Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3165: I'm frozen

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"You ... you ... Vulcan, do you want me to come here, is it for them to do justice?" Jianshen watched his lover suffer, and immediately became angry and stared. -

"This ... Jian God, there are some things I really don't want to 'plug in', you look at it and do it yourself!" Vulcan's face was embarrassed, and the two 'girls' on both sides were holding him, he also Really bad shot.

"This nose belongs to my three children ..." Chen Tianhe was not slow when the main gods talked to each other. It was alive and dug up the nose of the empty god.

"Ah ..." The skin on the body, although it's nothing to these gods, but it's painful and shameful to dig it out like this.

"Offended!" He couldn't stand it anymore, and God chose to rush and shot at Chen Jiu. With the palm of his hand, the space was locked, and Chen Jiu was bound here.

"Dare to be presumptuous in my magical temple, it's just death!" Chen Jiudai was stunned, not only not afraid, but greeted him with one hand.

‘Boom! ‘It ’s incredible, it ’s Chen Jiu who shook back the gods and kicked him out.

"What? Can this kid be on par with the gods?" The gods of the masters were all wondering immediately.

"What a terrible boy, what a terrible power, no wonder I can hold a pair of beauties. It seems that I have underestimated you!" Jian Shen moderated, and no longer despised, and regarded Chen Jiu as an opponent of the same level. "Sole space, sole road!"

‘Zi ...’ A transparent hollow pipe appeared, which is the self-only space avenue that the **** of sky is proud of, but he did n’t know that after he used this way, he was simply seeking his own way.

Only on the Avenue of Space, Chen Jiu now controls 80%. Although not as good as the ‘fine’ spirit controlled by Kongshen, he wins a lot!

"I am strangling!" Madam was angry. He decided to give Chen Jiuyan a ‘color’ look, otherwise his face would be lost today.

‘Boom ...’ The riots in space caused the hearts of all the gods to follow. I saw a glass shard strangled towards Chen Jiu in the hollow pipe, which was a crisis.

Avenue strangling, even the weak people of the same rank, can't stand the strangulation of this space, this space strangling is also one of the tricks that the **** of pride is proud of. At this time, we can see how much he hates Chen Jiu Deep!

"I am frozen!" When the Lord God was worried about whether Chen Jiu would die, he saw that he drank suddenly, and it turned out to have a strange scene.

‘咻咻…’ Only in the space avenue, as if suddenly a cold wind blew, I saw the original riotous space debris was instantly frozen and no longer moved.

And what makes people most incomprehensible is that this cold wind is getting bigger and bigger. It suddenly swept the entire road visible by the flesh, making it completely a popsicle!

"Ah ... why can't I move, what spell are you doing, how can you freeze my avenue!" With the exclaimed voice of the gods, the gods reacted. It turned out to look like a 'flower' whistle Magic, even has the unpredictable power of magic!

"Oh my god, the Freedom Avenue is frozen, and the old guy of God is bound. No one can do this trick, right?" Dou Shen exclaimed, sighing that Chen Jiu was really able to It's amazing.

"If you can't do this, this is simply impossible to imagine ..." The main gods shook their heads one after another, and they couldn't help showing a little fear.

"Sorry, I also practice the ego space. Now this avenue, I have more control, so you have no way to escape now!" Chen Jiuleng laughed, but explained it, and then walked to God. past.

"What? This **** is unlucky now. In the past, he used his ego space to think that no one could catch him. It was arrogant. Now he has been reinvented by the afterlife. This is really the rhythm of being beaten!" Many master gods understood After that, I couldn't help laughing and gloating.

"Ah, my heart ..." A scream came out suddenly, and everyone looked up again. It turned out that Chen Tianhe had pulled out the empty god's heart in anger.

Because it is a divine body and has a strong gene, he would not die immediately without the heart, but the **** of sky is now extremely weak, especially after feeling the restraint of the god, he is even more desperate!

"The fist of heaven punishment!" Chen Jiu didn't slow down. He punched out, and the dragon 'yin' Tiger Xiao. Where is this shit? It is clear that it is almost killing.

'boom! ’With a severe blow, I saw that the **** ’s hard body was also punched out of a blood cave, leaving only the limbs in the swing.

"Chen Jiu, don't want to be presumptuous!" Vulcan growled, and he felt something bad.

"Master Jianshen, save him ..." Some of the main gods did react a little bit late. They were the false gods who worked with him this time!

In fact, it is no wonder that they were originally a mortal and a younger generation. How did they want to get the two masters and the beasts to be abused?

"Han Wang Li River ..." One of the big heads shot first. He was a Han god, and realized that there was a special Li River, and the end was the world of Li Bashan, especially brave.

‘Boom! ‘The impact of the mighty Lihe actually trembled the frozen solo space avenue!

"The Avenue of Virtue!" The German and God followed closely, a avenue of morality, which also crushed the frozen solo space.

‘Boom Rong…’ Next, nine people who are good with the gods, except Yue Aunt, are rescued by the other eight people to deal with Chen Jiu!

‘Click…’ The space avenue, although weird and unpredictable, is in a frozen state at this time, which is also true and manifest, and cannot stand the bombardment of these eight avenues.

"Damn, I'll get to your account later, and kill this old thing first!" Chen Jiuqiang held on, still hitting God's head with a punch.

‘Boom! "God ’s head, when it exploded in the air, left only a broken body and a godhead. That was terrifying." Do n’t ... do n’t kill me, we have no grudges, let me die! "

"Don't think about it!" Chen Jiu's heart has already begun. At this time, there is an opportunity, and of course he won't let it go, but his surging killing intentions, after all, has caused many main gods to be alert.

"What's going on? This kid's strong killing intentions, how does he look like this mortal? What is his identity?" The bright gods and other leading gods also looked at the fire **** and the water **** in doubt, but unfortunately they were Did not get a reply.

"Did he really kill him? I'll wait to figure out the real identity of this kid before I talk about it!" A bright man led by the **** of light immediately began to calculate, and this also made the water **** more worried, she was interested Stop, but it's irrational!

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