Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3164: Defend love

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

He is handsome and handsome, but he is not domineering in a dragon robe. The somber look on his face is even more alarming in his heart.

"Who messes up with my big wedding and is also in a position to let you be wanton in front of the gods? Want to find death?" The emptiness of the gods was directly repulsed to those who came, full of anger.

"Well, it's him, isn't he the son-in-law of Vulcan and Water God? Why did he run up, and how can he sing?" For the visitors, the magic gods are no strangers to one another. Looked at the water **** and the fire god.

"I don't know, what is this boy doing?" Vulcan was confused, unknown, but Shui Shen looked at it nervously, worried.

"Masters, do you know him?" God was angry, but instantly he took the reactions of the gods into his eyes. He also knew that those who came were extraordinary in status and didn't rush to do it.

"Chen Jiu, come down quickly, don't be ashamed of me there!" Vulcan yelled at him severely, and let the gods understand that this man is really their son-in-law.

At first hearing, the boy married the daughters of the two main gods, which seemed a little weird. Now that he is certain, the gods carefully looked at Chen Jiu and thought he was quite extraordinary!

"Little brother, why did you come up?" Jianshen pressed his anger and did not start, but asked in a friendly way.

"Yan Ran has long been in love, you can't force her to marry another person. This is the biggest blasphemy against love, and the biggest contempt for human emotion!" .

"What? You ..." When God heard it, he couldn't help but get angry and smoked up, daring to love that this kid was purely for trouble. If he didn't remember his identity, I really want to slap him!

"You Lords, you are all highly regarded adults. Do you want to watch this love tragedy happen in front of you?" Chen Jiu then asked many Lord Gods.

"This ..." Many main gods were helpless, and they all turned to Vulcan, some wondering what to do?

"Little bunny, rest up so fast, get me down quickly!" Vulgar looked so angry and red that he yelled at Chen Jiu again.

"Dad, don't shoot. If you dare to deal with Chen Jiu, then kill me first!" Huo Queer quickly grabbed Vulcan and did not give him any shot.

"Okay, brother, you have to calm down. I think it's not too late to listen to this kid!" Although Aunt Yue was more vengeful, she helped Chen Jiu virtually.

"Chen Jiu, if you have any hardships, you can tell us all ... we will all decide for you!" The water **** immediately spoke, and even stood on the side of Chen Jiu, making people lament that they are indeed relatives. This elbow turned inward when it was critical.

"Masters ..." God was unwilling, but he looked around the gods, and none of them were willing to decide for him, which made him distressed at the moment!

"Yan Ran, now I have the opportunity to give you, tell everyone about your love, whoever you are willing to marry, tell them all ..." Chen Jiu did not rush to recognize each other, but took the lead for Yan Ran first .

"My lords ..." Yan Ran didn't have stage fright. Since she dared to come today, she has already set aside life and death. She cried with tears, and told the love story above.

At that time, although she was young, she was also a generation of sages. In the face of ordinary people, she was like a fairy, but she still fell in love with that man and gave birth to children. This infatuation really made her People moved!

Next, this man did not disappoint her. It was a nine-day reversal. He just came to the gods' space to meet her. At this time, Yan Ran was willing to ask the gods to give them a chance to love each other and to the world. There is an opportunity for lovers.

"Well said, love is a matter of your own desire. It cannot be forced at all, and it should not have so many conditions attached. It is difficult to have such a simple love now. Since it has appeared, why do we not Support them well? "Chen Jiu concluded, and even appealed for your support.

"Yan ... he ..." At this time, a moving scene appeared again. I saw that Chen Tianhe suddenly came out and was in a groom's costume, and that was with Yan Ran.

Wei An, tall, handsome, the breath is also particularly calm, even if it is not worse than the **** of sky, which makes it hard to believe, is this a mortal in the lower world?

"You ... you are grabbing my sweetness, and I am going to kill you!" Kongshen sacrifice God, completely a little crazy, he can not tolerate a man coming over to compete with him, facing such a mere mortal He will kill immediately!

'boom! ‘Empty God hates him very much. He ’s space-cut when he shoots, and he is sharp.

"Roar!" But at this moment, Chen Tianhe also broke out. He has accumulated countless years of grievances. He has a unprecedented sense of responsibility as a man. He wants to protect his love and his woman. , His strength was shocked to an incredible level in an instant!

The power of love is enough to make people transcendence and transcendence. This is Chen Tianhe. At this moment, he was like an ancient fierce beast awakened, and suddenly flung to the **** of sky, and he also fight with him!

'boom! ’As soon as the air **** flew backward, he was simply unbelievable. How could a mortal in this area be his opponent?

"Empty God, you thief, it was impossible for me to rob me and kill my wife many times. I will kill you today and avenge my unborn sons ..." Chen Tianhe was completely occupied by anger at this moment, he I have been looking forward to this day for countless years. At this moment, the eyes are dazzling, and it is God who blocks God and Buddha blocks God.

"Ah ... don't ..." Scream of the God of God, who was completely out of reach at this moment. After being completely thumped by Chen Tianhe, he couldn't help panic.

"My eyes are my children ..." Chen Tianhe did not rush to kill the killer, but roared and scolded, first digging out the empty god's eyes.

"Ah ... Master, save me ..." The God of Scream screamed, and suddenly his eyes turned into blood holes.

"Enough!" Seeing that Kongshen was about to kill others, Jianshen finally couldn't help but shoot.

"Stop, now it is the grudge of the two of them, it has nothing to do with you!" Chen Jiu was an iron wall blocking the gods and not giving him any chance.

"These two ears belong to my second son ..." Hesitating a moment later, Chen Tianhe pulled off the two ears of the empty **** again and again, making the main gods feel ashamed again and again.

I can clearly feel the anger in Chen Tianhe's heart. Everyone listening to his grievances also felt that he would not let him vent. It would be a great blame, so they chose silence by coincidence.

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