Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3179: Five Masters

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"This boy ..." It was at this time that the God of Fighting's eyes couldn't help but wonder, and what was mixed in it undoubtedly represented the envy and jealousy of most people.

In this kind of eyes, the water **** is still a little bit harmful. She's face turned red, but she seemed to have determined what she said at this time: "Today, while everyone is here, let me tell you straight away. After Chen Jiu was not only my daughter's husband, but also my husband, my Shui Xiner will be his woman from now on, and this will definitely not change, because my soul is dedicated to He's up! "

"What? Not only did you marry the same man as your daughter, but you also gave your soul out. Is this so thorough!" The magic gods were once again shocked and sighed, just sighing what the little man in front of them was. Charm, so that the Supreme Lord of the Water God actually plans to go back for a while!

"Is this really the case? Water god, you are still the main **** of Bingqingyujie. You have shared a man with your daughter, and you dare to be so shameless to acknowledge in public that I really admire you!" The dark evil **** wanted to take the opportunity to be ashamed . Shame threatened some water gods, but did not expect that they would not care at all, but this made him angry.

"I don't have to admire me. I just follow my heart and love what I love. As for who this person is, I don't care!" Shui Shen smiled coldly immediately: "But no matter who this person is, that can't be You dark evil god, you do n’t want to touch me, that ’s just imagination! ”

"Okay, you are a bitch. You would rather give yourself such a little garbage, shamelessly share him with your daughter, and wouldn't give me a chance, then don't blame me for not loving, play in the future. It's up to you! "The Dark Evil God immediately became furious.

"On you? I'm afraid I'm still tender!" The water **** scorned, he simply looked down on the dark evil god.

"Boy, immediately swear to give me the water god, otherwise I will let you break the body!" The dark evil **** seemed very dissatisfied and immediately pointed at Chen Jiu and rebuked.

"Xin'er is my wife, even if the creation **** comes, I will not give in, let alone your black ball egg!" Chen Jiu also gave a dismissive glance, came to the **** of water, and embraced her In his arms.

"Husband, thank you!" Shui Shen even leaned on him, holding him, no longer avoiding suspicion.

"Xin'er, you can figure this out, I was really surprised, but I was even more surprised!" Chen Jiu looked down at Shui Shen and sighed.

"Today's battle is likely to die, if I don't say love again, then I have no chance in my life!" Shui Shen explained unequivocally, if not, she really does not have the courage.

"No, Xiner, my husband is here today, and he will not hurt you even a little hair!" Chen Jiuzhi pointed to the dark evil **** and said, "Just such a black egg is nothing!"

"Bold, I'm the Dark Evil God, how dare you call me the Black Ball Egg?" Although the Dark Evil God couldn't see his nose and face, it made people feel a bit crooked.

"You are not only a black ball egg, but you are also a fool. Just one person came to challenge the magic gods. Do you think everyone will let you go?" Chen Jiu scolded again.

"A man? Really a joke, do you think I'm the same as you? Since my Dark Evil God dared to come, then naturally it is a good idea to do it!" The Dark Evil God laughed. "Haha, stink boy, I have to thank you, if not you It ’s a big trouble here, and I may have to spend a lot of time trying to subdue them. Now it seems that it is a lot easier! "

"Dark evil god, you look down on us too!" Facing the dark evil god, the fighting **** and the light **** immediately lay down their prejudices, and they were connected with one another.

"No, I didn't underestimate you. Maybe you can fight with me during the heyday, but just now you blasted off the roots of your avenue, and now it ’s severely damaged. I am enough to suppress you all!" The Dark God mocked: "Besides, since I am here , Of course not alone, children, come out! "

"Master Evil God, boundless magic power, unified the gods, just around the corner!" With the rumbling of the world, I saw the black spots suddenly appear in the sky.

These black spots, from far to near, when they came to the crowd, formed a multitude of roads, and went directly behind the dark evil god.

There are more than a hundred black roads at a time. Their strong evil and evil breath dims the world and the heart.

"What? More than a hundred evil and evil gods, you have actually subjugated!" Looking at this group of forces, although there are some fears, but the fighting God is not afraid "but just some demon crooked road, this power is still I ca n’t shake the details of my magic temple! "

"Is that so? What if I do this!" The dark evil **** smiled suddenly, and the figure turned into five, all of a sudden incarnation.

'boom! ‘Five dark evil gods, they actually have different temperaments, and looking like that, they are equally powerful and powerful. They should be in control of five different Taos, and they also have five Tao hearts.

"This ... turns into five, and one person is the master of five. How is this possible, how can you make such a big progress?" The bright **** couldn't help but startled, his face changed.

"Well, do you think that the days after I was driven out by you are so peaceful? I tell you, my dark evil **** has never wanted to come back after being driven out by you, so I used all means Come to improve yourself, until the last five days have finally condensed five Taoism, which is equivalent to the five in one. Whatever you fight with the God of Light, you cannot be my opponent at all! " Road.

"A good five-in-one, a good five Tao Hearts, dark evil gods, I have to say that your cultivation is indeed amazing, but it is a pity that you have used them in the crooked way evil path, but when you become the fifth, the strength must be reduced. Now, we are the seven main gods, hundreds of pseudo-gods, and you are still a bit too weak to deliberately shake us! "

"It seems to be a little weaker now, but what's more about my strength?" The Dark God said with a slight smile and denial, "Sometimes your strength may not be yours, do you understand?"

"You ... what do you mean?" The fighting **** seemed to realize something, and immediately looked left and right, because he had also received news that the dark evil **** had already been active in the magic temple.

"Well, since they can't break into the army, then there is no need to sneak attack. Come over and fight with them in a fair and honest manner!" The dark evil **** then drank to the magic gods. "Gold god, you are enough, don't be there The monkey is playing! "

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