Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3189: Magic House News

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Ugly daughter-in-law? Look at the way you fascinated your father. Can this be an ugly daughter-in-law?" Yan Ran glanced dissatisfied and couldn't help feeling a little angry.

"Oh, they are pretty, but they are a little worse than your mother, aren't they?" Chen Jiuji complimented.

"Okay, don't make your mother happy, just look at your father and see who is more beautiful!" Yan Ran didn't have arrogance, but also understood that Chen Jiu laughed with a heart.

"Mother, you are really pretty ..." A group of women complimented each other, but Duan soon became a piece.

For the true heart, the distance between this person and people is actually very simple to get closer!

After a conversation, Yan Ran had a simple understanding of the concubines, and felt that they were almost there. Chen Jiu immediately advised: "Daddy and mother, this time you are shocked, you should go back and rest!"

"Well, Chen Jiu, are you really killing so many people this time, is it all right? Don't miss you for us!" Yan Ran was still worried about Chen Jiu.

"It's okay, don't worry about me, you are all right, I'm the happiest!" Chen Jiu comforted, and didn't talk about Yan Yan and let them go back to rest.

Under this big wedding, the two are really struggling and need a good rest.

"Huh ... it's finally safe, I hope Dasheng is okay!" Chen Jiu sent his parents ≈↙ to rest, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Husband, don't worry, they will be fine!" The concubines immediately reassured.

"Love concubines, it's not too early now, we might as well rest!" Chen Jiu looked at the concubines and made another suggestion.

"Husband, you are too tired today, let's stay with you another day!" The concubines advised kindly.

"Just because you're tired, you have to relax for me, don't you want to?" Chen Jiu pulled his face down.

"Husband, our looks are not good women. If you want to relax, go to those beautiful women!" Mu Lan suddenly pursed, and the other women's faces were not so good.

"Eh? You won't even eat your mother's vinegar, right?" Chen Jiu naturally knew why these women were angry. He just said that, compliment the mother, who knows that the wives don't say anything, but In my heart, I hate it.

"No, how dare we compare with the mother, the mother is so beautiful, we entered her house, but that is the blessedness of eight lives, how dare you have any other thoughts!" The princesses preached with regrets.

"Well, ladies, in fact, I was just coaxing my mother just now. In my heart, you are the most beautiful!" Chen Jiu was not stupid, and quickly explained.

"Chen Jiu, who would you save first if we fell into the river with your mother?" Mu Lan suddenly asked again. Although she knew it was difficult, she just couldn't help but want to ask come out.

"Of course I saved you, you are the love of my life, who can I save without saving you?" Chen Jiu said without hesitation.

"What? Then Chen Jiu, aren't you afraid of being told that you are not filial?" There is still some blame among the concubines, and this is the woman, which is a special contradiction. "Even if you are not afraid of others, we still Afraid of others saying that we are fox. Beaver! "

"Why not filial piety, my father is not dead yet, my father will naturally save my mother, this will not affect each other!" What is a raccoon? "

"Husband, you are necrotic, we are not foxes and raccoons!" The concubines were resentful.

"It's okay, I'm willing to be hooked by you. I heard that foxes are most fond of men's yang, just because I have endless yang here, and I can feed your foxes. It releases a huge Yang Qi water pipe. Through this pipe, an endless amount of Yang Qi can flow out.

"Oh, husband, who do you think we are, aren't we ..." The concubines blame it, and their eyes can't help shining brightly.

"Well, hurry up, I've walked for so many days, must I starve you?" Chen Jiu smiled proudly, he knew that the concubines could not help it.

In fact, as Chen Lan came over, the other concubines lined up in a hurry, sharing this delicious meal together!

Good things happened again, and between this love and affection, Chen Jiu's body and mind were restored to their peak state, and they were more energetic and powerful than before the battle!

After the sky turned bright again, the news of the magical temple was completely spread, and Chen Jiu was surprised that they had all the roots of the turmoil on the mind of the dark evil god.

When Chen Jiu was married, the matter of killing the gods was covered up, and nothing was mentioned!

"Husband, why is this different from you?" The concubines looked at Chen Jiu with confusion, and some of them didn't understand.

"It's unclear for the time being, I believe Niu Mang should be back soon, and I'll know as soon as I ask!" Chen Jiu shook his head and followed the consorts and waited.

Sure enough, in a short time, Niu Mang and their team returned, and the faces were mixed, making people wonder what happened?

"Chairman rest assured, you can say that those creatures live well!" As soon as they met, Niu Mang gave Chen Jiu a reassurance.

"Oh? What the **** is going on, tell me carefully!" Chen Jiu'an asked again in his heart.

"Yes, President, you should also know that the legendary version of the outside world does not correspond to the real situation. You drove the Dark Dragon away from the Dragon God, but in the legend, it was the Light God that turned the tide, and you know why. Is it? "Niu Mang said angrily.

"Bright God, he is really shameless, but I really don't understand these conditions in detail!" Chen Jiu didn't care much about Bright God. Just now, I just listened to someone's discussion about God's affairs.

"President, in fact, if the water gods told them truthfully, I wouldn't believe it!" Niu Mang explained a little and continued to say, "After you chased the dark evil god, the old part of the evil **** supported the bright god. Makes him the new head of the magic temple, so these news are naturally in his favor! "

"That was the case. I didn't expect to be succeeded by this bright god, but it didn't matter that he jumped for a few days. What about Dasheng?" Chen Jiu asked in a hurry.

"Super Demon is okay with those spirits and monsters. They are all in the Water Shrine, but the Great Saint is crazy, he is pressed by the God of Light under the Holy Mountain of Light and cannot communicate, but he should not die!" Niu Mang said helplessly.

"Oh? What is the attitude of the bright **** now?" Chen Jiu asked seriously.

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