Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3417: Must shoot

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What do you mean? Bullying your meaning, I don't understand it, you are stupid you!" Wang Yuwen laughed more and more proudly.

"You ... you still call yourself a witch, you don't care what you say!" Mo Jie was very angry and complained.

"Mojie, you also said that I am a witch. When can this witch count?" Wang Yuwen preached indifferently.

"You shame, I won't talk to you anymore, Chen Jiu is not like that, he won't mess around!" Mo Jie took a sip, and at this time only pinned her hope on Chen Jiu.

"I ..." Chen Jiu dumbfounded, in the face of such a situation, he was actually unwilling to shoot.

"Husband, who are we, your wife?" Wang Yuwen shouted after being tired of him.

"Of course it is you, my wife in Chinese!" Chen Jiu had to give affirmation.

"So since I am your wife, then you have to listen to me when I speak?" Wang Yuwen could not refuse to preach.

"It's ... in general, but it depends ..." Chen Jiu was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Okay, husband, I know you're the best for me!" Wang Yuwen did not give Chen Jiu any chance to object.

"Chen Jiu, wouldn't you really strike me? We're a fair and decisive battle!" Mo Jie couldn't help doubting at this time, because she wasn't sure that Chen Jiu Kang could not resist the beauty.

"Language wife, don't worry about it, you all said yes, I'm not good to intervene!" Chen Jiu was not willing to bully Mojie in this way.

"Husband, let me ask you, I fight with her desperately, who is it for?" Wang Yuwen was a little bit angry immediately. "I do n’t want it for your life, and now I want you to help me a little, but you Or do you just push the three, do you really like this cheap guy? "

"Wife, how is this possible? I know you've been tired for me for a long time, you first let go and rest, I'll teach her, okay?" Chen Jiu could not help but persuade.

"No, what if I let go of her and she ran away? Husband, you have to take a shot today, otherwise, it is that you like her!" Wang Yuwen demanded relentlessly.

"I ..." Chen Jiu looked at the two women in embarrassment. It was really helpless, was it really impossible?

"Chen Jiu, you are a gentleman. You cannot do this!" Mo Jie complimented Chen Jiu so as not to be taught.

"Husband, don't listen to her. Do you think she hasn't troubled you recently? If you don't teach her a meal, how can you establish your majesty?" Wang Yuwen then advised.

"This is indeed ..." Chen Jiu pondered for a moment, and eventually nodded, because Mo Jie recently brought people one after another, which really ruined a lot of ‘beauty’ things that he thought.

"Chen Jiu, wouldn't you really deal with me with her?" Mo Jie looked at Chen Jiu with horror, and was very worried.

"Magie, I'm sorry, I remember warning you last time that I wouldn't let you do this again and again, and it would bother me to come over again and again, but you just don't listen. If I don't give you today Leaving a heavy lesson, then I'm afraid you will still be like this! "Chen Jiu stared at Mo Jie seriously.

"You ... what are you going to do?" Mo Jie nervously earned her body, but was unable to break away from the entanglement of Wang Yuwen.

"Why? Of course, I'm ready to punish you!" Chen Jiumo fisted his hands, and slowly walked towards Mojie.

"Chen Jiu, I'm a girl anyway, and I don't have any deep hatred with you, do you have to go like that?" Mojie began to show weakness.

"Oh, heaven, our maiden is also afraid?" Wang Yuwen laughed at it.

"Well, you have the ability to defeat me, and then say, what is the ability to rely on men now?" Mo Jie has no good face for Wang Yuwen.

"What's wrong with a man? It's better to rely on my own man than some women to go out and find a wild man!" Wang Yuwen made it even worse.

"You ..." Mo Jie almost didn't get over the air, and finally said boldly: "See how you can take me!"

"Wife, how do you punish her?" Looking at Mo Jie posing a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, Chen Jiu was actually very embarrassed.

"Of course hit her, this bitch. People are missing!" Wang Yuwen preached without thinking.

"Where did she hit her?" Chen Jiu looked at Mo Jie Miaorou's figure, and she was really a bit helpless.

"Uh ..." Wang Yuwen glanced, and then said with a smirk on his face: "Our sage should not have been farted for a long time. Farts, today we will teach her her father a good lesson, let She doesn't know how high the sky is! "

"What? No, you can't hit me!" Mo Jie's arrogant face can no longer be disguised. It's not a father's thing, but she was just played by Chen Jiu. She hasn't worn a small dress here now. Pants, if it was found, wouldn't it be difficult.

"Virgin? Aren't you afraid? What's your name? Don't listen to her, call me!" Wang Yuwen thought that he had grasped Mo Jie's pain point and was even more clamoring.

"No, don't fight there, Chen Jiu, I beg you, it's not enough to admit defeat!" Mojie Liushen has no master, and no longer cares about her face, because she knows that if she is found, it won't be any more. Yes.

"No, if you say you admit defeat, you admit defeat. When you are here, your husband ignores her. Since she is afraid to fart. Fart, she must be afraid of her today!" Wang Yuwen ordered again.

"Okay ..." Chen Jiu hesitated a moment, just wanted to say that she was not necessarily afraid of farting. Farting, because he had beaten it last time, but he was embarrassed to say such a thing, looking at Wang Yuwen If he persists in this way, he doesn't mind calling again. Anyway, she often finds herself in trouble recently and deserves some lessons.

"Don't ... Chen Jiu, I beg you ..." Mo Jie turned her head and looked at Chen Jiu poorly, and she really regretted it now.

"Magic, don't pretend to be garlic. If you are really so scared, then you won't come over today ..." Chen Jiu pointed at Naman. The upright place above the wonderful long legs, fiercely Fanned it.

'Snapped! 'This is not the first time a woman is farting. Farting, but Chen Jiu has been the same this time. Addicted because he has annoyed the maiden recently. Although she looks good, she always finds troubles like this. To be seen.

At this moment, looking at the virgin Man. Miao's figure was transformed into a shape by herself. While Chen Jiu enjoyed this touch, she was more happy in her heart!

"Ah, you really hit me again ..." the maiden screamed, and her face was instantly red.

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