Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3178: Water God Silently

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Dark evil **** ..." Seeing this dark figure, even the face could not see clearly, the magic gods in the courtyard were shocked and overshadowed.

"Yes, it's rare, you haven't seen me for a long time, and you can still remember me. That shows that my status in your heart is still high?" The dark evil **** Tian smiled shamelessly, and did not take himself as an outsider. .

"Dark evil god, you are evil and have been driven away by us for a long time. Why are you still so immoral? Don't think about it, we won't just leave you to stay in the temple!" , It is annoying.

"Bad? God, you are old, and the **** of light is too weak. The temple under your leadership will only become weaker and weaker. Only if my evil **** orders the whole hospital, then [m] can unify the gods' space. , Really bigger and stronger! "The dark ambitious sermon preached.

"Well, it's just that you are alone, that's imaginary!" Gritting his teeth at this figure, Water God simply hated him.

"Oh? Water god, your mother and daughter have been poisoned by me. It is almost unsolvable except me. You can be safe and sound?" The dark evil **** turned to the water god, and was quite surprised.

"Dark evil god, you dare to disrespect the water god, today I will tolerate you!" Fire God, also clamored for the dark evil god.

"Well, Vulcan, you are still so impulsive. You do n’t know how to think when you are in trouble. Do you understand that you are going to suffer a lot?" The dark evil **** laughed strangely.

"What do you mean?" Vulcan stared dissatisfied.

"Do you not understand what it means? The water **** is clearly poisoned by me. She can only be relieved after she is happy with me, but she is okay without actually surrendering me now. Doesn't this explain anything? When the dark evil **** spoke, he glanced at Chen Jiu consciously or unintentionally.

"The affair is poisonous. The Lord of the Water God uses the belt to purify it, and it can be lifted. Will he be captured by you and other evil gods?" Chen Jiu looked at the matter and hurriedly explained it.

"Yes, do you think how clever you are? If you are really capable, you wouldn't have rolled out of the temple before!" Vulcan would be more convinced.

"Hey, what haven't I said yet, what's your kid anxious about? Are you a thief guilty?" The dark evil **** seemed to know everything, and said, "How could I not have understood before, who in this world except me? Can I still solve the pain of this love? But since I learned that this kid is a devil, I suddenly became cheerful! "

"Dark evil god, you can't stop talking nonsense here, what do you mean by coming here today?" Shui Shen stared at the dark evil god, and didn't want to listen anymore.

"Water god, I'm in a hurry before I say that? When you were serving this little man with your daughter, why weren't you in a hurry?" The dark evil **** then laughed without a word: "Oh, dignified water god, Actually shared a man with his daughter. Although you said that you were trying to understand the poison, such a kid is profane. You should not kill him if you desecrate your holiness? You still choose to fight for him, I think you should Will you fall in love with him? "

"What? Is there such a thing?" Everyone's eyes looking at Shui Shen were quite weird for a while. It seemed that only for this reason could she better explain why she was in the early stage for Chen Jiuqiang.

"Xin'er, you tell me, this is not true, he must be slandering you, right?" Vulcan immediately looked at the water god, hoping to get a negative answer.

"Oh my God, is this really the case? Shui Runer, tell me the truth ..." Huo Queer screamed in the same distance, and the stare of Shui Runer questioned again and again.

"Water gods ..." The gods in the courtyard all respected this holy and only water god. At this time, listening to the dark evil **** said this, naturally all looked at her, hoping to get a negation!

Unfortunately, the water **** was hesitant at this time. Isn't she ready to refute?

"Water god, you say something, everyone is waiting!" Dou Shen watched the situation stand still, and could not help but persuade.

"Dark Evil God, if it wasn't for your setup to frame me, why would I suffer from the poisonous feelings, if not, then how could I be a **** of water!" Water God did not refute, she just stared at the Dark Evil God and complained. stand up.

"Oh? If you say so, do you admit that you have been **** by him?" The Dark Evil God can't help but feel very heartbroken, because after all this is just a guess from him, in fact, he still hopes that the Water God is holy in his heart, because then Good to own.

"Don't say it so badly, since you want to know, I can tell you that he did solve my poison for me, but what about it?" The Water God admitted it generously.

"What? The water **** was really given by Chen Jiu, but it was his son-in-law ..." Listening to the answer from water god, countless men's dreams were broken, and they just felt unbearable.

"Ah, no wonder, no wonder your mother has to teach Chen Jiu often, it turns out that ..." Huo Queer was stunned, and no longer asked Shuiruner, there were many things that I thoroughly wanted to understand, and I wanted to let Shui Runer knows that it is difficult to ask for forgiveness, but the mother and daughter are attentive, and they are not afraid at all. Whatever cultivation they say is clearly deceptive!

"Mother, why is she ..." Shui Yun'er was also dumb at this time, originally thinking about lying for her, now it seems unnecessary.

"Liars, you mother and daughter are liars. What kind of cultivation does it mean, you must have gone to private sex, right?" Huo Queer was furious and questioned Shui Runer again.

"Huh, what do you know, isn't Shuang. Cultivation also cultivation?" Shui Runer replied unhappyly, making Huo Queer dumb.

"Chen Jiu, you thief, you cheated me so hard!" Vulcan reprimanded, thinking that the beauty he had long thought about was actually tarnished by the stinky boy in front of him. He was so embarrassed by how he thought. Just to be mad.

"Master Vulcan, the situation was urgent at the time, and I had no choice!" Chen Jiu naturally explained quickly.

"No way, no way, I can't kill you!" Vulcan's eyes were red, and Chen Jiu was going to be shot in that hand.

"Hugh hurts my husband!" Shui Shen turned his head again, and her husband was even more shocking, completely breaking the fragile heart of the men in the hospital.

Oh my God, this is not fair. Vulcan also felt dizzy and asked again: "What do you call him?"

"Xin'er, you ..." Chen Jiu looked at it at the same time, wondering why the water god, who had always wanted to hide his true feelings, was suddenly so bold?

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