Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3418: Why stop

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"It's you, you little bitch. People are short of beatings. Give me a shot. You have to beat her for mercy today!" Wang Yuwen Jie was beaten, and he was so happy that he had forgotten the meaning of the words. . . "Stop, don't fight anymore, I still don't think I can lose it, Wang Yuwen, you are also a self-proclaimed Super Witch, can't you just ask for a face?" Mo Jie shouted, she couldn't stand it. "Okay, Mojie, I'm fine without hitting your face, you are not worthy to talk to me, continue to beat me!" Wang Yuwen did not eat this set, hurriedly hurried. "Magic, I hope you really remember this lesson!" During the warning of Chen Jiu, he made a second shot, and this time he did not stop. "Ah ..." At the beginning, Mo Jie did scream in pain, and the whole flushed face could drip. Blood. But screaming, such screams are getting smaller and smaller, a little changed. taste! "Husband, use some energy!" Wang Yuwen frowned, but didn't think much, just thought that Chen Jiuxiang Xiangxiyu let go. "Oh!" Chen Jiu nodded obediently, and couldn't help but continue to beat in the past. 'Snapped. Pah ... ’After several repeated attempts, the magical cry of celebrity really increased again, and there was a sound of begging for mercy, which seemed to be frightened. "Haha, that's it, my husband continued to beat me until she cried!" Wang Yuwen thought he was right, even more arrogant. But this time, Chen Jiufei was not obedient, and suddenly stopped his hand. The weird look was really intriguing! "Husband, what's the matter with you? Why did you stop?" Wang Yuwen inquired suddenly. "This ... wife, almost, you beg for mercy, or forget it today!" Chen Jiu hesitated, and suddenly changed his previous attitude. "What? Chen Jiu, won't you feel bad for her?" Wang Yuwen questioned seriously. "How can I?" Chen Jiu shook his head, and he couldn't say something. From his unnatural eyes, he could be a wonderful garden for a woman. Yes, with the fan, the skirt angle of the maiden moves up, which makes the already short skirt almost reach the waist, and the scene below is even more fully displayed. It was exposed. At this time, it ’s better to wear small pants, but Mojie did not wear it. Although this place was not the first time I saw it, Chen Jiu still felt that it was not so good, so he stopped. Out of hand! "Then why did you stop, and continue to fight for me!" Wang Yuwen exclaimed severely. "She ... she's revealed inside!" Chen Jiu stopped the drought. Tang, still revealed a little bit. "What?" Wang Yuwen was also surprised, looking down at Xue. The white mountains are red. It was full of moisturizing, and it was a little annoying on the spot: "Oh, what a maiden, it is clear that a woman is still pretty much, such a short skirt is not wearing Nei Zhen, how much grass do you need? "I ..." Mo Jie was so ashamed that she wanted to die. She was really afraid of what came. What she didn't want them to discover was discovered, but she found it, and pointed at her nose like this. It makes you unable to refute, how can this make you live? "What the **** are you? I'm in trouble to find my husband. Is it true to find it?" Wang Yuwen accused. "What about you ...?" Mo Jie was unable to refute, and simply acknowledged it with a ruthless heart. "What? You really want to ..." Wang Yuwen's next turn was dumbfounded, she didn't expect the other party to be so bold? "I thought about it. I told you last time, and you didn't know anything!" Mojie bit her mouth. Lips, surprisingly retorted. "Okay, you are cheap. Man, you came here to grab a man from me, but you are one step behind. Now he is my man, haha ​​..." This time, Wang Yuwen is not like that last time. Passive, she thinks she's in control! "Your man? I have to?" Mojie gave a disdainful glance. He didn't take it on the spot, and the stolen man was embarrassed to say? "What do you mean?" Wang Yuwen questioned. "Nothing!" Mo Jie was reluctant to say more. "Hum, isn't it? You think you have a mouth open again, then you can intercede, let us not do it? You think so beautiful!" Wang Yuwen threatened fiercely. "You're over, aren't you?" Mo Jie glanced, really annoyed. "Husband, don't care about her, just continue to fight!" Wang Yuwen ignored the magic and gave Chen Jiufa a command again. "But below her ..." Chen Jiu was really difficult at this time. "Oh, when it comes out, it comes out, she's just a mean. Woman, it's impossible for me to be there, why can't I go?" Wang Yuwen preached indifferently. "This ..." Chen Jiu wasn't convinced that Wang Yuwen really didn't care about it, but he did recognize some of what she said as "cheap". Otherwise, your dignified virgin would not be so poor that she can't afford to be small You did n’t wear pants last time. Why did n’t you wear them this time? "Husband, wouldn't you really want to grass her?" Wang Yuwen was a little dissatisfied. "Of course I don't!" Chen Jiu shook his head firmly. At this time, the man must stand firm and not shake. "That's good. Since there isn't, don't you hurry up?" Wang Yuwen was very satisfied with this answer. At the end, he couldn't help scorning the sacred woman, as if to say that you don't wear small pants. My man is not willing to grass. You, you are really weak! "Okay!" Chen Jiu finally nodded his head, and continued to start fanning with a ruthless heart. Since your maiden is so ignorant of self-love, why should I feel bad for you? "Ah ... no, you can't do this to me ..." Screaming, she really felt that Wang Yuwen was a little witch at this time, otherwise how could she toss herself like this? "Uh, don't ... don't fight ..." After a while, Mo Jie seemed to be beaten up, but she felt a little out of breath. "Don't stop, she has to die. Give me a fight. I have to make her cry today!" Wang Yuwen was sure to get it, and he didn't want to stop at all. 'Snapped. Pah ... ”Now that the wife said, of course, Chen Jiu had no reason to stop. He continued to fan for a few times, but he was shocked, and suddenly stopped again! "Hey, what's the matter with you? Why don't you fight again?" Wang Yuwen glanced dissatisfied, unable to forgive Chen Jiu at all.

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