Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3277: Dug well

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Xiaoxian, man, what's your ghost idea again?" The ancients scolded and looked forward. .

"Fu Jun, people aren't small. People!" Gu Yue immediately fluttered and spoiled.

"Oh, my little boy, don't come here anymore, I can't stand this old waist!" The ancient people's face shook and shook at such beauties.

"Fu Jun, don't you remember the piece of fairy earth we got?" Gu Yue didn't ask for it, but spoke upright.

"Oh? Are you talking about the **** soil in Wuxian Ling?" The ancient man preached immediately.

"Yeah, this **** soil is called the place of burial of gods. Even if I wait for it, it will be weakened into a mortal. If it is buried, it will be dead!" Gu Yue suggested with gritted teeth.

"But this land of burial gods is not being used by us to cultivate Taoism, God and Fruit?" The ancients hesitated a little hesitantly, "If this God Fruit is completed, then we can train more Lord Gods, who will then Or our opponent? "

"Fu Jun, I think so, we don't destroy this fairy earth, just take a piece of land and dig a pit and wait for Chen Jiu to jump!" Gu Yue said in detail.

"Good to say, then Chen Jiu would be so stupid, obediently to jump?" The ancients shook their heads, not hopeful.

"Fu Jun, I believe that the attractiveness and attractiveness of Chen Guoji is enough to make Chen Jiu's heart move. You must know that he has so many wives. This is how difficult it is to achieve Taoism. He cannot give up such an opportunity! Gu Yue said with a confident look.

"This ... you're right, but can you make sure that Chen Jiu is dead?" The ancients obviously also moved. [Please read 800 for the latest chapter of this book]

"Of course, at that time, we asked him to visit the Tao Shenxinshenguo. In our Moon Circulator, there were many kinds of land helpers, and he was buried immediately!

"Okay, that's not too late. Let's get ready to know. It's extremely difficult to dig up the land where the gods are buried!" The ancients couldn't wait any longer.

"Fu Jun, come again and go again!" Gu Yue sprinkled Jiao Jia, and just begged for another time.

"Well, let's go!" The ancients softened a bit, and the two sorted out their looks. Gu Yue was still so windy and went to the underground secret hall.

‘Zi ...’ In the center of this secret hall, there is a bright vortex. In the middle of the vortex, there is a Taoist device like the moon, which is devoting the essence of the heavens.

"Come in!" The two scolded them softly. They fell into the whirlpool, and the figure transformation chamber came into the rotator.

The land is vast and vast, nothing but solitude, but at the central point of this land boundary, a piece of **** land, like an island floating up and down!

"Let's go!" The two flew across the air. When they were close, I saw people moving on this land, and there was still life here.

There are not many of these figures, there are only three or fifty, and they are not idle. One by one there actually opened up wasteland to plant land and water the plants!

Yes, there are more than a hundred grapevine-like plants growing on this blood island. I saw that these plants are large and small, the big ones have bloomed and bear fruit, and the small ones are just seedlings.

‘Bang! ‘Guyue and the ancients, they soon came to this blood island, but Guyue frowned immediately.“ This mortal feeling is really bad! ”

"Yeah, you're done, let's get out of here!" The ancients agreed.

"Meet the Prophet!" Someone saw the ancients coming and immediately came over to meet them.

"Where is your captain, let him come and see us!" The ancient man ordered, staring at the youth in front of him.

"Yes, I used to be called the captain!" The young man had to leave and ran away for a while, and then brought over a young man with a rough appearance, wearing a commoner's clothing, and carrying a hoe, like a farmer.

"Prophet, Taoism is not mature yet, you have come too early!" The young man came to explain recently.

"No, we are not here for the purpose of expressing consciousness, but there is a bigger happy event to tell you!" Gu Yue was enchanted. Confused toward the young man.

"Oh? What happy event?" The young man had never seen the appearance of Gu Yue.

Is this guy a man? Gu Yue actually wanted to hook up. The young man in front of her looked down on her, which made her feel a failure to preach: "The seed of light is nothing, we plan to plant a person here!"

"What? Seeds, how can this be, the soil here will make people suffocate!" The young man was astonished.

"Maybe it will die, but maybe it will not die. Anyway, this man is our enemy, and burying him is a hundred!" The ancients said in a word.

"But I just promised to help you plant the land, and I didn't promise to help you kill!" The boy shook his head.

"You don't need to bury it. You just need to dig a pit for us. You must know that only your **** can dig a pit quickly!" Gu Yue continued to demand.

"Yeah, I just dig, I won't take care of other things!" The boy thought about it and agreed to it, after all, now it is under the fence, even if he does not agree, the other party can dig it out, but it takes time. It's just a bit slower and doesn't affect the final result.

"Okay, then you dig the pit here, and then arrange it again, don't let people see it!" Gu Yue was surprised, but just guided the young man to work.

‘Bang bang ...’ Do n’t say it, the **** in the boy ’s hand is really magical, the **** soil that is hard to be shaken by others is actually very soft under his hoe!

After a while, the young man had dug a pit, and looking at this huge pit about ten meters deep, Guyue and the ancients laughed proudly.

The pit has been dug up. Now just wait for Chen Jiulai to jump. After some layout, the two prophets finally left proudly.

Tianhuyuan, the old Tianhu is ashamed and knows the wrong. Under the cooperation of everyone, Chen Jiu and the demon. The matter is naturally nailed down, no more mistakes!

"Find a good day and let them get married!" The Prophet Ma was very anxious, and married Zhang Luo for the two.

"Chen Jiu's little friend!" But at this juncture, the ancient prophet did not invite Chen Jiu to visit him.

"Oh? What did the ancient prophets look for me?" Chen Jiuting was curious, knowing that he would not give up.

"Chen Jiuyou, you do n’t have to be so hostile to me. In fact, you have discovered me that ancient moon. That human nature, I have to thank you well, without telling you that I punish her every day, Let her be half a life and a half dead! "The ancients explained, mysteriously," By talking one step, I have something great to tell you! "

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