Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3467: First follower

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"How? You don't believe me? Besides, even if you don't believe me, then you don't want to live in Neon Pavilion, you look at the beauty of several heavenly girls, don't you want to pursue them?" Chen Jiu then yelled directly Get up, lest the flying fairy saints do not know that these men have bad minds. ∈♀ Vertex Novel,

"Ah, Captain, don't say it, we can't borrow you!" Three shots of them are ashamed. Hey, but at the same time want to understand one thing, this silly fork can not rely on his account?

"Huh, there is really nothing good about Demon Gate, even if you live in Neon Pavilion, I will not give you any chance!" At this time, another heavenly girl spoke, she was different from Feifei's cuteness, cold and cold She was born with a charming charm, which was particularly attractive.

"Oh? Well, what's the name of this beautiful girl?" Chen Jiu took the stone fruit and passed it to the flying fairy.

"She is charming!" Said the flying fairy completely in the face of Shi Guo, but then she could not help but warned: "You better be honest, otherwise, even if you are mine Followers, then I will not spare you! "

"That's, that's, our Tian Mo Men's people are the most honest, who doesn't know this Xiantian people?" Chen Jiu nodded with a smile.

No shame, everyone did not say it, but at the same time scolded in their hearts!

"Heroes, Chen Jiu has come up with five stone fruits. Is there anything more than him? If not, then he will become our maiden's first follower, with the right to serve close by!" Fei Fei slightly preached slightly happily.

"This ..." They were very reconciled. They were annoyed by Chen Jiu in the hurricane. They really wanted to go over and pick him up a few layers of skin immediately to make him the first follower. They were ten thousand unconvinced.

Although Wang Geji didn't hate them that much, they were equally unwilling, but they were all ashamed and astringent. At this time, they didn't even have the confidence to speak!

"If you don't have any meaning, then the first follower is settled!" The Fairy Lady finally asked again.

"Slow, sir, this son has a low level of skill, making him the first follower, I am afraid it is difficult to protect your safety, sir!" Xiang ruler's brain struggled to find the reason.

"Ski ruler, you don't know about it, although my skill is lower, but she is close to the virgin, she can protect me!" Chen Jiu's words were so good that everyone was speechless.

"Okay, Chen Jiu's first follower is so settled. As for lonely Chunqiu and Wang Geji, you can now choose to take back the stone fruit, or become the second and third follower, you think about it!" She kept glancing at Chen Jiu, and then looked at the lonely Chunqiu them, and she had no reason to give up another stone fruit.

"Don't think about it. Now that it has been taken out, let it be to the maiden. I believe that it will play a greater role in our hands than us!" Lonely Spring and Autumn fell decisively and continued to hand out the stone fruit. .

"So I am really the third?" Wang Geji glanced helplessly at Chen Jiu, and really hit his crow's mouth.

In this way, after a competition, the flying fairy maiden harvested more than half of the stone fruit, and the ranking of the crowd was determined accordingly. According to the order, Chen Jiu was closest to the flying fairy maiden!

"Hey, beautiful girl, what's your name?" It seemed that Chen Jiu was not really interested in the flying fairy maiden, and he approached the last of the four heavenly girls again.

"Whatever you do!" The beauty glanced at Chen Jiu and gave him no face.

"Why doesn't it matter to me? I am now the first follower of the maiden, and you are also the maiden of the maiden. Is this whether I have to take care of you, I want to take care of you, how can I not know you What about the name? "

"Who wants you to control it!" The beauty glanced angrily, and put her face away.

"Hey, beauties, you have a beautiful face, just tell me!" Chen Jiu then started playing Lai Pi, as if it were a natural color embryo.

"Go to the side, annoying!" Unfortunately, this beautiful woman did not eat this set, she did not tell Chen Jiu's name.

"She's called Qiaoqiao, but the smartest among us!" When Chen Jiu was helpless, Feifei suddenly came over to tell him kindly.

"Oh, it's called Qiaoqiao. I said how it looks so small and attractive!" Chen Jiu suddenly praised him again.

"Fei Fei, how can you tell him!" Qiao Qiao complained, somewhat dissatisfied.

"Coincidentally, we will be staying together for a long time to carry out our tasks. It is better to know each other!" Feifei persuade.

"Just don't go with him, it's necrotic!" Qiaoqiao still has a lot of opinions about Chen Jiu: "They clearly are uneasy to us!"

"A man is not bad, a woman doesn't love it, we have to pursue you, how can it be unsettling? If there is no marriage between men and women, how can this humanity reproduce? Could you be a child?" Preaching.

"You ..." Qiaoqiao stared at Chen Jiu for a while and couldn't refute it.

"Bad guy, you bully Qiaoqiao, we don't agree!" At this moment, the cold and charming could not see the past but also came over.

This time, it was lively. Chen Jiu gathered four heavenly girls. You came to me, but it was particularly lively. They were not consciously attracted by the hurricane. Although they hated him, some of his words were in their hearts. But it is also very agreeable.

"You ..." The Flying Fairy stared, and she found that her real protagonist had been left out in the cold. She was going to tell you the next goal. Now it seems that nobody wants to listen, and everyone seems to be right Are they more interested in the noise?

Noisy, noisy for a long time, in fact, no results came out, and finally Feifei preached the topic: "Everyone listen to the maiden, right?"

"Master, do you say this man is uneasy in pursuing us? Is our teaching strictly forbidden to cooperate with men? Is this wrong?" Qiaoqiao then looked at the Fairy Saint with some grievances.

"This ... there is nothing wrong with the teachings. As the Heavenly Lady of Fei Xian Gong, I should sever my feelings and keep my body and mind pure!" The lady of Fei Xian was shocked with a clear point of view.

"Sir, why are there still some seniors who are willing to rebel from the martial arts and go with the men?" This is the thing that coldly they can't understand.

"Well, that's all for now. Now let's talk about what we are going to do next. After all, we are here, but not for sightseeing!" Some things are not understood, and the Virgin will not say anything. Her most important task now is to find the legendary He Shou Shi and redeem her respected teacher!

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