Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3452: Bingfen San Road

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Booming…’ As Chen Jiu ’s words just fell, the ground shook, and a fiery red tide came from a distance. Looking closely at these things, the three shots almost scared them out. Alas,

Dense, countless hell-fork appeared, their humanoid appearance, red skin, fangs and teeth, each holding a black steel fork, this steel fork is not derived from the outside, but a natural weapon born in their hands !!

"This ... so many **** gangsters are blocking the road, how can this pass?" The three shots were not confident for the first time and looked at Chen Jiu.

"It's a bit of a hassle, but three shots, it's time for you to be loyal to me. As long as you help me get through the road and wait for me to destroy that beast, Ho Dao Shi will share you!" Chen Jiuyi Change to the usual practice, actually no longer eager to fight.

"Captain, you can rest assured that this little thing will not embarrass us!" The Kirin Devil will be jealous as soon as he hears the Dao Stone, and regardless of the opinions of the other two, he should directly accept it.

"Well, Kirin, your loyalty is commendable, and I will greatly reward you in the future!" Chen Jiu praised with satisfaction.

"Captain, we must do our best!" Western demons hurriedly drank them, and it looked like they were afraid of not being rewarded.

"Come on, I will cover you in the back!" Between the orders of Chen Jiu, the three were full of ambition again, and the meteor strode to the **** fierce fork flooding up.

"Kill ..." The three-gun magic general, the western magic general, and the unicorn magic general, they are all the top magicians of the Heavenly Demon Gate. This is very terrible to launch. A **** fork of the **** was torn by them. They Going up against the current, the end is traveling very fast.

Of course, if Chen Jiu was not overseeing the battlefield, the three would not have the courage to kill them forward. The reason why they dare to go all out is that they have already believed in Chen Jiu!

‘Chacha…’ The killer was killing him. Suddenly, a pure black hell-fork appeared, and the harpoon in his hand was actually golden. At this point, he knew it was a bad character.

"Lord Fork Lord, join up with the siege!" The Kirin Demon will quickly make a decision, but still does not mean to shrink back.

The avenue was empty, and the three parties were strangled. The lord of the **** murder fork was considered a bad mold. Once he came out, he encountered a siege by a forceful three.

'Booming ...' After the boulevard vibrated, the lord of the murder fork was completely smashed. In the original position, only a golden steel fork was left. It actually resisted the smash of the avenue. Really a rare treasure.

"You guys, I'll take this golden fork first!" The three-gun demon will reach out first and want to possess the golden fork.

"Be careful!" Chen Jiu reminded, but it was a slow step, and saw the calm Jincha suddenly force, piercing the crotch of the three-gun magician severely.

"Yeah!" The three-gun magician sent a pig-killing voice, too close, and he couldn't respond, and was thrust into his own crotch by the golden fork. The blood was flowing and the end was miserable .

"This ... three shots, are you okay?" Kirin was quite dissatisfied, but now watching the three shots demons this miserable smirk.

"Ouch, it hurts me, pull it out for me ..." The three-shot demon will pinch his legs, and his whole body is shaking, but as his demon warrior, it is not so easy to die.

"Okay, I'll help you!" Kirin Demon came to the front kindly, grabbed the golden fork and suddenly pulled it out.

"Well, you lightly!" With a blood spurt, the three shots fell down in pain, but it took a long time for God to calm down. "Where is my golden fork?"

"Three shots, I'll take the Jincha first, and wait for it to be distributed by the captain!" The Kirin Demon will speak with a noble face, making it impossible to refute.

"Well, three shots. You seem to have lost something. Is your brother separated from you?" The Western demon will then remind him with a good smile and smile: "I'm going, you are too small, just like you Can the little guy make a woman alive? "

"Huh, what do you know, I have more than this one, I win by volume!" I feel that my face is not up and down, and the three-shot magic will be violent. Expose my **.

"You ... you really are a wonderful one!" Western magicians, including Chen Jiu, were all white-eyed and looked at the three-gun magician there. There was nothing to say.

"Not good, these guys are coming up again, it's really endless!" The Kirin Demon will rush over again, and the three-shot demon will rest for a while, and it is a brave battle again.

Chen Jiu, who followed him leisurely, became the most timid person. He couldn't help looking at the two sides of the stone road in his spare time, and he was worried about the encounter of the other two teams.

In fact, this is exactly the case. First of all, they said that the team of Lonely Grass. Although they did not have so many monsters, they encountered some monsters.

Who can live without regrets at this time? At this time, these regrets turned into a demon to attack everyone. It is really invincible. Once the mind is lost, it will usher in a great deal!

It seems true and imaginary. The heart monster is between real and illusory, and it is more true. They are ugly and rancid. They are just like climbing out of the river of hell, making people nauseous.

Unfortunately, such ugly monsters, standing in front of them at this moment, are extremely close to them, at least on the surface.

For example, Duo Lan, Lonely Cloud, and Mao Fei legs, these women, even took the initiative to put into the arms of these monsters!

"Father ... sexual ..." The women are passionate. There is always a most important man in their hearts, and this man, 80% of them have not been able to get his love, and this is the biggest number of regrets and robberies in their hearts.

Intimately clinging to the ugly monsters, their expressions are full of happiness, but they don't know that the monster's claws have been raised high, and they may be fatally hit at any time!

"The past cannot be repeated. Now that it has been lost, it will never be possible again. Accept the reality and wake up!" Lonely grass shed tears in his eyes, and he kept a certain distance from the monster. He was awake at the most critical moment. Come over "Lonely and unyielding!"

‘Boom rumbling…’ The avenue is empty, and the lonely avenue contains an unyielding will. It ’s like wild grass. The wild fires are endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again.

'Roar! 'The monster of the heart is good at controlling people ’s hearts. The fighting force is not too strong. The unyielding avenue of Lonely Grass is enough to sweep away, and his power finally relieved everyone's crisis and left them with fear. This is terrible. Is it smooth for others ?

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