Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3214: Never die

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Well, Madam, please hurry up, if you really want to save him, then lift him to the main room, I have a way to teach you!" Aso looked at the woman with a good look, if not for him At the end of the day, he really couldn't find his wrong track attempt.

"Thank you, Master!" The female student promised, and she was ordered to carry the man to the main room, and asked Aso to go in together.

"Well, evil spirits are very fierce. Fierce, irrelevant people, etc. retreat thousands of meters away, do not approach, otherwise they will be killed!" Aso entered, he sternly stopped the others, And closed the door.

"Tao Master, what can I do to save him?" The woman was beautiful, standing next to the man, anxious.

"Well, don't hide the young lady, you said, I have a pure magic weapon, which specifically restrains these evil spirits, but unfortunately this magic weapon can only work with women, so to save your man, you must inhale this evil spirit Then, I will kill it by my pure sun magic weapon, and then there is no future trouble! "Aso Taoist said urgently.

"No, Xiaoyuan, don't damage your body in order to save me. This is not worth the damage, and I can't stare at death!" The man was anxious when he heard it, and it was stopped loudly.

"No, I can't watch" ↑ You die ... "Then, the woman persuaded with affection, and the Aso priest also promised that the man would not reluctantly agree on the premise of not hurting his life. .

"Don't worry about me. The Taoist master is one of the highest masters of the gods. He said that he can do it, and he can do it!" The female student completely regarded Aso at this time as a life-saving straw, and she did not know she was beautiful and white. The body will soon become the object of the opponent.

Next, under the guidance of Aso, the female classmate came to the man, so she opened her mouth for three breaths, and then a ghost lingered around the female classmate's head, looking extremely terrible.

"Xiaoyuan, you ..." The man was naturally extremely worried at this time.

"I'm okay, are you okay?" The female classmate seemed to love this man very much and wanted to save him at all costs.

"It seems a little easier, but I still don't have much energy!" The man said helplessly. He became what he is today, but he also knows bitterly, but there are some things he can't talk to the woman in front of, because he always doesn't Can you talk bad things about your parents?

Honestly, in fact, it was precisely this point that the young lady preferred to him. Unfortunately, sometimes the advantages will turn into fatal shortcomings, and it is difficult for him to tell the truth before dying!

"Well, Madam, now remove your blouse at once, I'm going to drive you out of evil spirits!" Aso interrupted the two impatiently, straightly yelling.

"What? How can this be done without the placket?" Both the man and the female classmates froze for a while, but this matter was not mentioned in advance.

"Why? Don't you want to survive? Or do you think that my dignified master will take advantage of your little woman?" Aso retorted, and was very angry: "You are such a mother-in-law, you must be careful of your life ! "

"This ... Xiaoyuan, or you can take it off!" The man was completely gritting his teeth at this time, but he couldn't do anything for the sake of Xiaoyuan's life.

"Okay!" The female classmate nodded and finally nodded. Then she took off her blouse, and she was as white and beautiful as possible. Beauty and tenderness of the delicate and delicate body stood in front of her. The breath of women is fascinating. Love is endless.

"Well, yes, yes!" Asao observed, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Taoist, what's good?" The female student asked worriedly.

"You did a good job, but not good enough. You have to remove them all, and you can't leave anything!" Aso said again.

"Ah, how ... how about this?" The female classmate couldn't help but shy red face. It was already very difficult to wear a small coat in front of Aso. It's embarrassing. If all of it is removed, how can you see people after that?

"Little man, also persuade your wife, you know that this is going to eliminate evil, and I'm helping you, equivalent to a doctor. Besides, if you are sick, are you afraid that the doctor will look at you?" Aso then persuaded.

"This ... Xiaoyuan, it's okay, just let the Taoist look at it for you!" The man was very reluctant to see it, but at this stage, he had no choice.

"Okay!" The man said so, and the female classmate couldn't help lowering her head. With her next move, a sacred mountain and a secret place finally appeared.

"Uh, okay, now I'm going to ask for the magic weapon of pure sun!" The Aso master said solemnly, the evil and evil actions can't help but make the young man and woman completely helpless.

"Ah, Dao you ..." Both the young men and women were frightened, and they couldn't believe the old man with the immortal style. They suddenly fell down, put on their pants, and showed a puppet.

"Madam, now the evil spirits have been locked in your body by me, you just need to come over and channel your body up and down with my pure sun magic weapon, then you can completely kill it!" Talking, as if there is really no selfishness.

"Going up and down ... Taoist, do you mean to let me do that husband and wife thing with you?" The woman's face turned pale for an instant, it was unexpected.

"Well, if you want to understand it that way, it's not impossible, but in my eyes, this matter is only for healing, and it can't be compared with the fun of husband and wife!" Aso was afraid that the woman would not follow, and still posing .

"This ... is it necessary?" The woman was really shameless and unbearable.

"Yes, if you don't, you will die within three days. You can discuss it, but my time is limited!" Aso threatened fiercely.

"Xiaoyuan ..." The man really embarrassedly whispered a few words to the woman. Finally, the man preached and said, "Master Xianshi, I'm not alive. Please let the ghost continue to attach to me. Let me die! "

"Oh? The ghost is most fond of the corpse, and even I can only kill it and not return it!" Aso shook his head and smiled proudly because he saw it, The two in front of them couldn't hold it anymore.

Intensified, in the past, the Aso master was still astringent, that is, playing secretly. Just play with these women, but now he is so bold that he wants to play in front of other men. He is making such a wife. The villain is almost deadly!

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