Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3231: Slow worship

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"Wow, what kind of person is that? How big is the pomp, how can it be like the emperor dominates?" The emergence of the Emperor League was indeed very windy, and it immediately attracted the attention of all the students. Popular. Visit the latest chapter: щw. Copy URL access

"I don't know? This is our strongest monarch alliance, they are the well-deserved No. 1 power in the monastery, then it is absolutely true!" The insider once again broke the news.

"Before? Is there a stronger force than the League of Gods?" Countless classmates became curious again.

"I don't know if it's strong or not, but at least it's not weaker than the Emperor League. In fact, everyone has also seen that this little master of Chen Jiu can meet the pure mind Taoist master. How can he not do anything, tell us the truth He set up a Nine-Five Years Fairy Club ... "A group of students gathered around to spread the story of Chen Jiu.

Although I don't know that detailed, I know at least that the Ninety-Five Years of Immortals will definitely be annoying!

"The emperor is here, Chen Jiu hasn't come out yet to greet him?" The prince drank emptyly. As soon as he appeared, he planned to give Chen Jiu a prestige.

"Person, please go inside, our president will show up when he worships!" Chen Jiu naturally did not show up, but the Taoist did it for him.

"Hum, one side of you, I have repeatedly shown that you would not join my imperial alliance, but now you are willing to give your life for that stinky boy?" Rendi appeared in vain, the tall golden 'color' figure, extremely Domineering and arrogant.

"Emperor, my Buddha pays attention to a fate, it's a pity that we have no chance!" He sighed helplessly, but didn't say much.

"Go in!" The Emperor waved his hand, and the Golden Alliance allied his way. He stepped on a golden staircase. Hot

"Wow, is that the Supreme Emperor? It's overbearing. It just makes me feel weak. It would be great if I could be his concubine ..." I was deeply regretted by the male student On this occasion, naturally, there are many 'female' classmates who want to step up to the sky to launch the 'flower' obsession, but unfortunately, there is no interest in these vulgar people!

"The Tiger Tiger Master drives ..." Next, the Tiger Master shuttled around. The Tiger Tiger Master was one of the more pompous. He gathered seven or eight people together to ride a void tiger, tearing the void down.

‘咻咻…’ At the peak of the Nineth Five-Year Plan, one by one the Taoists came down. This time the wedding was a gathering of 90% of the Taoists at Yuanli Shrine!

"This ... so many Taoists, my God, didn't so many people come when I was the dean?" Shen Xingyun naturally didn't have any absent. He watched the Taoist sitting in a row. The scene was so shocked.

"Chen Jiu, that little guy actually did this step today, it's really amazing!" Shen Meijiao was also very surprised.

"Why? Wouldn't you regret being with me?" After all, it's her own 'woman', and this man who praises others is not delicious.

"Xing Yun, why are you still" chaotic "jealous!" Shen Meijiao reluctantly rolled her eyes and had to explain quickly, because no matter how good others are, they are not as good as their own men!

The Nine-Five Peaks has now been slightly remodeled. A high platform was built on the peak of the "Lo" sky. Below the platform was a guest banquet. At this time, it was almost full, and no one came over after a long wait. .

"Everyone be quiet ..." Niu Mang and the iron fan came to the platform in time to preside over the wedding for Chen Jiu. After some courtesy, he first invited the emperor to go up.

"What? Is the emperor married? Want to know that he pursued Jingxin God before, and now he is married to someone else, is he still in the main marriage? Doesn't his face turn red?" Many Taoists immediately talked in private. .

Chen Jiu, I'm going to make you look good ... The emperor's reaction to these people is in my eyes, and of course, very angry, I plan to give Chen Jiu some color!

Soon, Chen Jiu and Jing Xin were in the call of Niu Mang, and came over to the eyes from both sides. They walked in the void, flirted with their eyes, and moved closer and closer, and the end was also enviable. Same as the gods.

"Let ’s worship slowly!" Just when the two had just got together, the Emperor suddenly stopped the two aloud, which could not help but freeze the scene.

"Rendi, I wonder what else is going on?" Chen Jiu looked at Rendi with a smile.

"Chen Jiu, don't tell you, God of Pure Heart has a very special relationship with me ..." Just as everyone before the Emperor was about to explode, he suddenly said again: "I have always regarded her as my sister, now She's getting married, I can't just sit idly by and ignore it! "

"Oh? I don't know what you mean?" Chen Jiu pretended not to understand.

"Chen Jiu, after all, Jingxin is a generation of Taoist masters, and if she wants to marry someone, she naturally has to be worthy to marry her. Isn't that right?" Rendi preached in public.

"In love, as long as the sentiment is right, it doesn't matter the level of strength. Didn't I just go to the nether world? What does it matter?" Suddenly, a 'girl' left under the support of the princesses. Come here, and she is Chen Jiu's mother.

If Chen Jiu was married, could he not let his parents come to participate? Now his forces are not afraid that they are in danger, let alone some well-known relationships!

"Yan Ran? I don't think we have a day to meet. You are really a national" color "Tianxiang!" The Emperor looked at Yan Ran, but also smiled a little unexpectedly, and then said: "Although you are right, but you are by your side I am afraid that this man is not as weak as he was then? I think he is worthy of you now. Otherwise, you may not be together! "

"This ..." Yan Ran suddenly stunned, but couldn't help but end.

"Well, please invite your father and mother to come to the seat!" Chen Jiu persuaded them to let Yan Ran go to Gaotang, and then looked at the emperor and said, "Ren emperor, I know you care about your sister. Wrong, I do n’t know what you want, how can I be worthy of God? ”

"It's very simple, Chen Jiu. I don't make it difficult for you to bully. As long as you can take over my three palms with your own strength, then today I will bless you, old-fashioned and never separated!" Emperor Yizheng Speaking strictly, as if really kind.

"Okay, three palms, three palms. Although I ’m Chen Jiu, I have n’t cultivated my Daoism, but I still have some strength!" Chen Jiuman promised. This boldness, but also made countless Taoists shocked. 'of.

You know, most of these Taoists do n’t have Taoism. If they do n’t have Taoism, the original meaning of Tao is not strong. Depending on the avenue, they may be able to twiddle the emperor in front of the emperor, but their physical origin can never bear his three palms!

Just don't know if this emperor will release water? If there is no water, then Chen Jiu will be in danger!

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