Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3245: Help me

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In the Doosan Hall, I saw a strong old man with a smile on his face, full of flattering meaning. If outsiders saw it, he would never believe that this was the arrogant Dodo. Read the full text of the latest chapters [Almost all of the books, more stable than ordinary stations, many updates are faster, full text without ads. ] -..-

"Brother Chen Jiu, I knew you would definitely come to me, but I have been waiting for you for a long time!" God looked at Chen Ji Baba, and it looked like a dad.

"Old man, you have imprisoned my tit, can I not come?" Chen Jiu said angrily.

"Misunderstanding, brothers really misunderstood. I'm just teaching Huo Queer. If you don't believe me, please watch!" Between the fighting gods, Huo Queer's figure appeared in the transfiguration space.

"Wow, it's delicious. You guys can give me more of this fruit ..." Huo Queer, now looking like a king of mountains, pointing at a bunch of servants to serve himself, it is simply a life of comfort. Extremely.

"That being the case, let her out and follow me!" Chen Jiu glanced at it and didn't say more.

"Brother, I'm asking for something, don't you know?" Of course, Dou Shen is not so easy to let people go.

"Huh, threatened me?" Chen Jiu immediately became angry.

"No, I just want to talk to you about your brother. Regardless of success or failure, I will let the bird reunite with you, how about it?" Dou Shen shook his head and quickly expressed his mind.

Although he wanted to regain everything that belonged to him, the God of Fighting was not fainted, and sometimes it was accomplished, and he couldn't hate anyone if he failed.

"Okay, it's like a human talk!" Chen Jiu sat down satisfactorily. [Almost all the books are stable, and a lot of updates are faster than ordinary stations, and there are no ads in full text. ]

"Brother, thanks to you last time, if you did not drive the dragon to drive away the dark evil god, then our sanctuary will really be over!" Dou Shen first expressed his gratitude, but then for the sake of it: " It is a pity that although the dark evil **** has gone, the bright **** has succeeded. I am not willing!

"You want me to help you regain leadership?" Chen Jiu asked.

"This, I know that doing this is a bit unfair to you, but just because of the last time I went against you with your enemies, you can help me. You can rest assured that I will never let you go Help me, as long as you help me this time, I will listen to you in the future, and my family hopes to marry you immediately. It does n’t matter if you ca n’t be a wife, or even a puppet! Already.

"This, I'm afraid it won't work!" Chen Jiu shook his head hesitantly.

"Can't you? Chen Jiu, if you don't help me, then I can't fight the bright **** now!" The fighting **** was frustrated.

"I can help you with that bright god, but it's your family's wedding, I can't promise it!" Chen Jiu shook his head and preached in 'color'.

"Ah, this ... Paner thing, you can decide for yourself, as long as you can help me, let me do nothing wrong!" Dou Shen suddenly greatly surprised.

"Well, don't be too happy first. Although I promised to help you, the Bright God is not so easy to deal with. He now suppresses the Great Saint, and will definitely use it as a threat!" Chen Jiu again Advised, a little dilemma.

"Chen Jiu, rest assured, I will go with you, as long as he dare not let go, I will kill him!" Doudou immediately swarmed.

"Let's do it, if you really have such great patience, would you still use me to help you?" Chen Jiubai gave a glance, and then said, "Put the bird out first, and talk about your matter in a few days!"

"Okay, this matter can't be anxious!" The fighting **** agreed, and quickly released the fire bird.

"It's delicious, a few of you ..." Huo Queer had just come out and hadn't responded yet, just pointing at Chen Jiu and ordering.

"It's getting late, King, we should go back!" Chen Jiu asked in cooperation.

"Uh, you ..." Huo Queer glared at Chen Jiu, her eyes flashed immediately, but she smirked quickly and smiled: "Okay, help King Ben go back!"

"Yes!" Chen Jiu just supported Huoque Er. The two left the Dou Temple directly, stepped into Jiulong Jiulong in one step, and enjoyed the two-person world.

"My husband, why did you come here, but they want to die for you!" Huo Queer couldn't hold it anymore, but just fluttered in Chen Jiuhuai's resentment.

"Miss me? I don't know how happy you are to eat there, would you miss me?" Chen Jiu teased deliberately.

"Husband, isn't it boring to pass the time. Besides, if you want to eat, there is nothing delicious here like you?" Huo Queer couldn't help but just grabbed Chen Jiu's big thing.

"Oh? Are you hungry?" Chen Jiu smiled proudly.

"Hungry, several mouths are hungry!" Huo Queer's face was thirsty forgotten.

"That being the case, let's feed you first!" Chen Jiu was satisfied, how could she make her hungry in the face of such a beauty?

"Well, husband, you are so nice to others!" Huo Queer then knelt down in front of Chen Jiu, begging for food, like a beggar hungry for 180,000 years.

"Ah, don't, you can't eat anymore!" In the end, Huo Queer was so full of energy that he was dizzy and apparently overeat.

"Qieer, since you are full, you take a break first, and I'll go out and do something!" Chen Jiu said without a long stay.

"Husband, do you want to find the **** of light, don't be too stupid, the fighting **** can't fight him, you can't be shot by him!" Huo Queer reminded him seriously.

"Well, your husband is not stupid, your husband has his own plans!" Chen Jiu comforted, but left immediately.

"Hmm, what's your plan, I think you just want to marry that Doupaner!" Huo Queer muttered his mouth unwillingly, but anyway, she was just full, although she was a little emotional, but she was not too relaxed. In the heart.

Guangmingyuan, a majestic and bright sacred mountain stands, it trembles from time to time, and a blurry figure comes out from under it, which is shocking.

"Da Sheng!" Looking at this figure, Chen Jiu was extremely distressed.

"Brother Chen Jiu, you are here at last, please come in quickly!" The bright and spiritual heart rushed to Chen Jiu and entered the hall.

"Bright God, Da Sheng is my 'girl'. When can I let her go?" Chen Jiu opened the 'door' and saw the mountain, and bluntly asked.

"Don't get me wrong, Chen Jiu. I didn't mean to shock her, but she was in a state of insanity at that time, and I didn't listen to any dissuasion at all. In order not to cause an accident, I temporarily suppressed her. You are now If you want to get someone, I can let her go at any time! "Explained the Bright God, but it was easy to speak.

"Oh? You can put it at any time? Isn't there anything I want to do?" Chen Jiu was a little surprised.

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