Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3213: Michio Aso

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Ah, this is ..." The sickly dismissed disciple, the moment he was curious to open the box, was shocked, but soon, this shock turned into infinite anger.

Gritting his teeth, can't forget, the sick and dead, he can't forget the silver **** who played with his wife and killed his own family!

"Master Aso, if he is going to provoke me?" Just as the sick master died of anger, he suddenly found a note under the stone ball.

Hold on to the anger, the sick Taoist opened it and looked at it, but couldn't shake it!

"Within three days, I have the opportunity to kill Aso and have revenge, but will this be a trap?" The cloudy eyes of the sickness suddenly condensed and became as shining as the stars in the night sky. He Excited, but not impulsive!

"What to do? Do you want to do it yourself?" The sick and dead Tao hesitated. "This is clearly the power of Aso. How could anyone else have it?"

"In three days, Aso will not be able to use his power. If this news is true, then he can definitely kill Aso and have revenge, but I ’m afraid that it was this Aso who deliberately set up a bureau. Lure me!" With careful analysis, Duan is also engaged in fierce ideological struggle.

"Three days, three days ... If you don't do it at this time and give up such a great opportunity, I'm afraid I won't be able to have another chance in my life ..." The sick and dead Taoist knew his strength, although he was promoted to This step, but how difficult it is to consolidate Daoxin, and even if he has condensed Daoxin, he did not completely counter-grip and kill Aso.

"Maybe it's my only chance now!" The sorrowful sighed, and soon he made up his mind. "Don't worry about him, let's fight this time. Regardless of the purpose of the person, as long as If I could kill Aso, I wouldn't hesitate! "

"Well, first go and see what the situation is, if you are not right, you have time to slip away!" Although the sick and dead Taoist decided, but he still had a mind.

"Well, go to Aso Dojo first and talk about it. I heard that Aso recently enjoyed preaching, causing a lot of classmates to listen to it, and some Taoists are also there!" Become an ordinary student, still appeared a little weak outside Aso.

"Well ... I thought what Avenue Aso was talking about, it turned out to be bad words about others!" Sighed sadly, a few students outside the Taoyuan seemed very disappointed.

"Classmate, is the Master Aso in there?" I was not interested in taking care of this. He only cares about where Aso is now?

"Oh, it was still there, but one of my classmates said that his man was suffering from a strange disease, and he suddenly lay in bed, and wanted to ask Aso to give him advice. As soon as he heard this, he stopped preaching. Female students are gone! "A few students immediately explained kindly.

"That's it!" Nodding between illness and death, his heart even scolded Aso for a dog's blood shower, and the dog couldn't change it.

"Classmate, I advise you not to come again in the future, this Aso preaching means a few words, the other things are simply talking about other people's bad words, really nothing to hear!" Several students kindly persuaded, but did not cause illness or death Attention.

"Thank you very much!" He died as soon as he died, so he asked, "Do you know where this classmate is?"

"How? I'm not dead, but it's okay to tell you how worried you are!" Several classmates preached kindly: "This classmate I know, she was a lady, but she was married to one. Poor man, this door is not the right one. The family stopped her and sent her over to practice it. But it hurt the man! "

"Where is her home, please?" I didn't want to listen to these frivolous things at the moment.

"Oh, her family lives in Luoyun Town, 18,000 kilometers southeast of the temple!" The classmate hadn't finished speaking, but felt that a gust of wind was blowing. When they opened their eyes again, the classmates in front of them were gone. .

"It's weird. What is this classmate doing in such a hurry?" Several classmates wondered, and then left the matter behind.

The town of Luoyun, Jiafu, and the famous households in the town have beautiful and beautiful flowers, but they are like their minions. They just want to be good to him, but they are opposed by their families.

Later, the two insisted that they finally became dependents, which made the whole town believe in love. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. The young lady was soon sent to the monastery to study the divine law and left the man. And continue to work.

Suppressed in various ways, and tortured and tortured. Although the man is strong, he finally can't survive and falls down. This can not help but let the people in the town sigh and sigh, the rich family's meal is really not so delicious!

Fortunately, after the man fell, someone sent a letter to let the young lady know. The young lady was really affectionate. She actually brought a fairy teacher and said that she was going to help men to get rid of the disease. The news was like an explosion. It spread, and Duan was surrounded by people who boiled the town.

The crowd was moving, and one of them was very sick and sick. He was the illusion of a sick and dead Taoist. He also rushed over for the first time, and wanted to explore the reality before acting.

In the courtyard of Jiafu, I saw a costumed man lying there, physically and mentally exhausted, but full. Looking at the beautiful female classmate, she was full of affection and made people unbearable.

"Master Xianshi, do you think he is going to die? If he is going to die, then we will bury him thick!" A group of luxuriously dressed people gathered together, but paid respectfully to a Taoist in front of the youth.

Aso lord, this is a little old man, standing in front of people with a face full of pocks. Although he is afraid of compliment, he is immortal and quite extraordinary.

"Dad, how can you curse him to death!" The schoolgirl was very dissatisfied. She let go of the man and went to Aso and begged: "Master, you can save him, right?"

"Uh, according to my observations, this son is entangled with the evil spirit and lives less than three days. This kind of evil spirit is the most difficult to entangle, and I am not sure to completely dispel it. In fact, if I want to save him, I have to see the young lady Are you willing or not! "Aso looked embarrassedly at the female classmate.

"I ... I should try my best to save him. Taoist, what do you need me to do, despite the order!" The schoolgirl begged.

"Ah, you dare to kill the ghost, give it to me!" Aso screamed loudly, but only pointed to the man, a ghost who was visible to the naked eye was really evil.

"Ah, there is such a thing ..." Countless people were shocked and overshadowed, and that was no longer doubting the identity of Aso's Master.

"This ... Master Dao must rescue my husband!" The woman moved, and immediately knelt down in front of Aso.

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