Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3180: Defend justice

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Boom…’ There was nothing idle between the gods during the quarrel. The water monkey aimed at his bald head, as if with a hatred of 18,000 years, he kept babbling.

"I ..." Exorcising, Jin Shen is really exorcising. He has faced such a big enemy, but he was deliberately prolonged by the Dark Evil God misunderstanding as a monkey, can he not be inferior?

‘Oh…’ Under the shout of the dark evil gods, I saw one by one the false gods who had stopped. They were flying away from him, and there were more than a hundred of them!

"Hey, what are you doing? You're crazy, that's the dark evil god, how can you trust him ..." The fighting **** and the light **** can't help but be dumbfounded, it's a bit unbelievable.

Although they knew that some of the false gods in the temple were countered by the dark evil gods, they never imagined that there would be so many!

In the blink of an eye, less than a third of the pseudo-gods stood behind the dark evil gods. This was in harmony with the hundreds of evil and evil gods behind him, which made his power even stronger.

But this is not to be counted. What most frightens the fighting gods is that the old master **** of wood **** also ran over and served as the minion of the dark evil god.

"Wood God, how can you ..." The God of Light couldn't believe it. The Lord God who was just with him just now, how did he change his camp in a blink of an eye?

"Guangming child, wouldn't you be so stupid? Really think that I and Jin Shen are yours? We ※ ∫ only gave you some strength, let you provoke war, and then defeated both, and lived for so many years This does not make sense? What qualifications do you have to be the dean? "Mu Shen laughed at the God of Light without mercy.

"Ah, you two bastards, how dare you yin me!" The bright **** roared, so angry that his liver hurt!

"How about you? In this battle, you are doomed to defeat. If you are conscious, you still have to leave the temple and let the evil gods lead. In this case, maybe the evil gods will spare you a way of life!" .

"Don't think ..." Shui Shen, who gritted his teeth, didn't want to compromise at all.

"Water god, don't you think that your current powers can still be my opponents?" The dark evil **** focused on the water god. "Don't you like your little love man? If you submit to me, let him hand over the immortal order. I can let you love each other, how? "

"Wanted!" Shui Shen flatly refused.

"That being the case, there is really nothing to say. If you have been playing monkeys there, Gold God, don't blame me for packing you in the future!" The dark evil **** changed his face and couldn't help glancing at Gold God's side, very angry.

"Master Evil God, I really don't play monkeys, but this monkey is really difficult to entangle, I can't get rid of it!" Jin Shen howled and couldn't help shouting cheekily.

"Gold God, do you want to play me like a monkey?" The dark evil **** is obviously a little unbelieving.

"No, I don't dare, Lord Evil God, I really can't get away. If you don't believe me, try it!" The Golden God sacrificed the pyramid and passively defended it. The sound of the impact only made him tumultuous. Is uncomfortable.

"You go and help him play monkeys, and let him come and help me!" The dark evil **** was dissatisfied, but just ordered a few false gods next to him.

"Yes!" These pseudo-gods, in the same black clothes, were all embarrassed, and knew at first sight that they were not good people.

"Kill!" Several pseudo-gods came to Qi Dasheng's side, and raised the knife to kill the past without saying a word.

"Look for death, alas!" Qi Dasheng felt the crisis, and the magic devil pestle in his hand was sternly stunned. The end was powerful and fast.

It looks like nothing, but when it hits people, it will really burst out!

‘Boom ...’ The first pseudo-god was hit with a headache first, and when he saw a scream, the whole person was directly turned into a fog of blood.

"Ahh ..." Then there were several screams. The five evil and false gods who went up all died under the magic devil's pestle, and everyone in the audience couldn't help but be shocked, and fully anticipated. The pressure of the golden god.

"Where is this demon monkey that came out, why is it so fierce?" The dark evil **** could not help daring to preach aloud at first glance: "Gold God, you top it for a while, I will deal with them, and I will help you Submit to the demon monkey! "

"Thank you, Lord, I can still stand it!" Jin Shen took a sigh of relief, and did not dare to continue negotiating with the water monkey.

"Huh, although one person is missing, it is still no problem to win you!" The dark evil **** then glared at the fighting **** and they provoked: "Today, I will recapture the temple, recapture everything that belongs to me, all rebellions Or, there is only a dead end! "

"Recapture everything, control the sanctuary, the evil **** master, the magic is boundless!" With the dark evil gods, the more than three hundred false gods shouted in unison, apparently being brainwashed by the dark evil gods.

"Defend the sanctuary, defend justice, and kill the demon head!" The fighting gods roared the same, using this to increase momentum.

"Evil God Avenue, dominate the sky!" Five dark evil gods suddenly yelled at the same time, and with the yell, the five evil avenues exude a different dark atmosphere, straight to the fighting **** they interspersed in the past .

"Not good, you can't let it occupy the world, Dou Shen Avenue, Guangming Avenue, Shui Shen Avenue, Vulcan Avenue, Tushen Avenue!" The Dou Shen side is actually not too weak, and the five avenues are evil with each other. Evil Avenue is entangled.

'Booming ...' Between heaven and earth, these ten avenues run through cause and effect, ancient and modern, forming a chaotic vanity world. In this world, there is a constant battle between the power of justice and the power of evil. A ground-like confrontation.

"Baby, kill me with them and destroy them!" The dark evil **** ordered that he led many false gods into this world.

"Well, evil is overwhelming, you lose!" The fighting gods were unwilling to show weakness, and they also led people to kill them, and a real big fight began.

‘Hurry up, take the birds to them! ”At this moment, the water **** sent a voice and let Chen Jiu slip away, but he looked at all this and watched the water **** desperately there, but he couldn't move.

To this day, although Chen Jiu is not in the realm, he can still see that he may come to a fight with the dark evil **** in front of him. The water **** is afraid to have long regarded it as death. It is because of this that she is willing to admit her feelings. The silver woman's shameless shame on her back must be with Chen Jiu!

Walking is probably the best choice, but Chen Jiu is a man. He looks at his woman so desperately for himself, and he really can't get away.

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