Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3177: Advent of evil

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"It's a wicked boy ..." Guangming Shen whispered, really wondering how Chen Jiu suddenly became so powerful?

And it ’s very powerful. He can still stand up anyway, but with the attack, his momentum is not weak but rises, and he is more and more powerful. If he goes on like this, the God of Light feels that he can't resist all his avatars of.

'boom! ‘Sure enough, Chen Jiu quickly broke this critical point, defeated the Light God, and made him invincible!

"What?" The bright **** was shocked, and his face was incredible. Although he knew that Chen Jiu might continue to have the upper hand like this, he never thought that he would climb up so fast.

"Bright child, look at the trick!" Chen Jiu didn't have any nonsense, he just smashed away at the offering of the Supreme Master.

"You ... Mom" ​​was so bright and energetic that he wished to unload Chen Jiuda from eight pieces and greeted him with great effort.

'boom! ‘The two fought each other, but the **** of light was still shaken out by the shock, and when the energy surged, his body was a little unstable.

"Damn!" The Light God cursed again and again, but this could not change his inferiority. The battle led by him gradually turned into Chen Jiu's pursuit!

"My grass ... your kid is not over yet, right?" I don't think that all of them are destroyed, and the bright **** retreated decisively after a few more bombardments.

The two sides fought, and one side lags behind, which is equivalent to escaping. For a time, Chen Jiuhua seems to be dominated by heaven and earth. He is holding a stone ball and chasing him behind the bright **** butt. Just shocked the eye!

"What? The Bright God was actually scared away by him. How could this be good?" Although it was just a double, it was the Bright God, after all, what was Chen Jiu's practice, and how could he fight against the Bright God?

The rustic is down, the bright gods no longer have the pride that they just had, and they have been overwhelmed by the whole line for a while, and they have no intention to fight again!

"Don't be discouraged, I'm just here to deal with him, this kid is not my opponent at all!" Naturally, he quickly realized that he had affected the rustic, and the God of Light hurriedly reprimanded as he ran away.

"Bright child, pick it up!" Chen Jiu did not explain, but struck with the most effective method, and saw that he smashed suddenly, but only broke the arm of the Bright God.

"Ah, I am so angry!" Guangming roared, and it was useless for him to say anything.

"Children stop, Lao Tzu interrupted your dog's legs!" Chen Jiu shouted, and even the bright god's face was lost.

"Ah, your boy is waiting for me, my master will come and destroy you right away!" The Light God screamed and hurriedly flew back. One leg was almost abolished. It was miserable.

Everything in the split here, the main body naturally feels the same, but this made the **** of light explode. It was staring at the fighting **** and blasted directly. "Douzhou, you, he. You are so hard for me, do n’t blame me. Love is over, the light burns! "

"What? Your grandma's ..." Dou Zhou was surprised, and flew back quickly, but it was too late.

‘Baking…’ A strange flame suddenly ignited on the body of the Light God. This flame actually changed the color of the light, and it was an extreme black flame.

Black fire lingers, and its burning power, the power of the Bright God's avenue has rapidly declined, so it can be seen that even if it hurts a thousand opponents, it will have to damage 800 itself!

The flames flickered, and the nearest fighting **** was directly affected, and his avenue was instantly lit by the black flame, which was a great loss of vitality.

"God of Light, you are crazy ..." Dou Zhou growled, but to no avail.

"Haha, I'm crazy, you guys. Mom's dare to force me, I'll work hard for you!" The Bright God not only did not converge, but also intensified, making the flames bigger, and directly fighting God ’s fighters Wrapped in, all burned.

‘Baking dry…’ Among the chaos, there is a black flame on the Avenue of Lights. Although its main target is the avenue of vindictiveness in front of it, it will inevitably spread to some other Avenues, causing them great damage!

"This lunatic, kill!" The false gods may be more affected than this, but the water gods have no fear at all and continue to fight against their opponents.

"Bright God, desperately desperately, I can still be afraid that you will not succeed!" The fighting God was gradually forced, and he blasted against the Bright God at all costs.

‘Booming rumbling ...’ In the empty space, two black fire dragons were entangled, and the sky was falling apart, but the God of Fighting and the God of Light were fighting against Yuanyuan Avenue.

Affected by this, other main gods have also come up with the means of pressing the bottom of the box to carry out the final fight!

Yutian is chaotic, and the false gods continue to ridicule again, but at this time no one is distressed, and no one cares so much, just want to win the opponent.

"Break it!" After being so stubborn for a while, Chen Jiu finally showed great power and pinpointed a chance, which was to kill the avatar of Bright God on the spot.

‘Boom…’ With the butterfly effect, the **** of light suddenly shakes, and the avenue he manipulates suddenly explodes!

The explosion of the avenue is simply a mighty power to destroy the world. It was screamed for a while, and a large number of false gods died.

The end of the day, a wave of destruction in the chaos rippling, just like an ancient beast, it directly swallowed everyone's shadow.

'boom! ‘Chen Jiu was also severely hit, vomiting blood again and again, and his vague will.

The Bright God's move was too harsh, it directly enveloped everyone and encroached on everyone, making the fierce battle completely stand still.

After a big bang, it was surprisingly quiet, as if all the main gods had died, and no one made a sound again.

After a long time, when the chaos dissipated, I saw that the broken void had not been repaired, but the deity, although embarrassed, still exudes awesome gods.

"Fang Ye, are you still not willing to stop? If you continue to fight like this, the details of our magical temple will be over!" Dou Shen looked at those ridiculous figures with heartache, but persuaded and persuaded.

"Bald, eat a stick!" Just as the God of Light hesitated to bow his head, Qi Dasheng turned his sight on the Golden God, and the stick swept.

"I ... grass you a monkey!" Jin Shen succumbed, and hurriedly held the pyramid to meet him.

"Hum, let it stop, our things can be discussed slowly!" Bright God's face was dull, but after all, he didn't want to fight anymore.

"Haha ..." But at this moment, in the void suddenly burst into laughter, listening to this unscrupulous laughter, fighting God they couldn't help but feel tight, some sense of crisis was born.

"You guys, haven't seen you for a long time!" With laughter, a dark figure came down!

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