Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3219: Deadly beast

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Don't break and die, all die!" The Destroyed Dao greeted the three beasts, and it was shocking that the method of Destroying Dao to kill the enemy was simply cruel.

'Boom ....' Each shot of the Destroyer Dao actually exploded his palms, in exchange for the price of his own sacrifices, in exchange for a blow to his opponent. This kind of trick to kill the enemy a thousand, self-damaging 800, Although it is more powerful, it is also a heavy burden on yourself.

‘Hiss…’ Sure enough, even the three bugs could n’t bear it. It was bombarded frequently and backed off, and the carapace was severely damaged.

"Damn, are you really going to desperately with me? Then let you take a good look at my worm and beast way!" The worm and beast master also seemed anxious, and instantly ushered in a dark avenue to let them infuse The bodies of three bugs.

‘Roar…’ After the three beasts were perfused by Dao Li, all of them were quickly healed, and their teeth were grinning, fierce like a dragon and tiger!

"Broken Avenue!" The Daoist Lord did not dare to neglect, he immediately called out his own Avenue of Destruction, but the scent of this Avenue was particularly tragic, and it seemed that he was planning to sacrifice the general at any time!

"Kill!" The two sides yelled at the same time, and the Avenue of Destruction collided with three insects and beasts, but it was surprising that these three insects and beasts looked awful, but at this moment But it turned into a paper tiger, and it broke at the touch!

‘Hey la la la…’ This was simply an obliteration. Under the collision of the Avenue of Destruction, the three beasts were wiped out without even calling out their miserable calls.

"What? Could it be that you've united the Dao heart? Impossible!" Watching his own beast and beast turned away, the worm and beast owner could not help but take a step back in fear.

"It ’s your turn now, you must die today!" After a single blow, the broken Taoist has increased his confidence. You must know that he has played against each other before, but these three bugs It's hard to get around, not to mention the insect killer.

"You ... shattered, my three-headed beast has been killed by you, and no matter how much resentment it can be, right? So, I will order my disciples to stop provoking you, this head office?" The Taoist bowed his head with dread.

"No, my goal today is you, so you have to die!" The ruined beckoning room formed a sun-like shape on the ruined avenue, completely enveloping the two of them.

"Okay, you're ruined. Do you really want to bully me? Let me die!" The worm and beast lord was also angry, and immediately made the worm and beast crushed to the other side.

"Break!" The crushed Dao Avenue was crushed, and it was the advantage of destroying it. It directly crushed the other side's Avenue, so that the insect and beast Tao master also smashed blood.

"Well, this is impossible. Why is my power of the road suddenly so weak?" The beast and Taoist could n’t believe it, and his face was full of horror and begging for mercy. , So you are always satisfied? "

"No, bug beast, you still don't understand, I'm not going to kill you at all because of your disciples, but because of your affairs!" Said the accusation of breaking his teeth.

"Because of my business?"

"You despicable villain, inhumane, you tried to let the worms annex the village in order to keep the worms, and my parents and people are all eaten by your worms, so between us, Don't wear them all together, are you enough to stare now? "Tears burst into tears, and it was very sad.

"It turned out to be this way, but it was shattered. This is a misunderstanding!" Suddenly, the worm and beast Taoist still quibbled in panic.

"Dead!" Destroyed no longer said more, relentlessly crushed the beast Taoist, and I was afraid that any variables would regenerate!

A confrontation between the Taoist masters has thus ended the prelude, and the destruction of the matter between the Taoist masters with insects and beasts has shocked Chen Jiuyi and others.

"It turned out to be the extermination of the clan, but the destruction was hidden enough. If it hadn't been at the last moment, I'm afraid he wouldn't say it!" The concubines sighed.

"Yeah, I thought that the last one could be shot. Who knows he shot the second one. This is really a variable!" Chen Jiu couldn't help but be surprised.

"Well, no way, this is the luck of the blue, and the block cannot be blocked!" The eyes of the concubines looked at Chen Lan again.

"Ah, I ..." Chen Lan was suddenly flattered, at a loss, she was at a loss. She had chosen the bust Daoist to be favored in the back. Who knew that the bust suddenly broke out, and she ranked second. Some are not able to adapt to it!

"Blue, come on, you look weak and can't hold it up!" Chen Jiu shouted at Chen Lan for the first time. In fact, he also loved this little woman very much.

After coming to a different world, Chen Lan was the first woman Chen Jiu saw. Her round face, cute and lovely, was full of spirits!

Loyal, obedient, and when it comes to Chen Jiu's blind obedience, Chen Lan is definitely the first. In the face of such a woman, why would a man not hurt her?

"Well, okay!" Chen Lan was like this. Although she was embarrassed and embarrassed, as long as Chen Jiu had a life, she followed.

With a blushing face, Chen Lan came to Chen Jiu's side nicely, helping to put Shangguan's cowardly aside, and then she knelt before Chen Jiu. "Master, how do you want to play?"

"Blue, today you are not serving me, but I am serving you. How do you want to play?" Chen Jiu laughed.

"Ah, I, I don't know ..." Chen Lan was even more frightened. She was so eager to jump around. In the past, she obeyed Chen Jiu. Whatever he said, she would cooperate with her. Choose how to play?

"Okay, blue, you are the biggest today, you can play whatever you say!" Chen Jiu persuade kindly, but Chen Lan lowered her head more nervously, unable to speak for a long time.

"Blue, it's rare to have such an opportunity. Don't you want to be the one to do it yourself?" The princesses are also waiting for a good show, naturally they want to start quickly.

"I ... I just want to serve the young master. When the young master is satisfied, I'm satisfied!" Chen Lan chatted for a long time, but just answered in distress.

"Well, since you want to serve, then wait!" The princesses nodded helplessly, and then looked at Chen Jiu and advised: "Since Lan wants to play like this, you follow her!"

"Okay, but are you sure?" Chen Jiu nodded, and finally confirmed.

"Yes, serving Master, that's a great blessing for Blue. Blue likes to kneel in front of Master and enjoy Master's favor!" Chen Lan nodded solemnly, and it was also rare and firm.

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