Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3215: Make a good start

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Let's die together!" The woman is serious, and of course she cares about her festival. At this time, being watched by Aso is already the biggest bottom line. How can you let him come and go?

"No, Xiaoyuan, all blame me, all blame me for not dying all of a sudden, and it is okay for you to suffer such a calamity for me. It doesn't matter if I die, but you can never die, or you will be a fairy teacher and let him replace it. You can destroy evil! ”The man is just tears of persuasion, but his beloved wife wants to watch other men play with it. He can imagine the suffering in his heart.

"Well, rest assured, the reason I closed the door is that it will be kept secret for you. You must know that this man also has a delivery, and no woman can be called dead or alive like you. Right? "Aso knew this, and he knew what to say.

Sure enough, with the insistence of Aso and the man, the female student agreed with blushing. She came to Aso silently and looked at this ‘Pure Yang Zhibao’, which was really complicated.

"Well, hurry up, don't let the evil run away!" Master Aso has been waiting to send it to him. He is rare among such beauties. He really wants to enjoy her up and down. Wonderful, especially in front of his husband, he is even more agitated.

"This ..." The female classmate took a step back in shock, just as she was struggling with her thoughts and slowly grasping it, Dangkong suddenly blew.

"Well, old thief, you really are dead, and here is the silver wife's wife, really **** it!" The void burst, and a thin old man just rushed in with anger.

"What? Old sick ghost, why are you so indifferent!" Seeing the appearance of the sick and dead Taoist Master, Aso couldn't help turning his face pale.

"Well, you were my wife of this law, and she was ashamed to die. I will never die with you in my life!" When the sick and rude, the female classmate frightened and quit, and wrapped her clothes in a hurry. Up.

"You ... you do me bad things, and today I have to teach you a dead ghost!" Seeing the female classmates react, Aso Taoist also took a furious slap.

'boom! ’The two fought against each other, the void burst, and they flew off the roof, and then they shot radio. They went into the air and fought.

The two sides fought against each other, and no matter who they were, they couldn't help it. At this time, the Aso master drank first: "Ghost Avenue!"

‘Long Rong…’ A wicked avenue appeared, and the ghostly sky wandered, but the whole town was trapped in purgatory.

"Is this ... could he be tricked by himself?" The sick and dead Taoist had doubts, but he could not tolerate the release of his own avenue.

The avenue of sickness and death, and the ill-infested disease, is a avenue full of difficulties, struggling between death and life. In terms of its strangeness, it is better than the avenue of the soul.

"Kill!" Avenue fights, strength and weakness are divided. I saw two Avenues fighting in the air, and the boulevard of the Ghost Soul was destroyed.

"What? It's impossible, retreat!" The Aso lord didn't believe in evil, but he retreated into his own avenue for the first time.

"Haha, let me die!" With a single blow, the patient ’s confidence in the sickness surged and he continued to crush the past.

"Sick ghost, I still have something to do in Japan!" Aso's master was timid. He didn't want to desperately, he wanted to take the road and walk away. Unfortunately, his wishful thinking was wrong again.

"Ah ..." With a scream, Taoist Aso even had no time to think why he was locked by his own avenue, but at this time the avenue of illness and death had been rolled over, leaving him in shock, the avenue was broken, and he was desperate dead!

"Uh, this is dead?" After easily killing Taoist Aso, the sick and dead Taoist still couldn't believe it, but looking at the treasures left by the sick, he had to believe it.

"Ma'am, I have finally avenged you for killing this **** old ghost. In this life, I have no regrets anymore!" Yang Tian sighed, and the sick and deceased lord was full of relief.

"Taoist, please save my husband!" With the fear of her body and mind, the female classmates worshiped in vain.

"Oh? It's you ..." The sick and dead Taoist glanced at her female classmate, and instantly made her face flushed. "I want to save your man, you have to rely on yourself!"

"What? Seniors, how can you even ..." The female classmate is really embarrassed and dead, why is any man like this now? Is their body so beautiful that they are greedy. Love?

"Hey, what are you thinking?" The deceased Taoist said, it really made the female classmates want to find a place to dig into. "You man, this is being oppressed by your family. Insult, physical and mental coercion Then, if you want to save him, take him to the temple and worship under my door! "

"Ah, thank you, Master Dao!" The female student suddenly hurriedly bowed her head to thank her, and at the same time, her heart was extremely angry. After the illness died, Dafa Lei Ting broke off the relationship with his family and took the man away. !!

In the Nine-Five Peaks, the incense limbs were covered all over the place. I saw that they were all watching the image of the void at this time. This is a mirror image created by Chen Jiu using the ego space, which can show the distant distance. Something outside.

"Oh, husband, this man is really bad for you. Fortunately, this Aso lord is dead. Otherwise, I don't know how many good women will be ruined by him. I'm sorry!" The concubines said, When they watched the female classmate about to be defiled, they were also very nervous.

"That's fortunate, the sick and dead Taoist shot, otherwise this classmate will be killed, husband Jun, you are too cruel, even if you die, you can't help it!" Said, the princesses couldn't help complaining about Chen nine.

"Ah, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with me? On the contrary, if I don't call the sick and dead Taoist past, then she is really stricken!" Chen Jiu was also very guilty.

"Fortunately, the sick and dead Taoist finally shot, this little couple is a blessing because of the disaster!" The princesses sighed, but in fact they did not really blame Chen Jiu, but just sent it out.

"The sick and dead Taoist did live up to our expectations and gave us a good start, concubines, which Taoist should we ask for the next shot?" Chen Jiu looked up and laughed again.

"Your Majesty, Binggui is so fast. You may not care too much about dying Aso now, but once the Taoist Lord has died a lot, it is not good to kill again, so this time I will spread the big net and kill all!" The concubines talked about each other and suggested together.

"The concubines said so much, so I'll be good at it to the end and help everyone get revenge!" Chen Jiu nodded, and fully agreed to the preparations.

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