Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3443: Archaeopteryx

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‘Boom ...’ Just entered the mountain stream, the entire lotus boat sank suddenly, and it was no doubt more difficult to control. The gravity in this beast mountain was surprisingly large. ⊥Vertex Novel,

Chen Jiu was startled, but he quickly stabilized the lotus boat. Although the gravity increased, it did not affect them too much!

'咻咻 ……' Penetrating into the mountain stream, both sides are peaks that are not high. Chen Jiu and his team of seven are regarded as incredible Taoists, but compared with the mountains in front of them, there is still a kind of shivering tree. feel.

"Unfathomable, if this beast mountain is really the product of the aftermath of the calamity, then how strong is the real calamity?" Wen Xie could not help but sighed, obviously also very awesome here.

"In the legend, Beast Mountain has 981 Shanshan Customs. I have not dared to go forward before I broke through 19 lanes. I hope to make a breakthrough this time!" He said this is still very authoritative.

"Why are there 50 checkpoints on Xiantian's map? Doesn't anyone pass through the checkpoints in the future?" Chen Jiu couldn't help asking.

The beast mountain seems to be magnificent and vast, but according to the explorations of its predecessors, it is still roughly divided according to the terrain. The so-called Shanhaiguan is the most vivid interpretation of rights.

For example, now that Chen Jiu and theirs have crossed the first mountain pass, they have arrived at the first mountain customs. At this glance, there are countless mountain peaks and stone forests. There are countless mountain beasts here. They are in danger. Yes, step by step!

"Captain, after the unity of humanity, if you break into it, it may cause some terrible existence, so even they are afraid to be too pretentious here, and we can only break through the fifty barriers in our own way Or, it's almost hard to find one or two! "Mao Fei's legs explained in full.

"So it is. Is that the three stones of Hedao, Heshou, and Heshou? You need to go deeper to find them?" Chen Jiu couldn't help asking.

"It really depends on luck, but the first few levels are really gone. The more you go backward, the greater the chance, but no one can guarantee to find it immediately!" Gan Jiang replied.

"Then we don't need to delay here, go!" Chen Jiu nodded, then manipulated the Shenzhou and shot forward like a rainbow ribbon.

‘Buzz ...’ Chen Jiukuai, but some things seem faster. I can only hear the sound of scalp tingling, and I saw countless large mosquitoes flying suddenly between the mountains!

Densely, each of these large mosquitoes is as big as a bison. Their bodies are dark and bright like diamonds, and the large compound eyes are more labyrinth-like, and their eyes are dizzy.

"Captain, go down quickly. After entering the Beast Mountain, it is best not to fly, because it will provoke hostile attacks from countless Beasts!" Wen Xie reminded with some shame.

"It's okay, there are some ancient mosquitoes in the area, you don't need to waste time with them!" Chen Jiu shook his head, disdainfully, and ran straight into these mosquitoes.

‘嗤嗤…’ The ancient mosquitoes were also angry. They stirred their wings, exposed their teeth like spears and swords, and stabbed at Shenzhou fiercely.

‘Bang bang bang…’ This is thanks to Wanhua Jinlian. If it ’s a general magic weapon, it ca n’t withstand such an attack, but Rao is so.

"Some good ancient mosquitoes are indeed the overlords of the First Mountain Customs. They can actually **** our divine power. They are really alien monsters!" Chen Jiu shook her heart and did not take the initiative to retreat. Instead, she intensified her power infusion. .

‘铮…’ Wanhua Jinlian, which changes with Chen Jiu ’s mind, how powerful it is depends on Chen Jiu ’s strength. During his vigorous urging, it turned into a boat sword!

The long sword swept through the sky, martial arts stood out, and the front was full of strength.

'噗噗 ...' The ancient mosquitoes were stricken. Although they were numerous, they could not stop the mighty Chen Jiu at this time. The sharp sword was just like the king of Xian's eyes and penetrated all obstacles. .

With broken legs and corpses, Chen Jiu controlled Shenzhou and successfully killed a blood path. He went retrograde for about tens of thousands of miles, and then came to the second mountain stream.

"The captain Shenwei covers the world. It's the first time we have seen such an overwhelming customs clearance!" The fart made a louder sound, and the western demon seemed to have forgotten Chen Jiu to drain his fat.

"That is, when the captain goes out, all the three bones of the jade bone must stand aside!" The three-gun magician also applauded.

"The captain's style is unparalleled. If the flying fairy maiden meets, he will admire for the captain!" The unicorn demon gave his thumbs up directly.

"Huh, these are just pediatrics. When the captain breaks through all the way, he must let the flying fairy maiden love at first sight."

"Captain Yingming!" Three shots of the three of them, complimenting them vigorously.

"Brother, no, in the Beast Mountain, it is still important to save your physical strength!" Gan Jian can't help it, this Chen Jiu won't be so good. Right?

"Jiangan, what are you talking about, are you doubting the captain's physical strength?" Three shots reprimanded, but Ganjian was speechless.

"Brother, you want a woman. In fact, our maiden is also very good. Why do you spend so much time for a flying fairy maiden?" Wen Xie persuaded in another way.

"Oh? Isn't the flying maiden similar to our maiden of the magic gate?" Chen Jiu asked casually, but it didn't mean much.

"No, it's too much. Captain, in the legend, the flying fairy maiden is pure and spotless. The temperament is by no means comparable to our sage maiden. Who doesn't want this?" Road.

"No matter how beautiful it is, it's not just a woman!" Mao Fei's legs were unpleasant at this moment, and he secretly hated how Chen Jiu was so good. She really misunderstood him?

"Sister of Flying Legs, maybe your women are the same in your eyes, but in the eyes of our men, this woman is really different from a woman!" The three-gun magician said with a smile on his face.

"Captain ..." Mao Fei was too lazy to argue, looking forward to Chen Jiu, hoping that he would not be dazzled by beauty.

"Okay, we're in a hurry. The maiden of the fairy must be mine. You must not let others get on first!" Chen Jiu was obviously disappointing. He firmly controlled Shenzhou and passed the second mountain stream. Fly straight forward again.

There are countless beasts in the beast mountain. This flying in the air is the most vulnerable to enemies. It only heard a frog call, a slender, huge tongue with a thick liquid, hit the surface of the Shenzhou quickly, dragging it Go down!

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