Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3181: Horror

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Not in control? Shaking his head and shaking his head, Chen Jiu could not help but laugh absurdly. If he really did not have any strength to resist, then he might choose to retreat temporarily. It may be the best choice, but now that he still has a hole card, how can he watch Suffering suffering?

There is no doubt that if the water **** is defeated and the captives are defeated, then she will die, and her death will be a pain that Chen Jiu can not bear in this life!

No, just because of the feelings for the water god, then Chen Jiu could not leave easily, not to mention that the dark evil **** would not let him go, and he was despised by his immortals.

‘Boom rumbling…’ Daozhi Tiandi, in the interweaving of the road between the dark evil **** and the fighting god, automatically formed a chaotic world. In this heaven and earth, it is a contest of Tao force, but also a confrontation between the main gods!

The sky is dim, full of coldness and evil. The breath of evil descends from above, and the thunder is rolling, wanting to destroy the whole world, but the earth is affectionate, it breeds justice, a breath of fresh air, and these evil. Struggle against each other.

"Kill ..." Electro-optic Naruto, between these two types of airflows, countless pseudo-gods are at war. Most of them are armed with Taoism. Each impact will cause the world to collapse, but they will soon be filled by these two airflows. full.

Evil. Evil and justice.] There is no possibility of compromise. The war between the two sides can only be achieved by dividing life and death between victory and defeat!

"Cangdoudaodao ..." In the battle, the most amazing thing is that the five evil gods battled the five main gods, and saw that the fighting gods' sword blades swept away in an empty sky, almost like a fire dragon, devouring everything.

"Dark bead!" Since the dark evil **** dared to come over to compete for the temple, he naturally had great control. I saw that he turned out a black bead and turned it gently, and actually turned the fighting fire on. The dragon devoured it.

"I don't believe you can swallow it all the time!" Dou Shen was so angry that he continued to split the pierced sword-mang into the sky.

"I can't help it!" The dark evil **** smirked and turned gently, and surely swallowed the swordman again, only to see the black ball flicker a little, and then it went dark.

"Kill!" Dou Shen refused to be convinced, and continued to attack and kill the past, but that powerful trick was really a time why the dark evil gods were not allowed.

"Very heavenly furnace!" Vulcan is on the other side, playing against another dark evil **** who is exactly the same, and in his hand, he also holds a black bead, which can devour everything, which is very strange.

‘Baking…’ No matter how fierce the Vulcan might be, the Dark Evil God can devour the attack and make the opponent return without success.

"Damn, what is this!" The Light God howled. It was because he was so knowledgeable and could not immediately recognize the origin of the black bead, and was surprised by its ability.

"Swallowing the invisible, I don't believe it can swallow even tangible things!" Shui Shen frowned. At this time, she could not care about Chen Jiu.

"Haha, come on, the more people come, the more I like it!" The dark evil **** opened his arms and welcomed the attack from all directions. He was a man of five bodies, and he actually shook the five main gods without falling behind.

Although the five main gods are injured, the dark evil **** should not be so strong, but he is so powerful now that the five main gods have no temper at all!

"Damn, what's going on, how can this happen?" After fighting for a while, they could not help feeling a little desperate, because any attack of their own could be swallowed up by the other party.

"Well, is it possible that the power of the Lord Evil God can be known, it is still too late to surrender!" The wood **** companion and the Dark Evil God are around, but they are weird and have not shot.

"Wood God, now you have lost your way to know how to return. Do not change the evil and leave endless scourges to your children and grandchildren!" Dou Shen rebuked, hoping to persuade Wood God to turn back.

"Well, the hatred of killing a child is not the same, then Chen Jiu killed my son, and you still protect it, I can't be with you!" Mu Shen complained, but also dissatisfied.

"Chen Jiu's thing, that's because your son had the wrong first!" The Bright God also said a fair word.

"Okay, Mu Shen, you don't have to protect the law for me here, keep an eye on Chen Jiu and go and take him down!" The Dark Evil God suddenly ordered again.

"Yes!" The wooden **** was commanded, looking directly at Chen Jiu outside this chaotic world.

"Chen Jiu, why don't you go!" Seeing Chen Jiu still stunned there, the **** of water was almost dead.

"Shuishen, isn't that reluctant to you, I have to say, you can find this little love man kindly and righteous to you, I don't know if he will let me watch me play in the future. Will he get mad when he plays with you? Ah? "The Dark Evil God even laughed at it.

"You're looking for death!" The water **** was angry and reprimanded. The attack was more fierce. The fierce attack hit the dark evil god. There seemed to be a few flashes of flame in the dark dome, but it soon extinguished.

"This is ..." Chen Jiu stared. He watched the wars of the gods on the edge of the world. Naturally, he was not just watching the liveliness. He also discovered the strangeness of the dark evil gods for the first time. He wanted to see his weaknesses, otherwise Faced with such a black ball that devours everything, there is no chance of winning!

"Boy, take your life!" But when Chen Jiu seemed to think of something, Mu Shen also killed him.

‘Boom ...’ One hand, that is the horrifying cover-up hand of the wooden god, and Chen Jiu is not the first to learn about it.

"Get off!" Chen Jiu didn't dare to neglect, and offered 10,000 stone **** in an instant and met the past with the attitude of King of Kings.

'boom! ’With a thump, Chen Jiu shook himself. Although he was physically intact, he was forced into this chaotic world. If he wanted to escape again, it would not be so easy.

"Ahh ..." In the chaotic world, there is a continuous fall of false gods, and an invisible layer of power around it, like a chainsaw strangling, it is simply a return.

"Small sinner, you haven't left so good a chance just now? If you want to leave now, I'm afraid it's too late!" Mu Shen looked at Chen Jiu, but couldn't help smirking in general.

"Oh? The Dark Evil God didn't seem to be confident enough to use one enemy and five right?" Chen Jiu asked other people, with a suspicious look on his face, and supposedly he wanted to be so abnormal. What did he need to do?

"Boy, you evil master, you can wait to be criticized, let's die!" Mu Shen's face changed, and immediately fierce and evil.

"I ..." Chen Jiu wanted to say, but the violent attack of Mu Shen made him unbearable.

I just played with the clone of the God of Light just now, after all, the light is only a clone, but not as strong as it is now!

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