Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3399: Egoism

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Okay, hurry up, the strength reunites faster ... almost, you can try it!" Chen Jiu stood upright, the whole person was in a deep level of realization. ... the apex novel,

The inexplicable power was throbbing. This made Chen Jiuji very excited. So he didn't think about anything at all. Waiting for this magical power to reach a certain level, he immediately started his ultimate transformation!

‘Booming…’ Visible to the naked eye, I saw a powerful avenue of joy that turned into a pure flame quickly, and the blazing flames were burning in the heavens and the earth.

This flame is different from the past, it is enduring, especially long, it seems that it is burning like the origin of heaven and earth, giving people a sense of endlessness!

"Okay, great, it's this kind of power. It really has the ability to turn decay into magic, and it can really help itself!" Chen Jiudas overshadowed, but then shook his head and sighed: "It's just a pity that too little. I can have more points and try a few more times myself, maybe I can find the mystery of Tao power conversion, so as to truly reach the extreme of the ego! "

"Fortunately, this kind of power is still increasing, so I have to seize the opportunity!" Chen Jiu still didn't mean to wake up, and he was afraid to kill him. At this time, there was a beautiful girl stealing food in front of him.

The beautiful woman steals food, which indirectly brings Chen Jiuyi's joy in heaven and earth, and it is this joy that in fact drives a force, and has given him inexplicable help. From this point of view, he also Thank you so much for this witch who eats him.

"This guy, why haven't you been released for a long time? Didn't Muer say that men can't hold on for too long?" Wang Yuwen worked hard for a long time without seeing results, and she began to be anxious.

"Abominable, give him a little deeper, and see if he can still persist?" Wang Yuwen, she has not adapted since the beginning, but now she has completely found some fun.

Men are born with the urge to taste beautiful women, but why women do n’t pay for it, it ’s just their behavioral decision that they ca n’t be so bold!

Like a woman before and after marriage, Wang Yuwen was initially coy, shy, and obvious. As time went on, she gradually became more open and deeper.

"Mine, Chen Jiu, you are mine ..." Wang Yuwen enjoyed this feeling of possessing Chen Jiu, anxious to swallow him all.

‘Booming…’ Wang Yuwen ’s efforts were not in vain. At least the strength in Chen Jiu ’s body gathered more and more. He began to transform other powers, all of which had reached the ultimate transformation.

The power of the Dao is completely changed, and there may not be any increase in power, but the key is to understand the mysterious words, then the state of the whole person is completely different!

"Transformation, transformation, what is going on here?" Chen Jiu seems to be a little bit behind, no matter how thorough he is, he can't get over the threshold.

The magical power continued to accumulate. Chen Jiu did not use it in a hurry this time, but waited, waited for it to be more, and then exploded to transform, hoping to understand the mystery.

‘Zizi…’ It seemed like an empty glass was gradually being filled, and Chen Jiu felt that the whole body was filled with that magical power, and he yelled, “Ah ... the ultimate transformation!”

"Boom ..." With a sound, Wan Dao Qi Qi, Chen Jiu's body suddenly shot out Wan Dao Guang, they are actually the source of Wan Dao.

"Ha ha ... it's the ultimate transformation, but I am the ultimate, it turned out to be this way!" In the rays of light, Chen Jiuxing's elated voice rang continuously, and it was obvious that he was ecstatic.

"Ahem ..." Unfortunately, at this moment, an inappropriate voice sounded, which really frightened Chen Jiu.

"Who?" The voice was so close to himself that he didn't even notice it. Chen Jiuduan was shocked with cold sweat, but when he looked down, he felt a little dreamy. Why is it so unreal?

In front of her, a beautiful woman was wearing a black leather corset and she was kneeling down there, but these were not the points. The point was that she was devouring her baby!

A woman came to steal her baby's food? At this moment, Chen Jiu also felt a bit ridiculous. Tang's feeling, like a big man himself, was actually one day stolen by a woman?

"Yes, it's me!" The cowardly echoed, the beauty was obviously a little embarrassed, and she let go of her mouth little by little, and embarrassedly lowered her head.

"Wang Yuwen, it's you!" After looking at Chen Jiu with complete determination of the identity of the beauty in front of her, she couldn't help madly saying, "Are you crazy? How can you steal me?"

"I ..." After all, Wang Yuwen took the initiative this time, even though she had thought about all kinds of reasons before, but when it was time to quibble, she still felt guilty.

"Why are you? Wang Yuwen, how are you an imperial princess, how to do things so shameless. Shame, don't you know how to hurt? Aren't they being eaten for nothing, Chen Jiu was actually angry. Yes, can't a beautiful woman steal any good thing from others?

"You ..." Wang Yuwen concluded, of course she knew the harm. Alas, she was really afraid of what came from her. As a little girl, she was embarrassed to do this, and she took the initiative to eat, which made her even more There is no room for self-compliance, but fortunately, she finally succeeded in getting the fruits of her victory, and it was basically determined that he had a close relationship with him, so she was still a little bit envious.

"Hey, you are deaf, talk. If you don't give me a reason today, don't blame me!" Chen Jiu, a victim, has every reason to get justice.

"Chen Jiu, you have no conscience ... wow ..." The woman's three treasures, one crying, two troubles, and three hanging, Wang Yuwen was wronged, and she cried and snarled on the spot. A woman herself has done this step, but she still has to be Question, can't this man be so heart-hearted?

"Hey, figure it out, okay? It was you who stole me, how could it be that I have no conscience?" Chen Jiu was not a fool.

"Chen Jiu, people are doing this to help you, do you know?" Wang Yuwen preached innocently.

"Help me? Help me kneel in front of me and steal my help?" Chen Jiu's questioning voice was really blushing.

His face turned red, but Wang Yuwen still complained and explained, "What else do you say, you just want someone like this, do you think they want it?"

"I want you to be like this? Why don't I know?" Chen Jiu shook his head, with a disbelief in his face.

"At that time, you patronized the practice, and you didn't stop the family, saying that you want to get some magical power. You have to let the family do this. Do you think about it?" Wang Yuwen said this. It's a little bit daunting, because she's not sure of the truth of this matter.

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