Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3190: Emperor dog red

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When Niu Mang returned, telling Chen Jiu the truth, in the palace of the emperor, the prince returned quickly, and the anxious face was very angry.

"Prince, what's the matter that makes you look so ugly?" Rendi naturally asked curiously.

"The emperor, the **** is dead ... This is the one who is going to be with his relatives, ten deaths!" Said the Prince very distressed, knowing that these people are all people or seedlings of other imperial alliances.

"What? Who is so bold that he dares to kill the pro-ambassador, and that God has the ego space avenue, and it is not easy for me to kill him. Is he stupid enough to let others kill him?" The overshadowed curse.

"According to the official announcement from the God of Light, it seems that the gods sweared to fight against the dark evil gods for the orthodoxy of the magic temple, so he died!" The Prince explained.

"Fart, is that God alone waiting for someone to be the opponent of the Dark Evil God? They cannot be so overwhelmed!" The Emperor was furious and did not believe it at all.

"Yeah, I don't believe this. Fortunately, I found the survivor Yue Gu at the time. She was under pressure to tell me the truth!" The Prince nodded, and then he told the truth. Naturally pointed to Chen Jiu. "In this way, Chen Jiu not only killed the gods and rescued their parents, but also when the dark evil **** wanted to seize the temple, he controlled the dragon and ran off the evil god. It's gone! "

"Damn, Chen Jiu, it really is him. This little beast is really a little bit patient!" The Emperor immediately took to the scene and hated endlessly.

"Emperor, in my opinion, this kid is a scourge. We might as well start the army as soon as possible and remove it!" Prince Edward also suggested with resentment.

"Remove? Didn't you hear of his might? He managed to turn the tide in the magical temple. How can we be sure of dealing with him? Besides, even if the dragon is really unable to come out temporarily, but he escapes After falling, revenge on us, how can we resist? "The Emperor shook his head, the price was simply too great for him to bear.

"Emperor, if this is the case, then he can only let his kid get away with it?" Prince Prince said unwillingly: "Don't hide the saying from the emperor, I have heard some interesting things here!"

"What kind of funny thing is worth telling me?" Rendi glanced unhappyly. This is not obvious to our old bachelor.

"The Emperor is going to be angry, this thing is naturally about Chen Jiu!" As soon as Chen Jiu was said, the Emperor immediately came to hear the sound of the spirit, and when watching the Emperor was interested, the Prince didn't dare to talk about it. "Chen Jiu, the repair is flat, but it ’s really beautiful. Blessed is not bad. It only hurts women in our Yuanli Temple, but he married the daughters of Water God and Vulcan at the same time in the Magic Temple. The two princesses, who were smashed by water and fire, actually married him at the same time. Do you say this is not annoying? "

"What? Are the fire gods and the water gods blind? How could they promise such shame. Shame!" The emperor was shocked and couldn't accept it.

"Emperor, don't worry, there is even more shameless. You said that the water **** even married his daughter, but you never imagined that this kid actually made the water **** die, and he will marry him at the expense of his face. And he vowed to safeguard his security. Do you say this evil door is not evil? "The Prince said, and he couldn't help but swallowed with some envy.

"What? Shuishen married Chen Jiu with his daughter. My grass, isn't there no man in this world? Then Shuishen has lived for so many years, so not to be so arrogant. Let the gods make a joke? After the emperor heard it, he really didn't want to believe it.

"Emperor, this matter is so real, that's why I said that the water **** is shameless!" The prince affirmed seriously.

"Cheesy, this **** of water is a natural offender. Cheesy, if I have a chance in the future, I will have a good time playing with her and let her see what is called a real man!" Emperor cursed, but in fact, envy, envy and hate Already.

"Emperor, this Chen Jiu is so arrogant, but all the women who can see it are taken away by him. We can't stand this bad gas!" The Prince then suggested again.

"Yeah, I can't stand it, but now this kid is gathered in the crowd, and there is the help of the **** dragon and fairy goddess. It is difficult to move him!" The emperor was embarrassed. He didn't try it out, Chen Jiuna Fang's strength made him jealous too, unwilling to move.

"Emperor, it's not clear. Why can't we come in dark? We must know that there are many people close to Chen Jiu ..." Then the prince smiled badly. "We can't let that kid live that way. As wishful! "

"Eh? You mean ... yes, it would be a little trouble for him to do this, maybe he could succeed, but he must be sharp and easy, don't let our people do it, understand?" In the meantime, he laughed cheerfully, and he was very upset when he heard Chen Jiu being so awesome.

"Yes, please rest assured, I must have done a beautiful job!" The Prince's face was so bleak that he went on planning.

Inu Shrine, a temporary gathering place, a group of bad embryos gathered, and they were also discussing the cause and news of the space earthquake.

There are many people with mixed eyes, and some of them have a clever eye, and soon they have discovered the truth of the matter.

"What? Chen Jiu, Shenlong ... Shuishen ..." Listening to the insider's information, the entire Inu Shrine also has a meaning of wanting to boil, because these news is simply too shocking for them!

"Well, what a good Chen Jiu, if he can join our dog shrine, how much glory should we have?" In the end, many people envy again and again, and regard Chen Jiu as a fellow in the same circle.

"What about joining, would he, a selfish ghost, send his woman out to share with us?" The voice in front was soon replaced.

"Yes, President, this kid has finished collecting the best women, and our dog shrine will have little resources in the future. We can't swallow it in this tone!" Finally, many members of the dog shrine were dissatisfied.

"Well, I discussed this with a few vice presidents and decided to talk to Chen Jiu. If he gave me face, if he didn't give me face, then don't blame us for stinking his reputation!" Inoue Hesitating for a moment, then suddenly spoke to comfort.

"President, I heard that Chen Jiuyou has the help of the dragon. What if he irritates him against us?" Everyone was worried.

"Take care of us? Don't forget that our dog shrine has today, and the credit of my president is not false, but we really rely on our dog **** ancestors!" Inoue sighed. .

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