Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3444: Ten Thousand Frogs

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The tenured frog, the overlord of Beast Mountain's Second Mountain Customs, usually dormant in each mountain stream and does not manifest. Once the enemy passes through its attack range, it will spit out its tongue and stick to everything. ◎ Vertex Novel,

"It's a really strong suction, but it's not enough to hold me!" Chen Jiu shouted, Shenzhou suddenly trembled, and easily opened the sticky tongue.

‘呱呱…’ Unfortunately, the journey did n’t seem to be going so smoothly, because the arrival of Chen Jiu actually made the whole mountain forest sound the sound of a fierce frog.

‘噗噗…’ Not only that, but I saw a long, long tongue, hitting the air with viscous liquid, dense like countless fountains. Looking at it like this, it ’s more like a demonstration!

"What's going on? Wan Wan Xie Frogs are naturally delicious and lazy, and generally don't have such a large-scale riot?" Wen Xie also couldn't understand.

"That is, we haven't reached their attack range, why did they start attacking?" Mao Fei's legs were also incomprehensible, because this is not the same as previous cognition.

"It doesn't matter how much work is done, just rely on the captain's power to kill all the way!" The three-shot magic encouraged them to support again.

"You are so bewildered by the captain. I think it ’s killing too many people, so they caused a chain reaction. If you kill them like this, it wo n’t lead to any terrible existence. We will all die!" .

"Well, don't quarrel!" Chen Jiu persuaded, but he really agreed with the commander's statement, because he was also wondering just now, would there be a delicate connection between this beast and the beast?

"Captain!" Chen Jiudu spoke. Naturally, these people were not good at saying anything, except that their respective faces were filled with dissatisfaction.

"Which bite frog, in addition to delicious and lazy, but also not picky, maybe we pass this level without too much effort!" Chen Jiu then smiled, and soon got an idea.

"Captain, what are you going to do?" Mao Fei didn't bother looking at Chen Jiu.

"Go!" Chen Jiu didn't explain. He directly controlled Shenzhou and flew straight into the mountain forest full of frog tongues.

"Ah ..." Such behavior, scared Mao Fei's legs and screamed, after all, she was still a little girl in her bones. Seeing the countless large tongues with sticky liquid flying around, it seemed She might be taken away at any time, of course she was shocked.

'puff! 'Unsurprisingly, a big tongue hit the Shenzhou straight and dragged it down, but at this time Shenzhou suddenly made a force and instead dragged the big tongue to a higher void. A tenacious fierce frog came out of the mountain forest.

He is full of crickets, this kind of gnawing frog is huge like a football field, and its ugly appearance is better than that of a toad.

'咻 ...' After dragging the ten thousand biteful frogs, Shenzhou was fully powered by Chen Jiu and flew forward, while behind him was a large long tongue, and a fierce dangled behind him. frog.

‘噗噗…’ Countless attacks are still coming on schedule, but at this time it was unexpected that many of the attacks hit the long tongue.

This time, it ’s a bad thing. The long tongue and the long tongue touch each other. They stick to each other and seem to be inseparable, which creates a messy scene.

Of course, Chen Jiu couldn't drag so many Ten Thousand Frogs forward. After feeling that he was almost there, he shook off the long tongue and stopped to watch.

Behind him, there was a mess, and there was no more danger. I saw countless long tongues converging and sticking in the sky through a long tongue. I couldn't withdraw it all the time, and it was impossible to make a second attack!

"Captain, your trick is really clever. The reason why these ten thousand venomous frogs are called ten thousand venomous frogs is that what they eat in their mouths has never been spit out. Usually they are safe and sound. Keep your own place, but after the captain's so much work, hundreds of fierce frogs are all connected together. According to their personality, it is really killing each other and never ending! "Three guns will be the first! Compliments.

"Captain, isn't it good to kill like this?" Mao Fei legs disapproved.

"I didn't kill them. If they have to kill each other, then it doesn't matter to me. Let's go, I don't believe these fierce frogs dare to stop us!" Chen Jiu shook his head. In this world of weak meat and strong food, there is not enough Strength, there is no qualification for compassion.

‘咻…’ Next, I fully confirmed Chen Jiu ’s speculation that there was some connection between the beasts. At least after learning about the misery of his companions, no one would dare to attack this Shenzhou.

Forbidden Shenzhou, Chen Jiu didn't know. He played too **** this hand, and made countless dormant ten thousand frogs scare the courage, treating them completely as a taboo, and he will never provoke it again!

In this way, Chen Jiuyi passed the Second Mountain Customs smoothly and unimpeded. This short period of time made the Qilin Devil shame them all, and the gap between people was really such a big one.

At the next mountain pass, Chen Jiu barely stayed, directly entering the third Shanhaiguan, and what he needed to face here was a mountain beast known as a poisonous dragon and snake.

Poisonous dragons and fierce snakes are huge in size. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are all dragons, but they are more dangerous than dragons, that is, their inherent venom. This venom can corrode the **** body. You may die here if you are not careful.

"Captain, be careful!" Gan persuaded them to persuade Chen Jiu as always, but he didn't seem to care about it at all, and continued to run away.

‘Roar…’ Such behaviors naturally annoyed countless poisonous dragons and fierce snakes. They spewed venom, swept across the tail, and countless attacks bloomed in the air.

"Captain Shenwei, no one else!" Sitting on the Shenzhou, enjoying peace, the unicorn demons blossomed on their faces.

No accident, Chen Jiu ’s current strength, through these obstacles, is actually too simple, but after he passed, he paused a little, watching these countless dragon and snake romances, he couldn't help thinking of himself The old dragon in Jiulongjie.

This old guy won't die, right? Why hasn't it been so long? But I still have to count on it to unlock the secret of Jiulongjie!

Yes, as Chen Jiu became more powerful, he needed the help of the dragon less and less, so that when it fell asleep again, he did not find out.

died? Of course, I don't really think so. Chen Jiu has a hunch. This guy will definitely shine in Xianxian Tian!

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