Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3232: Three Palms of the Emperor

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"Chairman, husband, Jiuer ..." Watching Chen Jiuzhen was about to receive the three palms of the emperor, this made all those who cared about him nervous. Read the latest chapter in full. Visit the latest chapter: щw.

You must know who the Emperor is, and he has become famous for a long time. He even established the Emperor Alliance and enjoyed the title of No. 1 temple. I am afraid that only Hongzu can compete with him. Get him three palms, isn't that a self-death?

"Good boy, with your courage, you are worthy of the God of pure heart, but you do n’t know what your personal strength is?" Rendi is overjoyed. As long as Chen Jiu is willing to agree, then he has the confidence to make him ugly. Even marriage has no knot!

"Although the strength is not as good as Emperor You, it is still a little bit. Otherwise, Jingxin God can't agree?" Chen Jiu smiled, and they gestured to Jingxin's eyes of comfort, then broke the time and space and came There is a 'mix' of chaos.

"Okay, since you are so confident, I am not polite!" The emperor hated it very much, but the surface still preached: "My first palm is my earliest fame. Bone dry! "

"Oh? Come on!" Chen Jiuwan, standing calmly and fearlessly.

"Receive the palm!" The Emperor slaps his palm between words, but this is unequivocal and ruinous.

‘Kill ...’ This palm is full of visions, like countless soldiers and horses are rushing to kill, that kind of wickedness, flesh and blood, is simply ruining the world, terrible.

Of course, these are only appearances. When that palm is photographed, it is seen that it is dead and rotten, as if a brave general was born. His edge is unmatched, and his attack is omnipotent!

‘Oh…’ Even though they are far away from the stands, some Taoists ’hearts are not firm enough, and they are spit out by this momentum. [Please read 800 for the latest chapter of this book]

"Strong, how many of us can we take over in this way? Is this really a test?" All Taoists were shocked. When they suspected that the Emperor wanted to kill Chen Jiu, they immediately saw another scene of surprise. Things.

"Is it better than martial arts? Wu Ba heaven and earth!" Chen Jiu did not move, and as soon as he was shocked, countless Wu Xueguang ‘wave’ scattered and ‘shot’, making him dazzle like the sun.

'Zi ...' These light 'waves' are all martial art's 'fine' Hua cohesion. You must know that Chen Jiu has been inherited by the King of Wu, and has long carried it forward. It is rare to have a magic trick. Shoulder!

If there is a huge difference in strength, any skill trick is useless, but now Chen Jiu has refined many avenues, and his basic combat strength has reached the level of 2000 trillion, which makes his tricks infinitely powerful.

‘Boom! ”Breathing their efforts, the two hit the real‘ community ’, the Emperor destroyed everything, and the palms of the generals, like a general, penetrated directly into Chen Xueyao ’s Wu Xueguang‘ wave ’.

There was a loud noise, and then the "mixed" chaotic void shuddered suddenly. A devastating 'yin' wind blew from the two people. Wherever it passed, all the martial arts light 'waves' dissipated. The oblivion followed!

"The Emperor, let it go!" The central figure reappeared, and saw that Chen Jiuyi's palm hit the palm of the Emperor, and the two of them even fought one and a half pounds.

"Okay, now that you can stand it, I'm going to do my best with the second palm!" The emperor was crowned, and he returned arrogantly, and slammed his hand again. "My second palm is My real trick is to achieve everything, everything! "

‘Boom ...’ This palm really has a lot more vicissitudes than Boda just now. The Emperor just pushed out a palm gently, but it felt like the master came to earth, and people unconsciously wanted to surrender to him.

Powerful and domineering, this palm is even worse. It not only conquered all things, but also finally killed Chen Jiuhong with the power of all things.

"On the ground and in the sky, I have the sole honor!" Chen Jiu frowned, but soon accepted the move. He hid slightly from his body, and also exuded an extraordinary light.

I am the only one. This is an upgraded version of Chen Jiu ’s unique skill in the military king ’s only military position. Once this trick is used, Chen Jiu ’s entire person becomes the sole master of heaven and earth. It is golden light shining, unmatched.

'boom! ’It ’s just a breath, the two's momentum reached its peak, and they collided again in an instant.

Time and space are shattered, and a ‘mix’ chaos is destroyed and destroyed, but the two of them are standing in the middle, never moving!

"It's hard to catch it, and looking at that, neither of them has regressed. Can Chen Jiu's current strength really be comparable to that of Emperor?" Countless Taoists were shocked and disappointed. It is unbelievable. .

"God, Your Majesty ... Chen Jiu ... Fu Jun ..." Not only were the Taoists shocked, everyone present was shocked.

"Uh, did you pick it up?" Rendi was also shocked, with some surprises, because in his opinion, he took the palm of his hand and absolutely didn't discuss Chen Jiu, but he was picked up by others. He really couldn't figure out, how could a pseudo-god be so powerful?

"Rendi, you are really strong, but you still have one palm, please come out!" Chen Jiu's blood was rolling, and the surface was calm, but it wasn't really uncomfortable.

"Chen Jiu, you really are a hero and a boy. If I can take it in the last hand of my hand, then I can rest assured that I will give it to you!" Just stepping, a avenue manifested behind him.

"Zi ..." This avenue is glittering. Once it appears, it attracts countless vain shadows to worship.

Emperor's Avenue, this is the real foundation of Emperor's emperor. It is with this avenue that he sat in the first place of the temple, no one can shake!

"Chen Jiu, rest assured, I will not crush you with the avenue. The reason why I release the avenue is that my last palm is called Yichengcheng, Wandao perish!" The emperor explained emptyly, as if he really How noble.

"Does Wandao die? Then see if you can really kill Wandao!" Chen Jiuwei, when the next shock, stepped away and no longer concealed his card.

‘Booming…’ A truly regrettable scene came, and I saw Chen Jiu's footsteps stretching out, and there were as many as 28!

"Oh my God, did we read that right? That's a boulevard ... so many people can actually build 28 boulevards. Then, is Chen Jiu's strength not to say that he can also stand up to 28 Taoists?" See With the scenes of these avenues empty, countless Taoists were dumbfounded again.

"More than 28 people? You must know that the strength of one plus one is always greater than two. I think this Chen Jiu is definitely qualified to compete with the Emperor!" Some Taoists have said nothing to admire Chen Jiu !!

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