Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3398: Scared baby

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

In the King's Palace, after Chen Jiu defeated three guns, he continued to cultivate. After these unwilling battles, he felt as if he had caught some enlightenment at any time, and he might get it at any time. Some breakthroughs.

I have to say that the maiden brought someone over to find trouble, and it was not all useless, at least it was still helpful to Chen Jiu. If you count the fact that she was played, it would be a lot of merit!

"The Tao is the only one, what is the ultimate self-only?" Chen Jiubi stood upright in the Red Mist Avenue, and fell into deep meditation while maintaining the Tao.

Taoism, Five Realms, Taoism, Tiancheng, and Taoism. This is the level where most of the Lord God is. If you want to go further, you need humanity to be one.

What is the specificity of humanity unification? Chen Jiu doesn't know yet, but he can at least pursue the egoism, because only then can he successfully enter into humanity unification!

"Asian men can never show up. Although this power can continue to increase, but the effect is not great, he should be a bit inadequate in the realm!" Chen Jiu shook his head, constantly affirming or denying his own achievements. Is a conversion attribute, what is the ultimate of a conversion attribute? "

"True! Yes, the ultimate in attribute transformation is real change. Only by doing so, can it be called the egoistic extreme!" Chen Jiu suddenly realized that he had found a new way.

The idea is good, but how easy is real change? Chen Jiu devoted himself to cultivation, countless avenues of breath transformed around him, but he finally shook his head and sighed in frustration.

"No, even though you have control of the Wandao password, you can achieve a more real transformation than ordinary people, but its nature is too difficult to change. There seems to be a lack of power to turn decay into magic!" Trying, looking for a possible real cause, the whole person really got stuck.

Cultivation, once you devote yourself to it, you will forget the existence of time, and it is not impossible even for a thousand years!

Chen Jiu, just as he concentrated on his cultivation, a pretty woman in black came slowly, who could not be Wang Yuwen?

"Finally found you, you are still as handsome as before, so attracting my attention!" Wang Yuwen looked at the figure in front of him, and couldn't help but be ecstatic.

She has improved her skills. Wang Yuwen is not as clever as she used to be when she sees Chen Jiu and she will hold her. She can at least control her actions!

"Chen Jiu, you are destined to be my real dear son. You obviously like me too, but why can't you accept me?" Looking at this figure silently, Wang Yuwen soon resent.

"But it doesn't matter, you don't accept me, but it doesn't mean that I will let you go. You are mine. After all, you still can't escape my palm!" Wang Yuwen grinned, and the proud smile was indeed the witch. name.

‘Da Da ...’, stepping in the void, with long, hips and snowy posture, Wang Yuwen slowly came to Chen Jiu's face, but suddenly he was tender and blushing.

"Is it too cheap to do it myself? Is it a bit cheap? If he finds out, how would he think of himself?" After all, Wang Yuwen is still a little girl, she usually caressed, but when it comes to this kind of innocence. In fact, she was particularly hesitant.

After so much entanglement for a while, Wang Yuwen still talked heart to heart: "Can't control so much. If you don't act anymore, you will be defeated by the virgin. You must not let Chen Jiu be taken away by her. So I just have to get down first! "

"Yes, that's it!" After Wang Yuwen convinced herself, she approached Chen Jiu again and came to his knees and crouched down.

"This bad guy is so big in practice, I really don't know how to do it?" Wang Yuwen blushed, grasping the past slightly with a small hand.

Familiar feelings came to mind again, which made Wang Yuwen feel more kind and friendly. She didn't stay too long, but she quickly released this unyielding thing from the cage!

‘Oh! ‘The devil is born, the magic sword is as scabbard, and its sharp edge. Dema, it makes people fear, but they ca n’t hide their thirst for it.

"I haven't done this kind of thing myself, I don't know if I can do it well? How big, how to eat ..." Wang Yuwen hurt. Hesitated, still no intention of letting it go.

In this way, Wang Yuwen grasped it, and tolerated it little by little, secretly acquired its ownership, and his face became more beautiful for a while!

"It's so embarrassing ..." Wang Yuwen paused from time to time and was frightened by his boldness. Things like this, he was so flamboyant. Expensive princess, it depends on the mood for not doing for men. Not to mention the initiative to come and eat now!

"Eh, don't stop, that's the feeling, a kind of mediocre power moves through my body. This kind of power seems to have the ability to turn decay into magic ..." Suddenly, Chen Jiu said to himself In a word, he almost scared Wang Yuwen to death.

"Well, Chen Jiu, I ..." Wang Yuwen quickly hung his face, shameless with a look on his face. She is now like a little girl who was found to have eaten candy.

"Hey, why isn't it? How did this power disappear?" Chen Jiu shook his head again in regret. Although he opened his eyes, he ignored the Wang Yuwen in front of him!

"Don't you see yourself?" Wang Yuwen observed Chen Jiu's reaction, and after all, he decided one thing, and then he was relieved, really scaring the baby.

"What kind of power was just now? Why isn't it?" Chen Jiu said to himself, frowning from time to time, seems to have encountered some problems.

"What to do? Do you want to continue? What if he really wakes up?" Wang Yuwen hesitated, but still devoured the past. "Do not care about him, how can the delicious meal in his mouth make him run away?"

"Yeah, that's the kind of power, yes, don't stop ..." At this moment, Chen Jiu shouted, making Wang Yuwen's heart tremble.

"Isn't this **** deliberate?" Wang Yuwen's heart was full of resentment, but she didn't stop, because she felt that if she could help Chen Jiu, she would have a good excuse if she was found for a while. Reason!

The scene of the ridiculous Tang. Fortunately, no one is here. Otherwise, it is necessary to scare off the big teeth. A super witch princess in a beautiful leather coat is not afraid of heaven and earth, even picks 58 heavenly demon warlords. The members of the door are regarded as goddesses, but now she is kneeling in front of a man and 'stealing'. Can she get the fruits of her victory?

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