Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3166: Three camps

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Hurry is like a decree, heaven and earth listen to me, and quickly reveal the long history of the past!" Headed by the **** of light, he cast an extremely magical spell.

This spell, speculating cause and effect, judging the evil, even if there is no evidence, but it can also reveal everything they want to know!

The master of the avenue is because they are the main gods, which is equivalent to heaven and earth. This Taoism is that they are seeking proof from heaven and earth, and before being deceived, they will not panic at all.

Chen Jiu, there was Hongzu who had been ill-conceived for him before, allowing him to escape. The gods of the Lord could not even count him, but unfortunately now, Hongzu suddenly broke the line with him, which allowed Chen Jiu to do Everything can be verified!

Of course, although it can be verified, because Chen Jiu is strong enough, if he is unwilling to be explored, some things cannot be manifested.

"Wow ..." The first thing that caught my eye was a woman-produced image, and this image was particularly unclear, but the gods can still recognize that woman is now Yanran!

"God, how could this be true, Bright God, are you wrong?" The gods all looked at Bright God for a while. Although they didn't say it clearly, the questioning face seemed to be saying, let you calculate this ⊙ Boy, what do you think the woman is doing? Could you be interested in her too?

"You ..." The Bright God was actually a god, and he couldn't understand the situation, but he quickly responded. "Look, look, that child is born!"

"Go, make it look like your child. What does a child look like?" The gods looked down on him, but they looked at the child, and when they looked at him, they understood the cause and effect.

Child, baby crying, this is not surprising, but Qi is surprisingly clear in it, and this also shows a problem, that is he is the protagonist of this calculation!

"What? It's the child who is Yanran. No wonder he has to come out and decide for them. That's it!" The gods of the lords were suddenly amazed. "This child is so amazing, he actually brought his father to our gods. Space for parents to reunite, this will be a good story! "

"Well, what a fart!" Facing the praises of the Lord Gods, the Light God scolded again. "Don't forget, this little evil species is the forbidden devil!"

"What? The banned demon **** son, it would be him, so it must be cut!" Upon hearing the name of the banned demon **** son, many of the main gods have changed their faces and are very hostile.

"Huh!" Shui Shen glanced unpleasantly at this time, it really hesitated many main gods. You should know that this is the son-in-law of Shui Shen, and he must be approved by others, right?

"God forbidden devil, such a devil forbidden devil, actually mixed in our hospital, lied to marrying the princess of our hospital, but also attempted to commit murder in our hospital. Is it really true that our hospital is gone, this thief must win today. Prove the strictness of the law in our court! "Mu Shen was immediately red-eyed and scolded.

"Forbidden demon son Chen Jiu, this person is bold and arrogant, and killed many new talents such as the talents of our hospital, Fang Liang, Mudongxi, and Dust, in the Feixian religion. It is really a great crime, and it is hard to redeem it!" In the meantime, he looked directly at Vulcan and asked, "Firestone, this person is your son-in-law, what do you say is good?"

"This ... I didn't expect it to be this kid, his mother lied to me!" Vulcan was also quite wronged in the face of many main gods' questions.

"Dad, why are you lying? I didn't tell you long ago. Chen Jiu is a demon god. Your old man still boasted that he is so talented that he will be the first person in our hospital in the future!" That is, Huo Queer took down his platform as soon as possible.

"What? What are you talking about, Cheer? When did you tell me, if I knew that this kid was the devil, I couldn't agree with your marriage!" Vulcan immediately became anxious.

"Dad, your divine Vulcan, supreme, say the best, are you still afraid of being threatened and coerced by them?" Huo Queer said unhappyly.

"Bullshit, don't listen to my girlfriend saying that she is fascinated by this kid now. If you don't believe me, ask the **** of water, we are all victims!" Vulcan yelled, just expecting Looking at the water god, her words are enough deterrent, right?

"Water god, how do you say?" Headed by the bright god, many main gods naturally looked to the water **** to ask for an explanation.

"As soon as the **** forbidden demon said, he couldn't stand anymore, and those people died in the chaos of the chaos. This is the place to die, and he can't blame others!" As soon as the water **** said something, he suddenly lost his eyes, it was unexpected She actually stood on the side of Chen Jiu and spoke.

"What? Water god, you already knew that his identity would not be the case if you said that?" The main gods were frightened.

"Yes, I and Huoshi already knew his identity, so what? He is ours now, who dares to touch him?" Shui Shen nodded, and pulled Vulcan directly to the battleship, confronting the Lord God. , That driving force has a great meaning to kill the head.

"Water god, you ..." Vulcan was the most aggrieved at the moment, and he wanted to refute, because he didn't know it at all?

"Firestone, if you are afraid, then step back and don't participate in it!" At this moment, the water **** gave a scornful glance at the fire god, but it instantly stirred his blood.

"What? I'm afraid? I'm afraid of a bird. I have never been afraid of Vulcan in the temple. Whoever dares to disrespect the **** of water today, that is to kill me!" Vulcan broke out, and the other side was deterred Some people are afraid to act lightly.

"You ... are you deliberately covering sinners? God is here to come and kiss, do you really want to watch Chen Jiu kill him?" Bright and airy, but also hesitant to do nothing.

"Kill, the forbidden devil must die, no one can protect him!" Jin Shen suddenly stepped forward, and they were in the same team with the bright god, and stood in a team.

At one time, the sanctuary was divided into three camps. One was naturally a **** of the gods led by the gods of fire and water, while the other was a **** of the gods led by the four gods of light, gold, wood, and earth. The last one was Led by Dou Shen, the neutral camp!

Relatively speaking, the bright side has the largest number of battalions and the most powerful force. This situation is very unfavorable to Chen Jiu.

"Ah ..." A scream screamed, which made all the gods' eyes look at the frozen avenue of space.

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