman over!" Jianshen immediately perplexed and persuaded: "So, next time, next time I will give Dude sent over a few fun, how do you think? "

"Brother, are you blind? When I met you last time, I saw a woman who was pretty good!" Vulcan immediately pulled down a face, very displeased.

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