Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3218: Burst shot

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

In the Nine-Five Peaks Hall, a group of women inadvertently looked at the pair of men and women in the center.

"Hey, the cowardly sister is really blessed ..." Zhao Lian'er sighed one after another, hard to hide the deep envy.

"No way, who made the cowardly sister stand alone and suddenly guessed that the star Taoist shot first that day, that's life, let's wait, I believe that other Taoist won't be too slow!" Zhu The concubines shook their heads helplessly, and they were waiting for their chance.

Although the first music is the same, the concubines are all amazing, and they are also comparing in secret. At this time, who can win first, then naturally they will get a great sense of superiority!

"Cowardly, look, the sisters are envious of you, what else do you hold?" Chen Jiu was lying there at this time, watching the classic beauty on her body, and couldn't help laughing.

"I ..." Shangguan was cowardly, and it was really harmful. Hey, although this matter is no stranger, there is a traditional mental constraint in her bones, which makes her unable to let it go when she does it. Drive yourself.

Today, Chen Jiu is tolerated, and Shangguan is weak. It is embarrassing that she wants to move but is ashamed to move.

"Your Majesty, don't tease your weak sister, she is born like this!" The concubines couldn't see it, and spoke good words for Shangguan's weak.

"Oh? Is it born like this? I don't think so!" Chen Jiu shook his head, disapproving.

"Your Majesty, what do you think of the weak sister?" Naturally the concubines were a little puzzled.

"What does it look like? When I pierce her camouflage, everyone will know it at a glance!" Chen Jiu stabbed it really hard when he spoke. This two-poke, Shangguan's weak pretend was really poked. broken.

"Ah ..." Crazy, just a moment ago, his expression was awkward, just like everyone's lady, knowing how to look polite, but now it's completely a crazy madwoman who is swaying there!

"This ... Your Majesty, you can't take it anymore!" The princesses looked at Shangguan's cowardly and turned into a person in a blink of an eye. Instead of laughing at them, they had a sympathetic sympathy.

"Yeah, husband!" Soon, Shangguan's cowardlyness lost her strength and she fell down, her face full of happiness and drunkenness, just like the two just judged.

"Have you seen this? This is the cowardly reality. It is time for you to reveal the truth, but you need to be well prepared!" Chen Jiu looked at the cowardly change of Shangguan. But he even looked forward to changing the concubines one by one and let them all submit.

"This ..." The princesses couldn't help it immediately at this moment. Alas, they were quite envious just now, but it was a little tangled.

Some are worried about getting ugly in front of the sisters, but they really want to get this great bliss, but no matter what, they have to listen to the fate, they can't be the masters at all!

The figure in the mirror is moving, and I saw it tracking more than 20 people, and it never stopped.

"Yeah, look, that's the Destroyer Taoist. He seems to have killed some people with some disciples because of his conflict with the Monster Beastmaster of the Tiger Tiger. Although the resentment is quite large, isn't it so decisive?" Everyone is surprised that this next shot master is something you never expected.

"Well, it looks like it's time to take a shot, let's wait and see!" Chen Jiu nodded, but he still couldn't figure it out.

The worm and beast home, the worm and beast owner did not leave the Senate, and the broken lord also broke into the courtyard directly. Inside, I saw mountains and wild trees, and all kinds of worms and beasts crawled everywhere.

The black-purple spiders, ants, and the group of multi-headed polyps that can't be named, this scene alone is creepy and wants to leave this yard quickly!

However, he did not destroy the Taoist master. He looked middle-aged and looked at these insects and beasts coldly, so that they also evaded one after another, and opened a way.

"Ah, Destroyer Taoist Master!" Seeing some middle-aged students, several disciples also emerged from the beasts and quickly withdrew.

"Broken, you are so brave, you actually broke into my abbey?" Soon, an old man riding a black sword beetle like a praying mantis came over.

"Yes, insects and beasts, you and I are no longer short of grudges. Let's make a conclusion today!" The murder in the eyes of the devastating Tao is as substantive as it is frightening.

"What? In the Daoyuan, you also want to fight with me for you to die for me? Disillusionment, I think you're crazy? Isn't it that we are just disciples between the disciples? Is it worth your desperate effort to deal with Me? "The zombies were quite surprised and couldn't believe it.

"Kill!" Unfortunately, there wasn't much explanation at all. The deceased Taoist patted it with a palm of his hand, and a powerful destruction of destruction was swept away like a wave.

"Well, you want to kill me, these kids are not easy to mess with!" The worm and beast owner was angry, and the mantis and beast below him severed his own big dagger.

'boom! ’With a fight, the praying mantis stepped back, but obviously there were no scars, and it was comparable in strength to the Taoist.

"Broken, you must be too arrogant. You can't even deal with one of my children, how can you deal with my three big children!" The beast laughed and saw two strange beasts crawling out behind him .

'哧哧 ...' These two beasts, one is like a ladybug, the other is a small fortress, and the other is a small fortress, while the other is waving wings, like a cicada, and the dark hair is bright. The straw is very scary.

In the Ninth Five-Year Hall, watching the appearance of these three zergs, the concubines also changed their colors. "Broken, the three guardian gods of this zombie beast master, one can fight, one can prevent, one can suck. Taoist, this devastated Taoist will come alone, and he will not fail! "

"Uh, these three bugs are indeed good, but as long as the Destroyed Taoist can drive out the Demon Beast Avenue, then I can help him win this battle!" Chen Jiu was also a little worried, he was afraid that the Destruction would flee without fighting, like that In this case, he can not directly kill the beast master.

"Sin beast, today I want you all to die!" The broken Taoist did not let Chen Jiu and them disappointed. After seeing these three worms and beasts, he became even more hated.

"That being the case, then there is nothing to say, children, go up and eat him, believe the body of a Taoist, that will be extremely delicious!" The beast and Taoist smiled miserably, obviously with great confidence.

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