Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3466: My name

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Hey, beau, what's your name?" Suddenly, Chen Jiu asked the Flying Fairy again.

"Why do you ask this? Aren't you going to marry me?" Fei Xiannian glanced at Chen Jiu in surprise, something incomprehensible.

"Beauty, although I won't marry you, but to make a beautiful friend of yours is also a matter of honour, wouldn't you refuse me?"

"For the sake of killing Jiumu Sanjiao Snake, I can tell you, my name is 囡囡!" The flying fairy maiden took a deep look at Chen Jiu and told him.

"Well, what a good name!" Chen Jiu praised sincerely.

"It's rare to get your exaggeration. Should I thank you?" The fairy fairy said blandly, how can I thank him for his plans?

"No, no, I am very kind to my friends. Since you want to listen to good things, I will often talk about you in the future!" Chen Jiu patted his chest as if he could not see it.

"Oh? I don't know what you're going to boast about me?" Fei Xiannv asked again casually.

"Well, you are like the moon in the sky, and like the twinkling stars. Unfortunately, I am not a poet. Otherwise, write 10,000 poems to describe your beauty!" Chen Jiu immediately responded positively.

"You're not a poet, and I don't need you to write 10,000 poems. How about you write a poem to praise me?" Fei Xiannian pouted a rare smile and deliberately gave Chen Jiu a problem.

"One song, then I have to think about it!" Chen Jiutun felt a bit big, but at this point he could only bite his head, anyway, not to let the beauty look down.

"Sir, it's not early ..." The cold girl finally found a chance to speak. What's wrong with the sir today, usually not so much?

"Oh, don't worry about poetry. Now let's talk about followers!" The maiden also understood the importance of the matter.

"Sir, this is the stone fruit we prepared for you!" They glared at Chen Jiu after the hurricane, and then quickly took out a stone fruit one by one, the liver was bright, red, and different sizes.

"You friends did not disappoint me, then I accepted it. You can follow me in the future!" The flying fairy drew a hand and took away Shi Guo to make a promise.

"Thank you maiden!" They were excited by the hurricane. They can spend a long time with the maiden of the fairy. Maybe they will be able to get the moon near the water tower.

Unlike Chen Jiu's idea, the flying fairy is very beautiful. Although she lacks a femininity, leaving men with no instincts, desires, and desires, such a beautiful woman is the capital that men use to show off. Why, as a man, you don't want to get accounted. Have her?

"Anyway!" The flying fairy shook her head, and the beautiful appearance of Gujing is still so beautiful that she is so beautiful that she has nothing to say.

"Uh ..." Somewhat embarrassed in the cold, and suddenly couldn't find the topic of the hurricane. They suddenly saw Chen Jiu and immediately made fun of him: "Hey, Chen Jiu, didn't you say that you have a lot of stone fruit yesterday? How dumb now Now, you know that if you want to be a follower of the Virgin, you have to give a stone fruit! "

"Noisy, did you not see Lao Tzu thinking about poetry?" Chen Jiu dissatisfied and glanced at the crowd and said, "A small stone fruit is nothing, but I do n’t know if I want to live in Neon Pavilion. How many stone fruits? "

"What? You're bold, you even want to live in Neon Pavilion, it's so heavenly!" Hurricane and others were shocked and severely rebuked Chen Jiu.

"Yeah, I'm just looking for followers, not high or low!" The flying fairy nodded, but drank the words of the hurricane.

"If I say that, I can't live in it?" Chen Jiu was disappointed. Shi Guo didn't lack it, but it was safe to live in it.

"Sir, the capable one can do more. Since this brother Chen Jiu wants to contribute more to the sir, why don't we give him a chance?" Without waiting for the sage to deny it, Feifei suddenly spoke to persuade him.

"Sir, no, this son is a arrogant bragging fanatic. You must not listen to his nonsense!" But they sang a contradiction in the hurricane.

"Since you say I'm bragging, why did you recommend me to the maiden just now, are you afraid that you are inferior to me and compared with me?" Chen Jiu pointed at their noses and scolded.

Do we recommend you? They were very wronged by the hurricane, and they really couldn't get used to Chen Jiu's angry expression: "Can we be worse than you? We just don't want to embarrass the Virgin!"

"Sir, the more stone fruit, the better. Since everyone is interested in competing, why don't we have a stone fruit competition ranking competition, the first one can enter the Neon Pavilion, and sleep with us?" Feifei Suggest it again.

"Well, then decide on the rank of followers based on the number of stone fruits!" Fei Xiannv thought for a long time, there is no reason to refuse such a good thing.

"I'll make two!" As soon as the maiden of Feixian said, Chen Jiu just shouted and took out two stone fruits with a proud look.

"You ..." I didn't expect that Chen Jiu really had two stone fruits. They were really irritated with irritated teeth in the hurricane, very unwilling, but helpless.

"I also produced two!" Wang Geji took out a stone fruit and refused to be defeated by Chen Jiubi.

"I have three!" Lonely Chunqiu's face was sore and painful, which obviously reached his bottom line, I am afraid that the life-saving stone fruit was sent out.

"Although I can't compete for the first place, you can't get it too!" Xiang Chi gave up the competition, but mocked Chen Jiu.

"Who said I couldn't get the first? I gave five!"

Was the Doom Stone Fruit a Cabbage? Everyone looked at Chen Jiu's hands in shock, but there was always empty, there was no trace of stone fruit.

"Stink boy, where are you Shigou, who fools?" Xiang Zhijun's face twitched. He really wanted to go up and **** his mouth. What was it about? It scared me.

"Hey, hey, aren't we good friends, or should I owe you first?" Chen Jiu then looked at the fairy fairy with a shameless glance.

"No!" Fei Xiannv had no time to play jokes with him at the moment, and refused directly.

"So, wait a minute!" Chen Jiu shook his head helplessly, then came to the three shots and asked: "The three of you borrowed the stone fruit for my use first, and I will return it to you when I return!"

"This ..." The three shots were hesitant and embarrassed. They must know how many Chen Jiu still owed them now, not to mention, and to find them to borrow again, how could this be borrowed? In case he didn't pay back, wouldn't he have been killed by him?

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