Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3247: Body of Thousands of Gold

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"God God, quickly give me my token, this grand god, can't you count the words!" With Chen Jiu's assurance, the God of Light is eager to get the Lingxian Order.

"God of Light, although I promised to give it to you, but I didn't seem to say it right away, I don't think it's too late to wait for you to sit firmly!" Tu Shen looked cold, but did not give face.

"What? Earth god, how dare you play me?" The **** of light couldn't help but gasp.

"Huh, it ’s you who did n’t swell yourself. Is n’t this guy just having the help of a dragon? Then the dragon is at best helping him all at once, and this is definitely not free. Why do you need to beg him for such a pity!" It's not so easy to talk.

"Earth God, why are you so unaware? It's enough to change the whole situation at once, do you understand?" The Bright God preaches resentfully.

"I don't care, this son killed my son, I hate him for getting into the bones, how could he even give him a fairy order!" Tushen was unwilling to compromise.

"You ... Earth God, if this is the case, then you will give me back the baby and the woman I gave you, and since then, we have no debt to each other!" Already.

"Baby can give it to you, but I'm afraid women can't give it to you!" Tu Shen gave a white glance, blaming the Light God for not being righteous.

"Why can't you give it to me?" Bright God didn't understand.

"One of them is pregnant. As for the others, they have a good relationship with me. You just want to go back because this woman is not a thing. You gave it, so don't want to go back!" Earth **** preaching.

"Oh? Have a child? This is a joyous event, native god, aren't you afraid that I will let them kill your child in the womb?" The God of Light is really considered to be supported by Chen Jiu Spare no effort.

"What? How dare you!" The earth **** finally moved.

"Lord of God, don't forget, those women are all my bright believers. Most of them believe in the light. The words of my bright **** are more important than their lives!" The bright **** couldn't help but be proud. Don't be afraid that you will not submit.

"You ... Bright God, you're ruthless!" Tu Shen stared and gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay if I give it to him, but I also have a condition. Xixian has only been available to the strong since ancient times, the weak can get It ’s also a disaster. He does n’t need a dragon. As long as he can fight with me for hundreds of moves, I will give him a fairy order! ”

"Chen Jiu, wouldn't you not even have the guts? If you were just a coward, would you still be worthy of the Wuxian Ling?" After the earth **** said it, he provoked Chen Jiu directly.

"This ... Earth God, you are too much!" The Light God quickly urged him.

"I don't care, this is my bottom line. If you are afraid of Chen Jiu, my child's death will continue to be counted on your head. When you try your best one day, I will kill you. At that time! "The earth **** seemed to be iron-hearted.

"Earth God, don't forget, Chen Jiu has the ability to refine the avenue at any time. If you give him time, all the false gods under you will die!" The bright **** solemnly reminded that the earth **** would retreat when he knew it.

"Do n’t forget about the bright god, Chen Jiu is a demon **** forbidden, and he cannot refine magic together!" The earth **** preached arrogantly.

"This ..." The Bright God couldn't help but be silent, because it was because he understood this, that the magic gods were not particularly worried.

"Well, do n’t say it, God of Light, I promise him, I may not be able to refine magic together, but my characteristics are enough for you!" Chen Jiu feels Almost, I agreed directly.

Hundred strokes are not many, and since then, Chen Jiu has become the second most powerful man. This makes his confidence extremely strong, and he is not afraid of fighting with the gods!

"Well, now that Chen Jiu agrees, let's talk about the rules first. You can fight back, but you can't use the road device and the road to crush!" Bright God looked at this, and he only expected that Chen Jiu could support. Go on, after all, he was very good before.

"Don't use a Taoist weapon, just blow him up!" Tu Shen stood out confidently, watching Chen Jiu smiled: "I hope you don't die too fast!"

"Earth God, obediently prepare Luxian Ling and wait for it to be dedicated to me!" Chen Jiu smiled, and walked towards the earth god.

"Hum, look for death!" In the anger of the earth, full of anger burst out, the majestic punch was like a rhino, and he slammed forward.

"The body of all gold!" Chen Jiuhou drank, without entrusting him, he used his best means as soon as he came up, because the other party was the main **** of Taoism, he didn't dare to care.

‘Boom! 'With a heavy impact, the fist became smaller, and in the middle Chen Jiu hit him on the chest. He was supposed to blast him, but at this time his body turned into a rock, exuding golden light, Deadly nails are there, even unmoved!

"What? This is a mystery. It actually suffered the bombardment of the earth **** directly and did not move at all?" The bright gods were shocked by their horror. Rao is their furious punch against the earth god, I am afraid they are not Can you be so level and stable?

"Earth God, your power seems almost almost!" Chen Jiu looked down at the punch, although there was some blood rolling, but anyway, he was not a big deal, which made him more powerful for his own body. Confidence.

The body of thousands of gold, this is Chen Jiu's concubines to give him a name for his divine power, but it is quite a perfect match!

"You ... hello, Chen Jiu, I despised you, but you must consume a lot of time to practice this secret technique? I don't believe you can carry on forever, watching my burial world!" Earth God was also surprised It was a reaction, but he did not believe in evil and continued to punch Chen Jiu.

‘Boom ...’ This fist has buried the world, and its fist destroys the world, and it ’s even more fierce.

It is a pity that the heavens and the earth meet and the ground collapses, but the figure with golden light still stands there, as if wanting to last forever!

"Oh my god, this is holding up again, and it seems very easy. What a strange state of Chen Jiu, if you had this strength last time, these people would be afraid of him!" Bright God, they said dumbly, Looking at Chen Jiu was totally shocked.

"Damn, it's impossible, you can't survive my three punches!" The two punches of Tushen are ineffective, which can't help driving him completely crazy.

‘Boom Boom ...’ Next, let alone the three boxers, the thirty boxers, the three hundred boxers Chen Jiu easily took them down.

A fierce hit, it has already exceeded the limit of one hundred moves, Chen Jiuyi stood there, has been in a peak, there is no sign of weakness, and eventually the **** of earth was panting and stopped actively. "I'm defeated!"

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