Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3278: Find me farm

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"Oh? What good can you do?" Although Chen Jiu didn't believe it, he came to a temple with the ancients. txt novel download.

"Chen Jiu, I heard that you have a lot of wives, and all of them are beautiful. They are all Ningsheng Avenue. The future is unlimited, right?" The ancients asked first.

"Natural!" Chen Jiu nodded proudly, these are obviously not secrets.

"Chen Jiu, with the foundation of the road is nothing, if there is no cohesion of Taoism, after all, it will not last for a long time, what do you say?" The ancients preached again.

"What the **** do you mean?" Chen Jiu frowned, straightly scoffing.

"Chen Jiumo is anxious. I have a way to make them unite their hearts and achieve eternity. What do you think?" The ancients were quite proud.

"What? You can let the Taoist masters gather their hearts. If that is the case, aren't you against the sky?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but be surprised, some disbelieved.

"Chen Jiu, I can swear on this matter. I have a fairy garden with Taoist spirits inside. Do you have any interest in watching with me in the past? If I lie to you, I will not die!" Immediately vowed to preach.

"Ancient man, do you want to use this fruit to make me support you?" Chen Jiu is not stupid, knowing that this will not be unconditional.

"I know it's difficult for you to fight against water now, but I just hope that after you donate this place, you can remain neutral and let us fight, how about it?" The conditions of the ancients were not excessive.

"Oh? Are you going to dedicate to me the fairy garden where the Tao fruit grows?" Chen Jiu couldn't help but be taken aback. This guy is really willing to give it up!

"Of course, compared to the capital, we are not weaker than the orc side here. Chen Jiu, are there any people interested in seeing it? I guarantee you will like it!" The ancients patted his chest and preached. Read the latest chapters in full

"Okay, just go and see this magical fruit!" Chen Jiu immediately agreed to it. One is that he is bold now, and the other is that he really needs this mental fruit. People often encounter themselves. Things that you particularly like tend to lose your mind.

In this way, Chen Jiu was invited by the ancients to come to the Lunar Circulator with him and saw the magical island floating up and down.

"This island is actually in the color of red blood!" When Chen Jiuchu saw the island, he couldn't help but have a feeling of being confused.

"Yeah, it is said that this was poured out of the blood of God, but the specifics are unknown, come with me!" To dispel Chen Jiu's doubts, the ancients walked in front of him personally, and brought Chen Jiu to the board. This blood island.

'boom! ‘Suddenly, I feel that my steps are a little stunned, but Chen Jiu has some instability. An invisible force seems to deprive her of her origins and return herself to a state of hanging silk!

"Not good!" The loss of power surprised Chen Jiuda, because if the ancients had no malicious intentions, they would have told them in advance, but he did not say now that it was clear that ulterior motives were almost the same!

"Give me to death!" At the same time, the ancients stepped on the floor and hit Chen Jiu fiercely, kicking him into the deep pit.

‘Boom! ’With a bang, Chen Jiu's figure fell into a ten-meter-deep pit. The wall of the pit was smooth, and it was almost difficult for an ordinary person to come out.

"Haha, Chen Jiu, I didn't expect your kid to have today, tell you, today I will bury you here and never die forever!" The ancients stood on the edge and laughed proudly.

"Well, you are an ancient man. You didn't hesitate to expose such secret places, but you also conspired to calculate me. It seems that you are willing to put on that green hat?" Chen Jiu stared, as if everything was trying to understand.

"Chen Jiu, you are here to provoke alienation. I Gu Yue did something wrong and has been severely punished by my husband. We are still very loving now. Instead, you are going to die here soon. It ’s pitiful!" The ancient moon appeared quietly, holding the ancients in a dazzling manner, showing affection.

"Well, you shit, you want to kill me like this, it's too whimsical, you know that I have not used the dragon, if I expected it, you should also become mortals, as long as I am Once the dragon comes out, it will be enough to sweep you! "Chen Jiusi threatened without fear.

"Joke, although your dragon is strong, I'm afraid it can't surpass the main god? Even the main **** here can weaken, do you think your dragon is still a dragon when I release it? I think at most there will be a snake!" Naturally long overdue.

"This ..." As soon as Chen Jiu's face changed, he immediately communicated with the dragon, and the answer he received was indeed not optimistic, because the dragon did not have a great certainty to rush out here.

"It's not too late, farmers, come out and bury someone, and bury this person, and there will be great rewards!" The ancients worried that Chi was changed, and hurriedly drank.

"Well ..." A group of young and middle-aged farmers dressed up with different farming tools all came to the edge of the big pit and looked at Chen Jiu coldly, without any sympathy.

"Open it!" Gu Yue couldn't bear it, but she knew she couldn't surrender the man, and she had to kill him!

"Yes!" A group of farmers had to bury the soil after the order. Just when the ancients were determined to get it, Gu Yue's face changed immediately.

"Stop, stop quickly!" Gu Yue stopped drinking suddenly.

"What's wrong, Yueer, wouldn't you be reluctant to be this kid?" Of course, the ancients were very unhappy.

"No, look carefully, this kid is moving up on the soft **** soil, so we can't bury him at all!" Gu Yue pointed at Chen Jiu with a somber expression.

"This ... what to do? If you can't bury him quickly, then he can always move up!" The ancients' face also looked very bad.

"It seems that we have to ask the captain to take the shot. We can't add up to the captain alone!" A group of farmers suggested.

"Well, please ask your captain to come over and say I'm willing to pay any price, as long as he comes over to help me bury this person!" The ancients ordered that at this time he and Chen Jiu had broken their faces and had to separate one Life and death are here.

"Yes!" The farmers were ordered, and soon they asked the captain again. The captain was carrying a hoe, and some reluctantly came over.

"Quickly, bury this person, the conditions are up to you!" Gu Yue cast a wink, even if he was with him.

"Oh? I'll take a look. Who deserves you to pay such a great price?" The captain looked curiously into the pit, and when he saw it, he was shocked and surprised. "Chen Jiu Is it you, did you come to find me to farm? "

"Ah, yeah, yeah, I just came here to plant your land, but unfortunately, I fell into the pit. Ordinary brothers, can you help me?" Chen Jiushan also beamed his eyes and shouted in his heart God is never ending me!

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