Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3246: Greater sincerity

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"There is nothing to ask, in fact, you can take her out of your brother, it ’s a relief for me. Otherwise, I would always press her like this, and I would have to be distracted all the time!" Guangming God said calmly. It is really unexpected. [Read the latest chapter of this book, please search 800]-

"In that case, let's release Dasheng first!" Between Chen Jiu's accident, some words were really hard to say.

"Okay, but if the brothers are not in a hurry, then wait another three days and let me train for seven or forty-nine days to get rid of the madness of the madness on my body. How about it?" The God of Light then proposed again .

"Is this too troublesome?" Chen Jiu tangled, knowing that Bright God was courting him, but he couldn't refuse.

"No trouble, just three days away!" Bright God shook his head, followed by a mysterious sermon: "Three days are fast, and I just have something to talk to my brother!"

"Well, then I'll stay here for three days!" The other party was kind, Chen Jiu naturally refused.

"Thank you brother for giving me this face, I will be ready to take care of the brothers to wash the dust!" The Bright God was overjoyed, but just said goodbye and hurry and went.

After a while, singing and dancing, each ‘color’ graceful fairy, wearing a veil of veil, showed her wonderful body and talent in front of Chen Jiu.

Not only that, as the wine and dishes came to the table, the gold gods, wooden gods, and earth gods came one after the other.

"Chen Jiu, you had some misunderstandings with Jinshen before, but you still can't meet each other. Today, I took this opportunity to sell me a face, so I don't want to be hostile to each other, okay?" Get up and become a co-op. Read the latest chapters in full

"I don't care. As long as the Great Saint doesn't see me anymore, he can just suffocate me with a bald head!" Jin Shen ‘touched’ a bald head and smiled helplessly.

"Don't worry, as long as you draw a clear line with the dark evil gods, we shouldn't 'fight' again!" Chen Jiu responded with a friendly voice and couldn't help looking at the wooden gods. They should know that the two of them He has a common hatred.

"The **** of light, my son Mu'dong ', and the son of Tushen, Wang Tu, all died in the hands of this son, but now you want us to make peace with him, regardless of the former, do you think this is possible?" Mu God they Obviously extremely reluctant.

"Hey, I can only express my sorrow about your son's affairs. My Guangming Department also died a Fang Liang at the time, but this is the place of creation. I will die if you do not die, and I cannot blame others!" Guangming God sighed It is also a sympathetic sermon from Zibo.

"Although this is said, how can we really haven't happened in our hearts?" Mu Shen still looked a little ugly.

"That is, the **** of light, I know you are afraid of his dragon, but after all, the dragon is not omnipotent, and we don't need to beg his pity to this kid at all!" Tushen also preached unhappyly.

"Hey, you ..." The Bright God hated Iron and Steel and stared at the two men. He really wanted to scold them. Don't you know that the current affairs expert is Junjie?

"Well, Bright God, I know that you are also kind, but the enemies of the killers are not shared, they don't forgive me, and they are justified, I will not care about them!" Chen Jiu shook his head, showing It's 'very' generous.

"Boy, you have a dragon to protect us from killing you for a while, but you better not give us a chance. Otherwise, we will never be merciful!" Mu Shen is still very hostile.

"You guys ... you really don't know how to stand up!"

"Bright God, if there is nothing, then we will go first!" Mu God they really do n’t want to stay anymore, this is a normal relationship, usually Bright God has to please them to get their support, so they talk Sometimes it can be very rude.

"Stop slowly!" The Light God stopped for a moment, then looked at Chen Jiu and said, "I have opened the skylight to speak brightly till now. Brother Chen Jiu, the fighting **** must ask you to deal with me, right? I also ask you not to take any action, because we have greater sincerity than him! "

"Oh? Greater sincerity?" Chen Jiu could not help but expect.

"Yes, I don't know a piece of Lingxian Ling, is the sincerity enough?" The bright **** suddenly said in shock.

"What? You Xianling, do you have it?" Chen Jiuda was frightened by the "color". You must know that the original battle was so fierce that it had a lot to do with him.

"I don't have one, but there is a piece of earth god. If you can let me continue to lead the temple, then we can dedicate this piece of imperial order to you!" Guangming God is no longer a mother-in-law, and he still has to give some Actual action will do.

Wuxian is moving, this thing cannot be taken out by the fighting god, so the bright **** also has full confidence!

"Bright God, God ’s order is mine!" The earth **** was immediately anxious. You are really soft-hearted for your own status, but you have castrated your own "meat", what is this other person's "meat" How generous?

"I know it's yours, but Earth god, haven't you said it? When I have control of the temple, would you be willing to give your own imperial order?" Guangming God was preaching on "color".

"This ... I said that at the time, just to make you look more orthodox!" The face of the earth **** is very ugly. At that time, the two established an offensive and defensive alliance. He received many benefits from the **** of light. Hot said this, but in fact he regretted it.

"Earth God, anyway, this Zhexian order is useless in our hands. We might as well give it to Chen Jiu," make "his friend!" Guangming God kindly exhorted and said, "Beside you, this Zhexian It is now my thing, and I dedicate it to Chen Jiu, it has nothing to do with you! "

"Eh? My Wuxian Ling, this has nothing to do with me?" Tu Shen stared, very reluctant. "Bright God, you are so begging to please others, Chen Jiu may not be rare at all!"

"No, I'm rare, God of Light. Now I'm telling you clearly, as long as you come up with this piece of Lingxian Ling, then I will support you to continue to lead the temple!" Chen Jiu immediately patted the "chest" breast to assure, You must know that the battle of the Xianxian is the biggest opportunity in the world, and the Lingxian Ling is the key to unlock it.

Maybe it is not very useful at the moment, but it is definitely the treasure with the greatest potential. Once the Xianxian battle plan is born, these things will definitely make the gods go red!

"Chen Jiu, rest assured that this piece of magpie is definitely yours!" Listening to Chen Jiu assured, the bright **** was 10,000 pleasantly surprised.

His eyes flickered, Chen Jiu was not too happy, because there was still a difficult thing right now, and that was to ask for it from the hands of the earth god!

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