Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3220: Crescent moon

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Hey, you see blue is a natural Yahuan life, give her a chance, she will not raise her identity and enjoy it, so you can not be bullied to death by husband!" Looking at Chen Lan's choice, Mu Lan I couldn't help sighing.

"Oh? You're not blue, how do you know that she was bullied, look at her now, kneeling in front of her husband, isn't it quite enjoyable!" Gan Xiangyi had different opinions.

"That's why I said, this is a natural Yahuan fate, doomed to be no big deal!" Mu Lan seems quite reasonable.

"Big event? I think Blue is so loyal to her husband, far better than me. This is bound to get her husband's extraordinary love. I should be envious when I wait for it!" Kong Zhi and others were really envious. . (m).

"What do you envy? If you want to play this way, it's not impossible!" Mu Lan disagreed.

"Hey, this is not determined by how to play, but by a mentality!" Shaking his head, Kong Zhi said nothing more.

"That is, Mu Lan, how do you plan to play? Let me see how noble you can be?" Qian Xiangyi answered, and directed to Mu Lan again.

"I ... of course I have to be high above him, let him come and submit to me!" Mu Lan suddenly felt like a cow trying to lift his nose into the sky.

"Oh? You're so bullish, you still need a man. I thought you don't need a man anymore ..." Gan Xiangyi laughed immediately, attracting a group of concubines with laughter.

"Hey, guys ... you wait!" Mu Lan flushed with anger, and no longer said anything to her supporters, why didn't she hate this guy?

"Blue ..." Right in the middle of the concubines, Chen Jiuzhi favored Chen Lan and gave her a beautiful meal, and closed her eyes with satisfaction.

"Master, they are still on their knees!" Chen Lantao. Drunk for a while, and then actively climbed in front of Chen Jiu, willing to accept his driving and galloping.

"Good!" Chen Jiu didn't say more, but it was full. Satisfied with Chen Lan's requirements, don't look at the little girl, but all the skills are very good, making men just want. !!

"Ah, someone is doing it again!" Exclaimed, everyone's eyes moved away from Chen Lan's enviable expression, and they looked directly at one of the water curtains. "Ah, that's a disabled man!"

Crescent Moon Court, this is also a well-known senator's court. The Crescent Moon Avenue realized by the Crescent Moon Master can even use the power of heaven and moon. It is very different.

'boom! ’At this point, a broken fireball, like the setting sun, crashed into the meniscus courtyard fiercely, making it a flash of fire.

"What kind of person is so bold, report to the name!" Several young Ling Ran yelled, and was very dissatisfied with the person coming.

"Dead!" The Taoist Master of the Days is usually a kind person, but today he is full of murderousness. Looking at it at a glance, the sea of ​​fire broke out and immediately killed an apprentice of the Taoist Master!

"Zhou Ri, you stop!" Naturally, the crescent moon Taoist felt it quickly, but it was too late.

"Crescent Moon, you and I have been hostile for many years, and we will end it today!" The Taoist Taoist did not have any nonsense. When he saw the Moonlit Taoist, he shot and passed.

"You are still young, you are still tender!" Naturally, the crescent moon master replied unwillingly. The two fought hundreds of times at a time, and the entire courtyard was razed to the ground.

"Crescent Moon Avenue!" Suddenly, the crescent moon Taoist released his avenue, and saw a round of crescent moon rising, huge and boundless.

"Zanri Avenue!" A huge fireball appeared behind the host of Zanri Tao, crushing it in front of the meniscus.

"Look for death!" If it is normal, the crescent moon Taoist is really not afraid of the crippled Taoist, but now he doesn't know his crescent moon avenue, and just leaves the appearance empty, then the true Tao strength has long since changed to others.

‘Boom! ’With an impact, the judgement was high and the seemingly powerful Meniscus Avenue was broken, and then the faceless Taoist did not give the other party a chance and crushed it all at once!

"Ah, no ..." The Crescent Moon Master screamed in a very aggrieved way, and even when he died he wondered how he could fail?

"Hmm, he was finally killed, there is no regret in this life!" The Candi Master smiled happily, and soon disappeared.

"Yeah, Master, to Laner!" On the other hand, Chen Lan was finally coquettish. She buried her head in shame, and her body was tight. She asked for mercy.

"Laner!" Chen Jiu felt Chen Lan's shudder. He knew that the other party had reached the limit, and instantly gifted her.

"Master, thank you!" Chen Lan fell down, but was beautiful, completely surrounded by happiness!

"Yan'er, if I remember correctly, then it's your turn, right?" Chen Jiu's gaze immediately turned to another woman.

Zhao Yan, who was previously known as a stunning fairy, has a particularly amazing breath, just like some swords, all the way from the beginning to the end, making it impossible to ignore her existence.

"It's time for Yaner, but we are all curious, how does Yaner like to play?" The princesses naturally laughed and waited.

"I ..." Zhao Yan couldn't help facing the eyes of the sisters. She was embarrassed to have beautiful legs. You must know that she was famous and juicy.

"Yan'er, if I guess it's good, you can't cover up this dark fire? Are there any requirements, please mention it!" Chen Jiu persuaded generously, there is no outsider here, who can still Don't know whose character?

"Well, husband, you can come and fire at Yaner directly!" Zhao Yan lay there with a gritted tooth, set up the gun rack herself, and waited to be fired.

"Yeah!" Chen Jiu didn't disappoint Zhao Yan. He just went to fire the gun. All he had to do was simply blast her with a shell.

"Hey, who will take the next shot?" The princesses also glanced at them, and then pretended to look at those water mirrors, and they were all looking forward to their supporters as soon as possible.

"Yeah, look, the master of the three swords is finally about to shoot!" Mu Lan screamed suddenly, pointing at a mirror full of surprise.

"Sorry, Laner, you see that the three Taoist masters have already shot!" Qing'e couldn't help but speak with a little pride.

"What? I was led again!" Mu Lan glanced at Qing'e's side.

Bone Stone Institute, Cold Wind Master, Lie Jin Dao Master, and Spring Wood Dao Master carefully explored it, convinced that only the Bone Stone Dao remained in it, and then they decided to take a shot!

"Kill ..." In the bone stone courtyard, all the disciples and grandchildren were slaughtered for the first time, and this naturally caused the anger of the bone stone Taoist.

"Bone stone, you bully bully, today is your dead time!" Seeing the bone stone, the cold wind master three of them, even rushed to death!

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