Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3453: End of stone road

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

On the way to the future, blood axe and others also encountered great trouble. In front of them, a dragon like a mountain blocked their path, and the teeth and claws were enough to scare people. △ Vertex Novel,

‘Roar…’ A dragon howl shook the Quartet, and the blood axe rolled their blood and blood, which shows that this is not exactly a fictional dragon.

Real dragon? They were timid before the battle, and the blood axe stopped them, and did not dare to offend the majesty of the dragon!

Longmu was angry. Although he did not attack the crowd anymore, an invisible spiritual will was suppressed, which made everyone heavy and bloody.

"No, if we continue this way we will completely collapse. We must overcome fear and break through everything. Even if the dragon is blocking the way, we must walk over its body!" Gan warned, the first roared.

"Yeah, fight!" Mo Xie responded, and Blood Axe hesitated a little, and nodded their approval!

"Kill ..." In this way, several people teamed up to sacrifice each with the strongest attack and hit the dragon in front of them fiercely. Although some ants shook the tree, the effect was extremely significant.

With a scream, the unstoppable dragon was torn apart. It turned out to be just a false image of a flower shelf!

"The captain is right. As long as we stick to our heart and unyielding will, we will be able to successfully pass this barrier!" Mo Xie and others were pleased and admired Chen Jiu even more.

"Go, next time we won't be afraid anymore!" Blood Axe went forward with high morale, but some things, even though they knew it would be fake, still could not be completely fearless, so this way, They went very hard.

The real stone road, the monsters here in groups, all of them are the twenty-two levels of the real existence of the fierce, densely blocking Chen Jiu their path, really caused them great trouble!

After the countless hell-forks, one headless corpse appeared, and they stood in their individual figures, but without their heads. That alone was creepy, let alone fighting.

Fortunately, all three of them are very human. Although they have some palpitations, they will not affect their power.

'Booming ...' The avenue swept away, and the headless corpses were removed like rubbish. I have to say that the unicorn demons were particularly fierce. If they had not met Chen Jiu, they would have been more perverted than them. The average person would really want them !!

‘哧哧…’ Good days do n’t always exist. After sweeping a distance, three golden headless corpses suddenly appeared across the road.

The whole body is golden and bright, like gold casting. Although they have no head and are ugly in appearance, at this time they exude peaceful light, forming a sharp contrast with those evil **** corpses around!

"No, this is the three corpse lords. To kill them, you must vigorously destroy their bodies!" Kirin Demon will speak carefully and frowned.

"If I hadn't dared to hit them before, but today I'm going to bury them under my three shots!" The three shot monsters rushed to the first with full confidence. "One for each!"

"Okay!" The Western demon attached them to the drinking room, and then rushed up.

The three demons battle the three corpses, the spirit is surging, the corpses are not changed, the six-person battle is wonderful, bursting to the extreme, and seeing Jiu Jiu can't help but clap his hands and applaud!

"Four Blessings and Rings!" The Kirin Demon will suddenly become soaring. After he was violent, he roared, and actually tore the lord of the corpse violently.

"Captain, please lend me a Buddha relic!" Then, the Western demon begged loudly, to know that my Buddha relic was his greatest reliance. After provoking Chen Jiu last time, he never returned it to him. He didn't dare to say anything, but in fact he kept thinking about it.

"Oh, kill the enemy well, I can give it to you!" Chen Jiuda's sacrifice offered a relic and threw it out. This thing is not very useful to him now.

"Thank you Captain!" The western demon was overjoyed, and after regaining my Buddha relic, he even used the relic to hold the headless corpse, and then surpassed it into fly ash.

"Gun of death!" At the same time, the three-shot demon will also be a great show of power, and the third gun pierced the chest of the headless corpse fiercely, tearing it apart.

"Wow!" However, just as the three shots were successful, a sudden cry of babies came, and a golden light separated from the corpse and attacked the three shots.

"Oh!" Worryingly, the three-shot demon screamed again. He looked down, and it turned out that something like a baby's head was biting under him.

"This ... the corpse has a skull, and it is better to kill it early, otherwise it will cause countless robbers in the future!" Seeing the baby's head, Kirin immediately remembered some terrible legends and was very grateful.

"Damn!" The three-shot demon will rise in rage, and a shot across will stab the baby's head fiercely and utterly die.

"Three shots, you got a bite from it, are you okay?" Chen Jiu thought it was a little funny, but the ones who didn't dare to laugh were still caring.

"That is, three shots. Why is this baby biting you again? This time, it won't exterminate you, right?" The Western magician couldn't help it.

Why is it always me? The three guns bowed in their hearts, but were unwilling to lose face in front of the crowd, and then proudly preached, "Bite another fear, I have one more!"

"What? You really have three shots!" This time, they were all shocked and speechless in the West.

"Otherwise, the name of your deity is called in vain?" Three shots are proud, but they did not know that everyone was laughing at him in his heart!

In order to prevent the three shots from exploding, the crowd did not pick out what to do, and continued to move forward.

Blood was killed all the way. After three days and three nights, Chen Jiu and they finally reached the end of the stone road. There is a mountain here, and there is a cave in the middle of the mountain, exuding the magical light of the avenue!

"This kind of light contains the power of pure avenues. Is this the brilliance of the legendary Hedao Stone?" Chen Jiu was surprised and ecstatic.

"There must be no mistake, go in quickly!" Three shots of their greedy. Greedy nature. The outbreak, Qiqi's radio shot entered the Dongfu.

‘Hou ...’ They went in faster and came out faster. Three shots of them flew in vertically. When they came out, they flew out horizontally. When they fell, they saw that their flesh was festering, and they were badly injured.

"Captain, the monsters inside are so terrible, you must avenge us!" The three cried and cried without any awareness at all.

"I know, you're waiting here, I'm going to explore!" Chen Jiuzhong nodded in emphasis. Although he knew there would be danger, he stepped into Shifu without hesitation. What kind of monster would it be?

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